

Chimobi_Princess · Fantasy
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Back to School (I)

I went downstairs to the kitchen after I had packed my books for school, I found a note on the counter as well as twenty dollars, the note was from dad which means he and Sandra will be away for some time, I began to read the letter before I got startled by Chris,

"what the hell Chris, you made my heart fly out my chest"

"and why is that, it's only two of us at home"

"firstly, I didn't expect you to be up this early, secondly, you know dad and Sandra are away?"

"yup, dad says they'll be back in the next two weeks and, for the money, you get ten dollars and I get ten dollars also, I have to be early, it's the first day of school"

"since when did you care about first days of school"

"since I fell in love with Livy Wayne"

" (scoff) don't tell me you got all dress just to see someone who humiliates every chance she gets"

"still, I love her even though she treats me badly, I will always love her and won't give up on her"

"don't say I didn't warn you, come let's eat breakfast and leave for school"

Christopher Scott is eighteen years old. He has a caramel colored hair and dark blue eyes, 6'2 feet's tall. Chris is my favorite in my family, he's always there for me and treats me like his biological sister, I'm really concerned about his dangerous feeling for Livy cuss nothing food will come out of it, I just don't understand why he doesn't want to let go but when the Vail in his eyes has been removed, I'll be here waiting for him.

After thirty minutes of drive, Chris pulled up at our school building, too bad it's his last year here, I'm really gonna miss having him around.

"so we're here, wish me luck, I'm going to find the queen of my heart"

"you can't just quit can you"

"nope, now get out my car"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes as I got out the car, I went to my usual spot to wait for Avery, she's always so late. I watched Chris disappear into the school building, after about twenty minutes, Avery arrived on her new silver Honda CBF1001 motorcycle and she dramatically pulled off her helmet from her head and walk towards me.

"do you always have to be so dramatic" I asked pulling her in a tight hug,

"and do you always have to hug so tight, you're choking me"

I squished her a little more before letting go,

"yes I do, I haven't seen you in a while"

"well in that case, I always have to be dramatic, after all I'm a celebrity. How's Chris by the way"

"he's okay, he's at it again"

"(scoffs) he never gives up does he"

"(shakes head viciously) nope"

Just then, Livy showed up with her minions,

"well, well, well....well"

"there are only three wells Tania"

"oh, I thought there were four, but now I know"

We all rolled our eyes and Livy began to bark

"oh my, look we came across.."

"wait, I thought we came here to look for them"

"shut up Tania!" Livy and Stacy said in unison,

"as I was saying, look who it is, the boy snatcher and her little dumb friend"

"what do you want Livy" I asked in disgust,

"to warn you, Raymond is a new student from Houston"


"don't play dumb, I want you to stay away from him cuss he's mine"

"look, if you just want to waste my time then forget it, it's the first day of school, Idon't need this act of yours this morning" I said and dragged Aver with me into the school building.

"I'm so tired of that girl, because her dad is an important personal in this school, she thinks she can bully anyone and everyone" Aver said in frustration

"don't let her get to you Aver, forget it"

"hold up, she said something about Raymond Williams"

"Yes, he'll be attending our school tomorrow"

"(squeals) what! it can't be The Raymond williams right"

I crossed my arms across my chest and watched my friend jump about like a monkey 

"so? what's the big deal about it"

"(looks at me like I'm crazy) what!, don't tell me you don't know Raymond Williams, the famous fashion model, cousin to the famous twins Cole and Nicole but are referred to as felix and Emily, he is also the bestfriend to the famous nate Rickards who is Emily's boyfriend, how can't you know him"

"oh, I didn't know it was that Raymond williams"

"(sighs in relief) I thought you didn't know him"

"yeah yeah, that aside, I have something exciting to tell you" I said leaning on my locker which was beside Aver's own,

"and what's that" Avery asked opening her locker

"I kissed a guy" I said jumping in excitment while Aver slamed her locker shut,


"yup, the cutest guy ever"

"wow, how, when, where" she said getting too excited

"calms girlfriend, you'll be surprised where, it was...." I kept quite making Aver more curious, she looked like an excited baby who's waiting to hug her mama,

"in my dreams" I said with my hands in the air like I just finished a presentation,

"(looking disappointed) really" 

"(laughs) o come on, at least I kissed a guy in my dream even if it's not in reality, it's an achievement" I said while bored Aver opened her locker again to drop her book, a picture of the Williams and their friend was pasted in her locker, Raymond, for some reason looked familiar, not popular familiar but I've met him before familiar, I thought for some time then it stroke me, he was the cute guy in my dream.

"oh my gosh Aver!"

"what! what is it" Aver replied panicked 

"Raymond is the guy I kissed in my dream" immmediately Avery heard this, she began to laugh but I just stared at her not understanding what was so funny and also to let her know that I wasn't joking,

"(stops laughing) oh, you're serious"

"of course I am, I just realised he was the one immediately I saw his picture'

"(smiles) wow girlfriend, this is great because he'll be attending our school tomorrow, this is good news Steph"

"and why is that"

"you know the saying, if you kiss aguy in your dream and you eventually meet him in reality, he's your soulmate"

"(laughs) and who said that"

"me of course"

"oh Aver, you're funny"

"but I'm serious here, this could actually be your chance to fall in love for real, and if you're lucky enough, he'll feel the same way about you"

"na, it's just a dream, nothing more"

"no it's...(the school bell rings, Avery sighs disappointed) time for assembly"

"yup it is so let's go".

 Assembly was boring today, as usual. First days of school assemblies re always the worst but we heard something which made the rest of the day blissful, our school principal Mrs Mia announced that the Williams and their friend would be attending our school the following day. Everyone went wild, the girls I mean, but the boys were alao excited because of Emily. You should jave seen Livy go crazy on the assembly because of Raymond, she's such a drama queen anyways, it's fifth period already and Aver for no reason stormed out of physics class, luckily, Mr J didn't notice her leave, I really wanted to leave but I didn't want to take chances so I decided to wait for her to return but she never did, I waited patiently for the class to end so I'll go find her but then my patience was running out, the class seemed to take forever, finally the bell rang, I searched for her in places she would most likely be but she wasn't there I then checked her favorite part of the school, the school cafeteria and just as expected, she was there.