
Murder in the Hallow

It's hard enough living down South already. Mix in sexy Vampires, and a Serial killer, what's a girl to do?

Lynzie_Lee · 奇幻言情
36 Chs


Chapter Four Part Two

Halfway down the road from Annabelle's, I waited with my engine off. Flipping down the mirror, I took out my makeup bag.

Usually when I was anxious, I would obsess over superficial things, like, did I choose the right lipstick? Would it clash with the dress? Did all reds go together? Did it actually matter? Snapping the lid to my Ruby Woo MAC lipstick, I heaved a great sigh. No. the color of my lipstick really didn't matter.

A sharp tapping noise on my window caused me to jump. I slung my lipstick up in the air with a scream. Annabelle bent down looking into the window trying to hide her smile.

She laughed sliding in my car. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine."

Annabelle tossed a small bag in the back of my seat, saying, "I hope so! Don't know if we need it or not but I brought a few things."

"No problem. We can stop at the gas station on the way."

"Sorry about my Grandma," she apologized wincing, " If you came in to change, then she'd really know something was up."

"No problem."

Annabelle beamed. "I told Victoria all about you, well except for the seeing dead people thing. Apparently you answered her prayers?"

My eyebrow quirked.

Shrugging Annabelle simply replied, "I don't know, but she said we're short staffed. Maybe something happened."

"Aren't you busy on the weekends?"

Annabelle bobbed her head. "Typically the girls fight over who works the weekend, you know because you make bank." Cracking her window to let some air in, she added, "Both our floor and the V.I.P are bouncing on the weekends. That's why I think us being short staffed tonight...it's suspicious."

We drove through Quail Hallow and I pulled into the gas station. Litterally just few hours ago, I'd been in the same parking spot. I wondered if Danny had started looking up possible victims yet?

"I forgot this place was back here," Annabelle remarked getting out of the passenger's side. She certainly lived in town because if she lived in the back woods, she'd know how popular Jud's was.

We entered the convent store and good old Jud was at his station. They'd given him a nice padded twisty chair, so he could be more comfortable waiting at the register.

"Hey there Jud," I tossed a wave just as he looked up. Like lightning he ripped off his glasses, scrubbed them on his shirt, and then slapped them back in place. Confused, I turned to look at what had gotten him so excited.

I died.

Annabelle when she'd been in the car, had a cardigan on. Now that it was off, gently draped over her arm, I had a good look at what she was wearing. Flabbergasted I could only gape. Straight up, she looked like a hooker. Her red dress sucked to every curve of her body, and worse it ended just under the curve of her booty cheeks. Sheepishly she pulled on it, smiling. "Yours is in the bag." The bag she'd been caring, swung off her shoulder and hung between us. I looked at her shaking my head. Reaching forward she dropped it in my hand.

Incredulous I demanded, "This is the waitress uniform you were talking about?"

She nodded sympathetically.

Oh my Lord was this embarrassing. I couldn't even meet Jud's eyes. I was so humiliated! I walked to the bathroom like I was doing the walk of shame.

Jud was a good man however I wasn't sure if he'd keep his mouth shut. If he didn't, then anybody to stopped for gas would get the story of how Circe Bucannon was now a prostitute.

Changing into the dress, I had to hop up and down just to tug the thing up. When I looked down at my self I cried, "Oh, Dear Lord." My who-haw was just a few inches from being on display! How on Earth was I supposed to work in this? I looked like a high dollar street walker.

"Circe how are you doing in there," Annabelle called. It was like she knew I was having a mini heart attack looking at myself.

Reaching for the door I unlocked it. She stood leaning on the side of the wall. Her eyes bulged, as I declared, "I look like a prostitute."

Annabelle doubled over laughing. She gripped the wall for support.

"Don't laugh at me," I groaned. Tugging at the bottom of the dress it was like a seesaw effect. I couldn't win for losing. The dress was ridiculous. It was either too low at the top or too short at the bottom!

"I'm sorry. It's just,"she broke down in giggles unable to speak. She wiped the laugh tears from her eyes, saying, "The look on your face!" Pushing her way in, still laughing, she shook her head. Annabelle couldn't stop. She was crying from it. "You know, to be quite honest, I don't think you realize how hot you are."

I reared back confused. "See," she said taking a paper towel and laying on the sink. She started putting out her makeup brushes. "You don't give yourself enough credit."

I reasoned, "It's not attractive to be over confidant."

"But it's also unattractive to not have any confidance. You know how many women would kill to look like you? Who starve themselves to look like you?" Using her brush, she swirled it around in some bronzer and took a hold of my face. "I bet the girls who went to school with you, hated you, and not just because you see ghosts. If you were ugly and could see ghosts, I don't think people would care as much."

I laughed. Swishing her brush around the underside of my cheeks, she blended it saying, "I remember my sister talking about you."

My eyes flashed because although Ashley had been nice to me, I didn't think she'd talk about me.

Annabelle shook her head reading my disbelief. " I saw you once. Ashely pointed you out to my grandma saying, not only were you the most beautiful girl in school, but you were also the kindest. No matter how anyone treated you…you always showed them kindness. Believe me that's no easy feat."

I'd no clue Ashely thought of me that way.

"Done," Anabelle smiled at me, "just added a little more contour and highlight. Now you looked like some sexy Fairy Goddess."

I laughed. "You mean Hooker Fairy Goddess."

We laughed togeather as we left the bathroom. I'd almost forgotten how I looked until poor old Jud's eyes popped wide. He looked ready for a heart attack. Choking on his Root Beer, he bent down coughing. I rushed over, nervous that it would be the end of him. Patting him on his tiny boney back, he looked everywhere but me.

My face redder than a cherry tomato, I asked, "You ok?" Which really was a stupid question. He literally almost choked from the sight of me. He wasn't ok.

Blinking at me, finally able to catch his breath, old man Jud waved me off. "I'm fine, but where are you all going dressed up? Isn't it a little late to be going out at night?"

"I got a job at a restaurant over in Wittenberg." That wasn't exactly a lie. I was going for a job...but also to find a killer.

Jud, who seemed to always be wearing the same overalls and checkered shirt, patted his chest. He was worried. I could tell he wanted to say something more but couldn't bring himself to.

Feeling guilty, embarrassed, and half naked, I gave his back one last pat. "See ya later." Calmly I walked towards the door. The sound of Old Jud's chair scraping across the floor singled that he wasn't done.

"Circe," he called, "wait up little lady!" He must have gathered the courage to tell me what was on his mind. I winced cursing the world before I turned with a smile on my face.

He moved faster than his bean pole legs could handle. "Jed," I replied moving forward and looping my arm around him. I wasn't certain how old he was, but he looked like a hundred. His whole body was breathing heavy from the excursion.

"Miss Circe, I don't want to pry and all, but I'm not so sure you should be hanging out with the likes of her."

"Now Jud," I chided, "Annabelle's a sweet girl."

"Ah I'm sure she is sweet," he said. I walked him back to his chair. He gripped the chair, attempting to hoist himself back up as he added, " but I'd be careful if I was you."

Hands on my hips I studied him. Jud was probably the nicest little man I'd ever met. If he weren't so old, and still married, I wouldn't mind him seeing my Nana. Why was he so worried about me hanging out with Annabelle?

"She looks like she's up to no good," he pointed out towards my car. Ashely was leaning against it waiting on me. "I don't want you getting involved in something you can't get out of."

"Now Jud," I assured him, " don't go getting your self in a tizzy. I'm a big girl. I know what I'm doing."

He gave me a long hard look. His green eyes were finally meeting mine. "Are you sure it's not what I'm thinking it is? If it is, little lady you'd best believe I'll be calling your Nana."

"I promise Jud."

Jud heaved a great sigh, "If I can't change your mind at least let me do this." Pulling out one of his drawers, he handed me a pocket knife. Standing next to him I was shocked.

"Jud," I replied ready to refuse his rather inappropriate gift, "I can't take that!"

Squishing up is face into something serious he instructed adamantly, "Yes you can and you will. If somebody starts getting smart with ya, you give them a little jab."

"I...I can't do that." I tried waving him off but he took a hold of my hand plopping it down in my palm.

"Yes you can," he assured, closing my fingers over it, "I don't know exactly what you are involved in tonight. If it's anything like what I'm thinking, then you'll need this." He leaned close to me whispering, "You ain't going on no special job are you?"

Special job? He wasn't thinking...sexual I hope.

"It's one of your special jobs isn't it." Smacking my shoulder he declared, "Oh you know what I'm talking about. Ghost-y job?"

Awkwardly I smiled. Well that wasn't what I was thinking he'd say. "I can't tell you that, but thank you. I'll keep it close."

"Good girl," he patted me again. I waved as I headed out the door.

Shaking my head, I couldn't quite believe what had just happened. Old man Jud gave me a freaking pocket knife?

Annabelle was still waiting by the car, arms folded smiling. "Bet he had a lot to say."

I unlocked the door saying, "He sure did."

"What'd he give you?" She stood up on her tippy toes trying to look over the top of the car.

"Pocket knife." She shrugged, getting in.

I started the car and we drove out of the gas station

Annabelle absently asked, "What's it like being Psychic?"

I snorted, "I think you're the only person ever to ask me that."

She was shocked. "Really? Nobody's ever asked you?"

I shook my head, "Nope. Never. Most people either steer clear of me, are disgusted by me, or think they can save my soul."

She laughed. "Yea, I can understand." Touching up her lipstick for the thousandth time. she continued with, "I mean I don't know what it's like to see ghosts, but I do know what it's like having people judge you. You know the reason Ashley and I lived with our Grandma?" When I didn't answer she smiled with a tilt of her head, "Come on. I thought EVERYBODY in town knew. You really don't know?"

Looking straight ahead I did know. Ashley's mom was a stripper. She'd gotten arrested for prostitution and her dad was a drug dealer. However that wasn't something you just brought up. In part, maybe that was why Jud didn't want me hanging out with her.

"Growing up I remember people being nice to me but only because of Grandma and Ashley. I wasn't invited to birthday parties, slumber parties, or anything like that. I think they were too scared, worried that just because their kid knew me, they'd become a stripper too." She rolled her eyes. "People can be really stupid."

I agreed. People could be really stupid.

"Sometimes, I think that's why Ashley involved herself with Church. You know, like to prove she wasn't like our mom or dad. Turned out really well for her didn't it? She still got hooked on drugs and stuff. Honestly I think it was the pressure to be perfect that broke her. It doesn't matter how kind or nice you are. People here just make assumptions, and there isn't anything you can do to change their mind."

I was in complete agreement with that. My family had deep seated judgement against them for generations. Sure we had some friends in the community but most people were fake. They showed us kindness just to our faces.

"Ashely didn't need to prove she was a wonderful person," I replied, "because she just was a wonderful person. No one should be judged because of their parents' choices."

Closing the visor Annabelle nodded, "Maybe it's the same for you too. So could you like, not see ghosts, if you didn't want to?"

That amused me. I smiled looking over at her. "Oh believe me if I could change that about myself I completely would."

"Really," Annabelle said in awe. She leaned on the armrest looking up at me in admiration.

We'd made it to the main part of Wittenberg. It was a tiny resort village. All the houses were like doll houses, inexpiably cute.

"It's up there," Annabelle said pointing.

"There," I asked confused. What she pointed at, was a small corner that looked like an alleyway from Harry Potter. It stood with people milling in and out of it.

Annabelle nodded, "Yea."

I parked, put on my heels, and hobbled over to the entry way. Arched between the concreate wall of one building, and the pebbled wall of another, was the entry sign. In flowing Old English letters, it read, "Old Village Crossing." So creative, I thought dryly.

"Sorry, I probably should have told you, the whole road is pebbled. You get used to it after a while but watch your step." Annabelle held out her hand to me. Absently I took it, but I couldn't help but stare at the sign.

We hobbled through the archway and squeezed past people in order to get to a small space between two buildings. It was enough space for two women to walk through. We kept walking until we came to a door.

She opened it and herded me though a kitchen. Everyone was hustling and bustling. She hurried me past them to another door. Typing in numbers to a pad, the door unlocked, and we were in a Ladies' locker room.

Girls were changing some were doing their make-up, but every single one of them were very attractive. I suddenly felt like maybe I didn't belong.

Annabelle introduced me to some of the girls while we waited for Victoria. One of them was a girl by the name of Opal White.

Grinning, the very friendly Opal put out her hand. With long rich chestnut hair and large dove gray eyes, she stood out in a crowd. "I'm from Carter County too!" She was very cheery.

"Really," I asked surprised. I didn't remember meeting her specifically, but I did know some White's in town. Was she related?

"I don't know if I've never seen you in town, " she replied, "What'd you say your name was?"

"Circe Bucannon." Her eyes flashed at me right as I said my name. I realized she recognized it.

Her smile dimmed just the slightest. "Oh well, that's...that's nice. Are you joining our team?"

Annabelle spoke up before I could. "Yea I'm bringing her on. She's a friend of my sisters. She needed some extra money."

Watching Opal's reaction carefully, I had a sense that something had defiantly changed. She was a little more nervous and hesitant around me.

Biting her lip she tried to ask casually, "You aren't related to a Gavin Bucannon are you?" Instantly it clicked with me. She knew my brother.

"Yea, this is his older sister," Annabelle replied throwing her arm over my shoulder.

Opal sucked in air, momentarily forgetting what she was nervous about, "What? You mean you're older than Gavin?"

I laughed, "That's what good face cream does for you. So, Opal how do you know my brother?"

Edgy she chuckled, "Oh you know around. Everyone knows your brother. Well... I'll see you on the floor." Waving she skedaddled out of the locker room like her shoes caught fire.

Annabelle scrunched up her face, "That was strange."

"You think," I asked dryly.

"Opal usually isn't like that. Is she like a ex-girlfriend of your brother's or something? Maybe a fling? Does your brother have flings?"

As far as I knew Gavin didn't really date. "Maybe a fling," I wondered.

The key pad beeped and Annabelle pulled my arm whispering, "It has to be Victoria!"

We watched as the door opened. Sauntering in, came the most angelic person I'd ever seen. Victoria had straight pale blond hair, warm almost golden-brown eyes, and long lean legs. She literally looked like she fell from Heaven.

"Oh my God! Thank you!" She reached out clasping my hand in her's, and held it to her chest. "Thank you. Thank you," she cried, surprising me with," I am so glad you're hot!"

I blanched. WTF.

"You don't know how desperate we are tonight, " Victoria turned towards Annabelle, "Like literally you just saved my hide, and the fact that she good looking, makes it ten times better!" Victoria raked her hand though her long hair replying, "Not one but two of our waitresses didn't show up yesterday. When I called them, they didn't pick up! I wasn't sure what I was going to do, because you know how the weekends can get. I hate it but I'm going to have to fire them. "

Annabelle and I shared a look. I wondered why the two girls weren't answering the phone calls.

"I'll pay you under the table tonight, if that's alright," she turned towards me, " I'm like really desperate. Tomorrow you can bring everything and I'll put you on the books."

"How much will you pay tonight," Annabelle asked for me.

Victoria looked me over and decided, "Since I'm like in a spot and your saving my butt ...tonight I will pay you like a hundred bucks for the night? Cash? How's that sound?"

I nodded. Heck yea that sounded nice.

"If you get tips you can keep that too. We don't take tips out. You earn them yourself. OK, let's get you on the floor."

Victoria turned quickly and headed out. Before I got to the door Annabelle grabbed my arm. "I didn't tell you earlier but…this place has an unusually high turnover rate."

I thought about that as we all gathered around the hostess booth. With Victoria at the center she clapped her hands. "Ok," she replied, "as you know we open in about fifteen minutes. I wanted to let you guys know that as of a few minutes ago we had to let two staff members go. I understand life happens, but if you're not coming to work, you got to let us know."

Her request was reasonable but if they were dead...they couldn't let anyone know.

Looking at her watch, Victoria beamed. "Ok so we are about to open soon. I'm going to let you know, that as of today we are filling two V.I.P positions."

Excitement filled the air at her announcement. All the girls started talking excitedly. Victoria hushed them by simply raising her hand. Looking at her clip board, Victoria didn't miss a beat. "Opal White, and Venessa Taylor. Congratulations you've moved up to the V.I.P." Everyone clapped. Raising her voice over the congratulatory clapping, she called, "Places!"

Everyone jumped to attention splitting up into groups. A few girls stood against the wall near the end of the hallway, others headed into the dining room, and the last few girls walked past me to another door.

Annabelle grabbed my wrist whispering, "V.I.P." She nodded towards the other door. About six other girls, including the two new girls stood blocking us. I couldn't see what was over there, but it looked like maybe there were stairs leading down into a basement.

Victoria called my name just as people started coming in. I looked up to see she was still behind the Hostess booth. walking over my heart pounded.

"Again, thank you so much Circe," Victoria beamed. Her golden eyes sparkled at me. " I wanted to start your day with something a little easy." As she spoke to me, I darted glances at the V.I.P. They too were slowly coming through the door.

As I watched, something struck me as odd. Not that it was a huge deal, but I noticed the V.I.P guests looked a little different. I realized I never noticed our area having men like them. I couldn't think of where one would work to have a suit that fancy, or a watch that shiny. It might be surprising, but I'd been to New York. There's where I'd been for a few weeks of my training. I'm not saying men like that were only regulated to the financial district... but they didn't look like they belonged…in the mountains either.

"Do you have any questions?" Victoria blinked, smiling down at me. I had no idea what she was saying.

Pasting a smile on my face I grinned, "Yea sure I'm fine."

She clapped her hands. A smiled spread across her face. "Honestly I think you are going to be a great fit! I don't say this often but you have amazing potential for V.I.P. "

"Can I ask what's the difference? Like do you get paid a lot more or something?"

Victoria sparkled from my interest. "You get paid by the day, depending on how popular you are. For each bottle, or extra service you provide you get fifty percent. I know some girls that can make a thousand to three thousand, " she paused for effect, wiggling her brows, "a night."

I blanched. What the crap? Just for taking their order and giving them drinks?

"I know it's crazy," she put her hands up, "but honest to God it's clean work. These are just business men coming in for the weekend. Some of them are heirs to Southern fortunes, some big CEO'S, but they all have one thing in common." I hung on her next words, "They want some pretty little thing to pour them alcohol." I smiled but inwardly I still felt something...was off.

As the customers started filling in, I found myself practically becoming a different person. It was like another me came out and I needed that, other me, to get promoted to V.I.P as soon as possible.

Annabelle snuck up to the desk smiling, "Victoria keeps glancing over at you smiling. Not to mention the guests love you."

I winked. That was the plan.

Annabelle winced, "Oh Lord." Turning around she gave her back quickly to the guest at the end of the hall. "Whatever you do, do not engage this guy."

I saw who she was talking about. He was getting into a bit of an argument with one of the girls.

"Who is that guy," I wondered. Not unlike the men to our right, the blonde man also had expensive attire. However somehow it didn't come across as the same. The way it fit his body, or maybe it was the flashy way he paired everything, it looked cheap.

"That's Ryder Mayes," Annabelle explained."I know you know of him. Lord everyone does." Annabelle leaned in whispering, "His family owns Mayes Strawberry farm."

My eyes widened. I did know that name.

"I have no idea why he comes here. If it were up to Victoria, she'd kick his dumb butt out but he has some connection. Don't get on his radar Circe. He will make your life a living Hell. I'll get Victoria." She squeezed past me to go get our boss.

Chancing a look over at Victoria my heart stopped. I held my breath as a flush broke across my skin. There was a man standing just to the side of Victoria, his sharp gaze glowering at me. I had no idea who he was, but my mouth had gone dry. Was it my imagination or did his eyes turn...red?

Thank you again for reading :) I hope you enjoyed it <3 As always please forgive any mistakes. :)

Lynzie_Leecreators' thoughts