
Murder in the Hallow

It's hard enough living down South already. Mix in sexy Vampires, and a Serial killer, what's a girl to do?

Lynzie_Lee · Fantasy
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36 Chs


Chapter Four Part Three

"Circe! CIRCE," Annabelle's voice was like a bucket of cold water. I had to give myself a shake. I'd not even noticed that she had been standing in front of me. How long had she been standing there?

Curiosity craned Annabelle's neck. She wanted to see what I was focused on. "Who the Hell is that," she questioned in a mixture of awe and puzzlement.

I shook my head. I was still about as confused as a fart in a fan factory.

From this distance I was pretty sure his shiny watch was a Rolex. Which led me to my next perplexity. What was a Rolex man doing staring down a woman who frequented the T.J Maxx sales section?

Pivoting around so she could bounce her eyes between me and the creeper, Annabelle probed, "Do you know him or something?"

I shook my head watching, as his people started to turn their attention towards me too. I guess the V.I.P were wondering what he was looking at too.

Annabelle pivoted the rest of the way around. Scooting directly in front of me, she blocked their view. "I have no idea what is going on," she said "but this smells bad enough to gag a maggot."

"He's causing too much attention," I agreed.

"Circe," Annabelle called again,"Do you really not know that guy?"

I used a saying Nana said sometimes. "He's as fine as a frogs hair spilt four ways. If I saw a man like that, I'm pretty sure I'd remember."

She reared back surprised. "You seriously don't know him? Like at all?"

" I don't know him," I replied just starting to get frustrated.

Annabelle glared at guy, her hands on her hips. "Well hot damn! If you don't know that man, then he's being like inappropriately creepy."

Swallowing, I heard heated arguments from the other end of the hallway. I'd forgotten Victoria had gone to take care of the situation. However, by the looks of it, nothing of the sort was happening.

I had no idea what Victoria had said, but Ryder was livid. His face was red, and he was throwing up his arms. Amazingly Victoria didn't back down. She stood her ground and tried speaking with him. Only, I knew, with a man that irate speaking rationally was only going to get you hurt.

"I think we need to call someone," I said just as Annabelle replied, "This is going to get bad."

Suddenly, Ryder hauled off and punched Victoria. I didn't think. I pushed past Annabelle running towards Victoria.

Ryder picked Victoria up by her shirt. Her nose was bleeding everywhere.

"STOP," I screamed. My voice carried across the hall surprising the two. Ryder turned, letting go of Victoria.

"Circe! Don't involve yourself," Victoria cried but it was too late. I was already there, and Ryder had already fixed his eyes on me.

Wiping the blood off of his hand, he looked at me. "Who the fuck, are you?"

"It doesn't matter," I stated confidently, "You need to leave."

"Oh really," he hounded. Stalking towards me, Ryder probably expected that I'd run with my tail between my legs. I didn't. He was just a step away from me when he demanded, "Who do you think you are?"

My heart pounded in my chest. Admittedly, I was scared, but even with wild animals you didn't show weakness.

I bellowed, getting some balls, "You need to leave!"

He smiled like I was amusing. Smirking he cooed, "Little princess I can do whatever the frick I want." He reached out to touch my hair.

I swatted his hand away like a fly. His audasity pissed me off. "If you don't go now, I'll call the cops."

She begged me, "Circe just get back to the desk I'll take care of this."

How was she going to take care of anything? The man just proved that he didn't respect anything she had to say.

"Ah so it's Circe," pointing at his head he winked saying, "I'll remember that."

"Ryder," Victoria yelled, "I am telling you for the last time! You are no longer welcome here!"

He turned on her. Hocking a loogy, he spat on her, saying, "You don't decide shit."

Victoria lashed out like a Cougar. She grabbed onto his arm yanking him back and causing him to stumble. Regaining balance, he grabbed her by the head slinging her into the wall.

After seeing him do that I stepped directly in his path.

He backed up a step stunned. Looking me up and down he demanded, "What do you think you're doing?"

I looked him dead in the eyes. "I'm calling the police."

His cold stare turned malicious. "Bitch please."

Forcefully he gripped my shoulder, digging his fingers in. I don't know what possessed me to do it, but my arm shot up. My fist connected with his chin.

Did I mention Laddie, my grandfather was a boxer? The undercut I gave Ryder would have made my grandpappy proud.

Staggering back Ryder looked at me stupefied.

My heart was racing. I kicked off my shoes ready to go for the next round. I don't think Laddie thought his little lessons would do me any good. Well he was wrong.

Wiping his bloodied lip, I could see his eyes darting around. I'd just made him look like a fool. "You little…"

He threw a sloppy punch and I dogged it. What I didn't expect was the minute I dogged the punch, another man caught Ryder's fist.

Startled, I lost my balance. Sliding down the wall I clenched my dress. This dress wasn't made for boxing or falling. My who-haw was about to be exposed.

An ear-piercing cry spilt the air. The Creeper from before held Ryder by his neck. Ryder dangled, and for a moment I felt like I was experiencing Déjà vu.

"Get out." Mr. Creepy only said two words, but those few words sent chills down my spine.

Mr. Creepy let Ryder go. The look Ryder gave the Mr. Creepy, was murderous. His male ego just couldn't take anymore. Clutching his broken hand, everything about him appeared as if he were about to fight. Without provocation his demeanor changed.

Thinking Mr. Creepy might have said or done something, I looked up at him. His dark elbow length hair was like a thick silky sheet. It hid any expression he might have made, so I wondered what had made Ryder chicken?

Ryder scrambled to his feet. White as a sheet he raced out of there. Something had put the fear of God in him.

A whisper away from my ear, I felt Mr. Creepy. He was seething in anger. I blinked shocked. When did he get there?

"What are you doing here," he asked.

What was I doing here? What was he doing here?

Standing up he walked over to Victoria. Mr. Creepy certainly didn't help things by pointing in my direction. "Send this one to my table," he requested, "She is to serve no one."

Blinking dumbfounded, Victoria bounced her head up and down. "C…certainly."

Turning on his heel he stalked towards me, his dark eyes pinned me in place. For one full second we stood like that. Then he just left.

Victoria rushed over to me. I know she had a billion questions for me. Thankfully, Annabelle intercepted her, shoving napkins into her hands.

"What the heck is going on," Annabelle cried, worry filling her voice, "Tilt your head back. You're gushing everywhere!" Victoria had blood going down her chin, neck, and chest. Ryder had hit her hard.

Head tilted back and nose pinched, Victoria cried, "What is going on? Do you know that man?"Looking between the girls I realized the question was directed towards me. Quickly I shook my head.

Confused she responded, "Circe, I'm sorry. I've never, had someone request a girl on their first day. Are you sure you don't know him?"

"I don't know," I answered and then added, "at least I don't think I do."

"You aren't going to send her down there…are you," Annabelle quickly asked Victoria.

Looking between us, Victoria twisted a piece of the napkin and shoved it up her nose. "Listen I don't want to, but he deescalated the situation," she shrugged, "He requested her. What am I supposed to do?"

Horrified Annabelle rejected Victoria's statement. "What do you mean? You're just going to throw her to the wolves? You saw how he was watching her didn't you?" Facing me Annabelle was distressed. "How do you feel about that Circe? Do you want to go down there ALONE with that man?"

"Listen," Victoria corrected, "I'm not sending her down there for him to do anything to her! She's just going to serve him drinks. That's it! I'll have two of the staff alerted to check on her. I'll only give him thirty minutes. Do you think you can handle just thirty minutes?"

Biting my lip, I nodded. Even though I wasn't too comfortable, this was my opportunity. Annabelle gripped my hand. She stopped me in my tracks, taking both my hand in hers. "Don't go down there," she cried. Her voice was choking up and tears started gathering. She was scared to death.

Placing my hand over hers I smiled. "Annabelle," I replied softly, "It's ok. I'll be fine. This might be our chance. I'll be going to the V.I.P section. We can finally see what's down there."

"No," she shouted, "I…don't care about that anymore. Not if you have to go down there like that. I…I don't want us to investigate anymore."

"Annabelle we both know that isn't true. You wanted me to find your sister's killer, and I do too."

"But not if you die," she shouted, "Please! I... can't have you die too."

Throwing herself at me Annabelle squeezed me. "Please," she sobbed, "let's go home. I don't want you to die too."

Patting her head, I waited until she calmed down. Victoria was already at the booth. She turned shocked to see I didn't follow. She mouthed, "What's going on?"

I shook my head, pointing at Annabelle.

Annabelle pushed away shaky. Her hands trembled as she wiped her face. "That man…I…I don't like the way he looks at you."

"I know."

"Are you seriously going down there?"

"Yes, but remember," I patted my chest," I'll be ok." The pocketknife was still deep in my bra, between my boobs. There was literally nowhere else to put it.

"Will you really use it," she demanded, "If someone tries something? You'll use it right?"

Walking with her I assured her, "If it comes to it."

I left Annabelle at the booth. Victoria looked a bit worried.

"Is she ok," she wondered, and I think she might have known what was wrong.

"She'll be ok," I replied.

"Did you know about her sister," Victoria asked.

A little surprised I nodded. "I was… Ashely's friend."

Embarrassed Victoria replied, "OH! I'm so sorry. I knew that. Annabelle told me." She paused. Turning to look at me she said, "Ashley was the nicest person that I've ever met. It's a shame she killed herself."

I ignored her comment. I knew Ashely hadn't killed herself.

"You might want to get that checked out," I suggested. Her eyes were already blacking up. Gavin had gotten beaten up enough for me to know that Victoria had a broken nose. I pointed saying, "It might be broken."

Victoria winked. "It's ok. "

Descending into the basement, the wallpaper was red and gold, like Victorian wallpaper. It was a little different than what was upstairs. It looked far more expensive. Maybe that was the allure of V.I.P. Piano music filtered up from the bottom of the stairs. I could hear talking and clinking glasses.

We reached the bottom of the stairs and a man greeted us. I felt like he came from nowhere. Just as we had on red dresses, he too had on an all red suit.

The strange thing was, I'd not seen him upstairs. He looked like he should have been friendly. Instead he looked down at me from his nose. "Ah," he replied, "so you're the request." His voice was far more country than I'd expected.

Victoria winced nodding.

"You know why he requested you," the country boy asked. His eyes were a little more intense than I would have appreciated.

"I don't know."

He nodded, turning his head to speak into his walkie.

"That's William," Victoria whispered in my ear, "He's security."

The downstairs was packed. I hardly could move through the crowd. Somehow Victoria walked me to the bar. A stunning man and woman with red hair, had control over the bar. They looked like siblings.

"Liliana," Victoria called. The redhead smiled until she saw me. She gave me that strange look William had given me.

"What's up." She spoke to us mixing a drink in a tumbler.

"This is Circe Bucannon, it's her first day."

Her face screwed up as she gave me a once over. "And she's down here," she pressed as if she couldn't believe it. "I thought new girls couldn't get requests?"

Putting her arm around me, Victoria brought me closer to the counter. "Yea, well the client in room 7 asked for her. He also stopped the guy who did this." Victoria pointed at her face.

"I was going to ask, but the guy in room 7? You know him?" Her eyebrows practically flew into her hair line.

"I don't… think I do."

Lilliana cocked her head, deep in thought. "That doesn't make sense. Why would someone like him ask for you?"

I shrugged, partially offended. It wasn't like I didn't notice the difference. "Beats me," I said rather clipped.

"Can you look out for her," Victoria begged.

Lilliana shrugged. "I mean we are pretty busy, but I'll try."

"Thanks Lilly."

Liliana snorted, "Sure."

Victoria lead me down a hallway.

"Just so you know there's a panic button under the table. If things go south, you press it, and they'll come busting in."

Things go South? What would go wrong? I was just serving food…and drinks…right?

Victoria smiled slapping my shoulder. "Don't worry. The people in those rooms know that they have to behave."

I followed her as she babbled, and I seriously felt like I was in the twilight zone. Why did they have these special rooms?

On each side of the wall there was frosted glass doors, with numbers on them. I couldn't help but watch the waitresses coming in and out wondering exactly what was going on.

We reached room 7. Taking my hands in hers, Victoria's face became worried. "Anything fishy, press the button. Ok, don't be scared to. We keep an honest business."

I nodded but I was literally dizzy with fear. It sounded a lot more than just serving drinks to me.

Taking a shaky breath Victoria knocked on the door. Straightening her dress, she opened it. Heart pounding, I followed.

Sitting against the couch, arms splayed across the back, and his leg crossed, was Mr. Creepy. Wispy strands of hair hung in front of his ear, grazing his chiseled cheekbone and chin. Like a predator, his almond eyes watched me. His expression was dead. I couldn't tell if he was pleased that I was there or angry.

Victoria bowed slightly, which was strange. "We've provided you with your selected waitress as you requested."

His voice taunted, "Great."

"Circe," Victoria walked me over to a screen on the wall, "Tonight I'll log myself in, but you'll get your own login soon. This is where you put in the order. When it's ready for you, the light on the screen will glow green. Easy peesy."

I nodded.

"This is where we put the menus," she instructed, adding, "If they wish to use the TV you can find the remote here. Any questions don't be afraid to ask Lilliana."

Victoria turned towards the questionable man. Her stance was ridged. "Tonight, is a special night due to you offering your assistance. Typically, we don't allow newcomers to serve V.I.P on their first night. I hope you are understanding."

He nodded, freeing more of his hair to slip past his ears.

"Then I'll take my leave." She bowed giving me one last look.

I walked towards the door and closed it. Just as I turned around the man had somehow come out of his chair and crossed the room before I realized it.

Slamming his hand on the door his face bent down close to mine. I pressed myself against the door trying to put as much distance as possible between us.

"Why did you come here," he damanded.

"You asked for me."

He smiled, "Are you playing tricks?"

When I didn't say anything, he smoothed his hand through his hair. He pushed it behind his left ear. "Are you saying you didn't come for me?"

"You…asked Victoria for me."

Taking a small step back, he considered what I said. "So, you don't recognize me?"

"Should I," I nervously hedged.

He smiled, "Is it really that simple?" Pushing back, he folded his arms watching me carefully as if he didn't believe me.

"Why would I lie? I don't even know you," I reasoned.

"You don't know what this place is…do you?"

My heart was literally doing back handsprings. I knew something was off about this place. He was confirming it for me.

It looked like my response settled whatever was nagging him. He touched my hair, bushing my hair over the back of my shoulder.His finger grazed my skin. Embarrassingly I shuddered.

The guy's attention was a bit too intimate for my liking. Mostly because I felt like I was about to have a heart attack.

"It's amazing," he responded, his voice gentle.

A little breathy I inquired, "What…is?"

"How fragile a human can be."


Quickly he dropped my hair and walked away from me. I sagged trying to catch my breath. What the heck was he talking about?

"So, you didn't come to Succulent looking for me? You came for," he waved his graceful hand in the air, "a job. One you obviously don't know what it is."

Blinking I didn't think I heard him correctly.

"Excuse me? What did you say?"

"You came here for a job," he wondered, his voice toying with the word as he sat down.

"No before that," I replied walking forward.

"You didn't come looking for me?"

"No! No, after that!" I'd come around the coffee table standing just to his side.

"The name of the bar?"

"What's the name of the bar," I asked urgently.

Creepy didn't answer me. Instead, he slung my butt down beside him. I watched as shadows gathered in front of our door, a door that had the word Succulent spelt across it.

Thank you for reading :) I hope you are getting excited!

Lynzie_Leecreators' thoughts