
Chapter 69 Demons

Natsu hit both of his fists together creating fire


"I'm getting fired up, finally I can punch something now"


"there are a lot of them" Lucy started shaking a bit. Seeing this Karna decided to help


"alright Lucy what you have to do now is simple"




"yeah, you either fight every idiot that comes towards you or you get spartan trained by Erza for a week. What do you want" I said with a smile


Lucy was confused about what to choose. But one look at Natsu and Gray who were trying their best to shake their heads to warn her to say no cleared all of Lucy's confusion and she made the decision very quickly.


"Let's beat them all up"


Karna once again looked at the people coming towards him and checked their aura. Even including the extra member that he had no idea about, for him all of them are weak and since Erza had drunk the MP potion and restored her magic, it became many times easier as well. But Karna knew that the real battle would come later. He knew that the fight that is about to happen will release the resentment of the people beaten down and the emotions of resentment and fear will act as a source for the curse energy required for the flute to activate thereby releasing the three demons in the flute.


Karna had managed to create an analyse spell with Mavis and perfected it some time ago and using it on the flute he was able to find the information about the three demons in them.










As all of them started fighting the enemy guild Karna silently began to use his arrows making sure to cover all of their blind spots and began to take care of the members using shadow travel to attack. Although their attacks were low level, with the large number they got with a few able to hide in the shadows and move, someone or the other will be able to land a blow with luck and Karna made sure to stop that using his light arrow which was highly effective against shadow type magic and can attack even those stuck inside the shadows.


Erza began attacking Erigor and the other wizard of the same level. She requiped herself with the wind spirit armour essentially making both of their magic effects less than what it should be. Her battle cannot be described as hard because both of them seem to be relying only on their magic spells and had no creativity at all in using their magic.


It was a bit boring, but Karna can feel the energy emitted by the flute has started to become stronger and he knew that the time was about to come.

Natsu was using his fire more and more but luckily it does not look like he will be out of juice soon. Gray was mostly using his physical abilities compared to his magic as he seems to be trying to maintain stamina. While Lucy was using her whip while having Tauros outside fighting and if Karna senses are right, Lucy still has a large amount of energy left in her.


Soon every last one of them fell down with Lucy finishing it with her classic Lucy kick. Seeing that I felt like sending her to one of Erza's spartan training. The way she kicks makes me feel like her chances of injuring herself are higher.


Lucy suddenly felt a shiver and looked around but was not able find what caused it.


'did my mom find out where I am' Lucy shook her head to rid of that thought. Even though she loves her mother, and her mother loves her back just as much or more she is still scary when she gives out punishments and Lucy is still afraid of the fact that she ran away from home.

As everyone thought the fight was over, suddenly a demonic laughter began to spread all around




Suddenly smoke started to rise up from the flute forming three different shapes of large demons. One seems to have holes throughout its body depicting similar to that of the flute, another had an aura of death spreading out throughout its body and the last seems to have wind energy surrounding it.


Seems to be a combination that gives rise to the ultimate killing magic that uses sound. Seeing them Karna did not hesitate, he immediately used two FTR (from now onwards that's what we will call flying thunder raijin) towards the death and the wind demons while shooting another arrow to a nearby mountain.


"I will handle the two of them, you all should destroy the one shaped like the flute"


"wait Karna" Erza tries to stop him, but Karna teleported.


"damn it" Erza grunts in frustration but turns to the demon who was slightly confused seeing both of his other halves disappear.


"don't worry about it Erza, I can still smell his scent, Karna is close by after we deal with this demon we can go and help him" Natsu said while summoning flames in his arms


"alright then, let's make it quick" said Erza while smiling


At that time Karna had teleported both of the demons a little further away from the battle. Right now, Karna could not believe in his luck. His main aim was to try to absorb curse energy by using the Arcane Drakon fragment within him. He was able to find out that as long as he is able to absorb sufficient curse energy, the Arcane property that protects him from magic will evolve to involve curses as well. But look at the amount of luck he has, not only did he get an elemental demon whose curse energy he will be able to absorb, he also got a demon who seems to be emitting the death curse of Ankselam the god of death.


He can get immunity to it if he manages to survive its weaker onslaught from the demon.


"come on, lets have some fun" said Karna while smiling wildly


A/N- hope you like it and every 100 powerstone get extra chapter of Jason