
Mr. Billionaire and The Poor Me

It was pleasant day, cool wind were blowing . I was just walking on the subway with cold coffee in one hand and listening to the music and humming the song. As soon as I was going to cross the road suddenly a car crashed into me . I was half unconscious when i saw a man came out of the car wearing an armani suit the only word i heard before passing were 'what the hell'

socialbutterfly · 青春言情
7 Chs

chapter 4

our face were just inches apart , I closed my eyes ,then heard a clicked noise and opened my and saw that now he was sitting on driver seat and my seat belt was fastened.

With a smiling face he said looking at me " what were you thinking that you closed your eyes ." at that time I just want to hide my face because of embarrassment.

Then he started the car and drove me to my house . As I reached my home .He questioned me " Don't you want to know my name?" listening his question I felt stupid that i don't even know his name and came in his car to my home and after that I am also going to work for him . Without thinking much I said to him" what is your name?" and got out of the car he also came out of the car and coming to my side he came close to my ears and whispered " James Allan "