
Mr. Billionaire and The Poor Me

It was pleasant day, cool wind were blowing . I was just walking on the subway with cold coffee in one hand and listening to the music and humming the song. As soon as I was going to cross the road suddenly a car crashed into me . I was half unconscious when i saw a man came out of the car wearing an armani suit the only word i heard before passing were 'what the hell'

socialbutterfly · Teen
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7 Chs

chapter 3 :what work

"only if you agree to work for me ." This made me in a fix that should i agree or not because there are two options for me first is to work for him or to sell my both kidneys but even if i sell myself I won't get that amount of money so I choose the first option.

So after making my decision I said to him" I agree to work for you but what will be my work because neither I am graduated nor I have any work experience."

Then he replied to me " It's not your problem to think about it. You will know it later."I thought he looks good and he is running a company so it won't be so bad but then I have one more problems which is my college.

So I said to him " I have my class in the morning till afternoon so how could I work"

For this he replied " It's not a big problem. You can come after attending your class. But for this you have to for more hours than other workers." I thought as if college was less headache that now I have to work for him.

But then again it's not so bad because I get to this beautiful creature.

So I said " where do I have to come because i can not go far away from home as my parents won't allow me. " With a pleasant smile on his lips he said" You don't have to worry for that also because I will come at your university to pick you up because you I don't trust that you will come and you will surely find some excuse to escape from work." Mentally I thought can this person be any more narcissist. I replied with a forced smile on my face " Do you even know where my university is." I thought that now he has to ask and i could easily lie to him and I will never show my face again to him . But luck is not on my side and I realised that after he again started speaking " Name - Natasha Simon, age-19 yrs,

course -economics, year- 2 , University - V University, addres..." At this point I have stopped him by putting my hands on his mouth so that he couldn't speak more .

With surprise and anger I said " How did you know so much about me." But then I remembered that I still have my hands on his mouth and I realised that how close we are . I again started to look at his features form this close and thought it's not justice for people how can he be so beautiful. I also noticed that he was also looking at me with strange experience but i can see the Sparks in his eyes and as soon as I came back to my senses I hurriedly took my hands from his mouth and again asked the same question . He firstly looked at me for 2 or 3 second and then said " I have my sources and for that I don't think it's any of your business."

After his reply I didn't said anything and then a doctor came and said to me " Your boyfriend is very caring .He didn't left your side even for a second . Even though I told him that your injury were not severe and you are just unconscious because of shock but he didn't listened to me and stayed here." I was going to explain him that were are not in any kind of relationship but suddenly he started speaking " It's nothing much doctor it's my duty to take care of my girlfriend, you don't have to praise me so much. " Hearing this my eyes came out of socket and the doctor spoke " Now that she is awake you can go home after filling this form ." after saying this he left the room.

As if he understood my thoughts after seeing my reaction he explained to me " I said that you are my girlfriend because they were not ready to admit without any guardian . So I told them a small lie ." I don't know why but I felt sad .

After filling the form he get out of the room to submit it and at mean time I change my clothes and got ready to leave . I was just looking at my phone to check if there is any miss call or message from my parents when the door opened and he entered the room . Due to a little shock my mobile phone slipped from my hands and dropped near his feets . He picked up the phone and started typing . I asked in a small voice because I was tired from this whole drama from my accident and our argument and i don't have much energy left in me . To answer my questions he said " Just exchanging our contact ." I said " For that you could have asked for it as it's not good to look in a lady's phone ." He smirked and said " You know it's not my style and I don't trust that you will give me correct contact ." I choose not to say anything further and after sometime I left the hospital in his car . Though I refused to sit in his car at first but then he explained that I am not i good condition and if I don't get well then i could not come to work. So he is just helping me a little so that I could benefit him latter .And that's how I ended up sitting in his car beside him .

when I was looking outside the window looking at the evening sun I felt something moving beside me and saw that he was coming close to me . My heart started to beat faster and I could feel the heat coming to my face and ears . Our face were just inches apart then.....