
The Real Culprit



"Oh, sir…"

"Well, that is if it is okay by you. Of course, I would pay you well for your troubles."

He did not want to tell him the truth. It wasn't about her being in the hospital for a minor injury. If it was, then he wouldn't request the doctor come to treat her.

It was a matter of her safety. Being in the hospital was too risky but if she was home and in his own private residence then he could ensure proper guidance of her and away from trouble.

As Ye Sheng had warned him, Ye Cheng would not let the matter sit down. So he needed to be prepared since his daughter threw the first punch.

"No, not at all sir." He smiled at Chairman Zhang before folding his hands in front of him and bowing his head to him. 

He could guess as well why the chairman was refusing her staying in the hospital. He knew the accident was no accident, that and how Bai Qing Mei was so mad when she woke up.