
The Lins' Outbursts



"Exactly darling. He should not sabotage the young man's reputation. He is a kind soul and oi do not think Li Jing could have made any better choice than him. They suit and fit each other so well. If only you knew your grandchild even a faction, you would have noticed that her love for him reaches the heavens."

"And he?" Lin Zian cut in sharply, wanting to prove them wrong.

"And so does he."

"Pff, all lies. My word would stand. The union cannot hold," Lin Zian concluded sternly.

That was it, Lin Huilang already had enough of his problem. Immediately he said those words, her own angered soared out of her in an instant.

"Lin Zian! Do not let anything happen to Li Jing. If by any means we lose her too like we have lost Quinyang, I bet you, all would not be well. I would let hell break lose on you," Lin Huilang threatened.