




Turning their heads in Ye Cheng's direction, they watched as he brought out the phone from his pocket and answered.

"Hello? Wei Ling, what's new?"

"He confessed and it is…"



Turning to his side, his eyes immediately landed on his mother. Rather than speaking or voicing out his thoughts, he peeled his gaze away sharply and let them land on the one person that mattered most.

'Li Jing.'

His eyes shut in anguish as the image of her lying on the bed replayed in his head. Pain coursed through his brain. He was mad, so very angry.

While his brain tried so much to figure out what was wrong, he heard the sound of the chair shift. However, before he could make out more of what was going through, her voice rang out in his head and his eyes flew open.

"Michael, what is it? What is going on?"
