
Hawk Ye Cheng [Bonus chapter]



"What? Do you think I am scared of that hawk husband of yours? What's the worse that can happen? If he did not snatch you away, you would still be under my wings. Sigh and that is why I am calling him a hawk, he snatched you."

Suddenly they heard the sound of shoes becoming clearer and clearer and they both turned to see who it was.

What a shock for Yin Lifen who had thought nothing to it, only for her to see Ye Cheng standing a few centimetres away from them.

"Ye Cheng, y-you… Umm. You were around?" Yin Lifen stuttered.


"When, did you, you know?"

"A while back, a few minutes ago."



Her heart began to quake in her chest but what could she possibly do?

"And who are you calling a hawk?" His cold voice resounded, bringing her back from her reverie.

"I-I… uhuh, you see. Umm, what I was trying to say was your bigness."