
Chapter 2: Drama

The same beeping from yesterday woke me up on the same time. Seriously, I have got to change it to something more friendly.

I went on with my usual morning routine that I've adopted since yesterday. I was pumped to see my students again, and I could even get along with some of my fellow teachers.

I smiled to myself gently, thinking of all the things I could do. I got in the car after eating a quick breakfast and drove to the school. After settling in, I decided to take a tour around the school.

It was quite generic so it didn't stand out much, I was about to turn back when I felt a tapping on my shoulder. I turned and saw a man, he was not much older than me and he had a smile on his face.

"Hey, are you the new teacher?" Well damn, his voice is a lot lighter than I thought.

"Yes, I am. Is there something I can help you with?" I asked the question I told the young girl, Annie Foster.

"Actually, yes there is. You know, we don't get that many new teachers here, and you are certainly not one of the old hags." He smiles at me, but I feel something odd about it, I start to get uncomfortable, "Why don't we ditch these dumbass kids and go someplace together?"

He got close to me and stroked my hair, lovingly. I would be extremely disgusted by this, but his indirect insult to my students made my blood boil with anger. I slapped his hand off me and gave him a cold hard stare he would feel through my sunglasses.

"Don't you ever call my students dumbasses, and don't touch me!" I said stabbing my finger into his chest. With that I walked away to my classroom where I was promptly greeted by Annie.

"Hi Miss. Holt! You really rejected that guy mercilessly!" She was clearly amused and she giggled a bit. My face heated up with embarrassment. Damn, she really saw that? I smiled nervously before replying,

"I told you, I won't let anyone insult my students. Also, aren't you here a bit early?"

"I'm always at least five minutes early to my classes, it's not mandatory, but I like to do it."

Mandatory? How in the world did she even learn that word? I was going to ask her the question I was thinking but I got interrupted by a loud bang at my door. Me and Annie both turned our heads to the noise.

Right on my doorway, there was a woman with a whole face of makeup. She looked like she was there to hook up, not teach. She looked mad as hell and walked up to me and jabbed a finger at my chest.

"I don't want you anywhere near my Alex, you got me, whore!?" she screamed, I don't think she realized that Annie was here, and if she did, she didn't care. Apart from that, anger seethed inside me from the accusation,

"Look Miss, if you're talking about that Playboy I just talked to, he's all yours, I don't want him. Also watch your language in front of my student!"

She scoffed, and gave me a smug ass look, " Well it's not like he'll ever like you anyway, you're too plain and ugly to ever catch the attention of a man." She laughed, but it was so stupid that I had to hold back a giggle. I was about to tell her to go back to her designated classroom when I noticed she didn't have a badge.

I received mine by mail and was told to wear it at all times. I saw a badge on the man, but it said visitor, this woman didn't have one, but she clearly knew the man and might be a visitor as well. . .unless. Realization struck me and I got on alert real quick. I was about to tell her to leave the building when Annie spoke up.

"Hey don't say that to her! She is a whole lot more prettier than you, even with all of that makeup she still tops you! You look like a slut with all that!" She looked absolutely enraged, even if she swore, I still felt pride into knowing that my student stood up for me. I completely forgot about the woman not being a staff when she screamed,

"Don't talk back to me, bitch!" She raised her hand, about to slap Annie. Then everything stopped, it all went in slow motion. I could see that five students have arrived and where witnessing what was happening. Some even tried to run towards us to stop her from hurting their fellow classmate.

They won't get there on time, though, but I won't let them have to. With the training my father taught me, I stopped her hand from reaching her, turned a 180 and hauled her over my shoulder. Bit much? Yes, will I get in trouble? Most likely, is it worth it? Oh yes!

The students gasped as her body hit the floor and she yelled in pain. Damn I didn't even hit her that hard, what a baby. She started to cry and the principal along with the man came running in.

"What the hell is going on?!" My principal demanded, before I could even open my mouth, the grown child blurted out,

"She hit me! I was just having a nice conversation with her, when she and that child hurt me!" I stared at her, flabbergasted as she continued to weep on the floor. Both me and Annie looked at each other before returning our gaze to the mess on the floor.

"Esphera, is this true?" The principle asked, he was clearly trying to keep his composure but I could tell he was beyond pissed. I returned his gaze calmly before shaking my head,

"What this woman is saying, is a lie. She came into my classroom, caused a scene, and was about to hit my student when I stopped her. If you want further proof, I suggest you ask the six students that saw everything." I gestured at the students that were standing not far behind me.

As he was interrogating my students, the man who's name is Alex looked at me with amusement. He smiled at me creepily. God I hate that guy! He continued to stare at me before the principal cleared his throat and looked at me with a warm gaze.

"I am sorry for the inconvenience, Miss Holt, I will personally escort her to the entrance. Mr Davidson, care to keep Miss Holt company?" Alex smiled brightly at the principle and accepted without hesitation. 'Oh boy! This is going to be fun!' I thought with annoyence.

After they left, the rest of the students started to show up and sit in their seats. That reminds me, I never gave them assigned seats, but it looks like I don't need to. They all remained calm and respectful, but the students that were there when the woman threatened me, glared at Alex, especially Annie.

She filled the other students in and they followed suit, he was starting to get uncomfortable and I smiled at that. My students are the goddamn best! I realized that there were no seats to spare and that the students that were absent yesterday were here.

"Alright then class, I'll take attendance. While I'm doing that, Marsha Thompson, Benedict Thompson, can you pass out these papers?" The twins nodded and started handing out the questionnaire I made for them last night.

They went down on it very quickly, even the ones that weren't here yesterday, but I had a feeling that they're going to be a problem soon. I had completely forgotten about Alex when he came behind me and whispered into my ear,

"That was quite a show you did there. I've never met a woman like you before, we should really hang out more." I felt his breath on me and I shuddered. Whipping my ear, I pretended to be looking over the students as I walked away from him. I could feel his gaze on my back as I roamed around.

I noticed one of the student's paper was filled with the word 'LOL'. I stopped at his desk and realized it was one of the students that wasn't here yesterday. He looked up at me innocently and said,


"Do you need a new sheet of paper?"

"No, I don't feel like doing any work today."

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Oh? You don't feel like doing work? Well, it seems like I'll be seeing you in McDonald's in a couple years."

With that I walked away. He was speechless, I bet he never got that before. I continued roaming when I felt someone touching my back. I turned around and saw none other than Alex himself, and it looks like he's as close as ever.

As I was getting away, he grabbed my waist and pulled my back flush against his chest. He had a strong grip, I'll give him that. He kept pressing me close, apparently he didn't care that we were in the middle of my classroom and that the students were beginning to stare.

"Wasn't that a bit rough? it's normal for brats to act that way. Come on, you can't disagree." He said, this time he didn't whisper, he said it loud enough for everyone, including the kid, to hear.

I closed my eyes, breathed deeply and responded, "I don't care if it was rough or not, I don't give a damn about your opinion, but don't call my students brats." I repeated the format of last time. He really never learns.

He chuckled softly, "Sorry, I forgot you were protective of them. You know, you have a striking body, it just seems to call me." He started to move his hands upwards and with that I opened my eyes.

The students were shocked to see my stone hard glare and could tell I was about to snap. Some smiled, others looked away, and the rest simply stared, anticipating my next move.

"Mr. Davidson, I would strongly advise you to get your hands off me."

He chuckled, "What if I don't want to?"

I smiled at him, I covered the student's view of my face with my hand, and took the left hand of my sunglasses off a bit. Just enough so that only he can see my red eye,

"Oh, let's just say you don't want to find out." I deepened my voice significantly, and glared at him. He shuddered and let me go. He all but ran out of the classroom, almost running into the principal.

He looked in out of confusion, but followed him soon after. I readjusted my glasses and smiled to myself. All of the students' eyes were on me, in the tense silence, David Adams was the one that spoke,

"Seriously? That asshole got to see your eyes and we can't?" He didn't have anger in his voice, just disappointment. I stared at him for a second, a bit in shock. I sighed then said,

"Language David, and like I told you before, you'll see my eyes tomorrow, not now. I only showed it to him because he needed. . .motivation to let me go."

I smiled at him, after a second he returned the gesture with an apology. They had twenty more minutes to finish the piece of paper I gave them. I told them that if they didn't finish today, they were going to have to finish tomorrow.

They were quite happy about that, most of them thought I was going to say it would be for homework, but I know how annoying that is so I won't. The rest of the day was quiet and calm, I had to remind some of the lazy ones to do their work but apart from that, it was nice.

The end bell rang and all of the students filed out to their lockers, and much like yesterday I was left to clean up by myself. I thought I was alone when out of nowhere, the kid I told I would see him in McDonald's came up to me.

I looked at him for a moment, waiting for him to say something, but he didn't, so I took the initiative,

"Hello, John, is there something I can help you with?" He hesitated and looked at his feet. I raised an eyebrow at him. If he was admitting he was wrong and that he would work better from now on, then that would be hella quick. I sure as hell wouldn't believe him if he did.

He took a deep breath before speaking, " I just wanted to say, thank you for sticking up for me when that guy called me a brat. . .b-but that doesn't mean I'll go easy on you!"

So I was right, he is one of the trouble makers, but he's letting his pride down to say thank you. I chuckled lightly before smiling, "Challenge accepted, Mr. Keen." He returned my smile before walking away, and once again I was alone.

I packed up everything and went home. On the ride back, I started to rethink everything that happened that day. So much for getting along with co-workers, couldn't even talk to one, just got interrupted by a couple of visitors being nasty and rude.

It'll probably be better tomorrow, but that is just a maybe, it could also be worse, much worse. My students could act like everybody else and be scared or disgusted by my eyes, it would pain me to see them like this, but it has to be done. One way to find out is to wait till it comes. What joy.