
Chapter 1: First day

Monotonous beeping traveled through the small apartment, I groaned shortly after. Not so happy from being torn out of my dream, I turned off the alarm with a huff. I sat up and rubbed the groggyness out of my eyes as I racked my brain for the memories of why I had to wake up so early, especially on a Wednesday. It's five in the goddamn morning only teachers wake up this early! then it clicked, holy damn I am a teacher now! I kicked off the covers and practically ran to the bathroom.

I looked like a freaking mess! Wavy midnight hair trying to flee from the confinements of my skull, a large red spot was shown at the side of my face from sleeping on it. Not to mention my eyes! They weren't even the same color! Wait. . .it's always been like that, what am I even saying? Yep just the same cursed eyes I was born with, blood red on the left, brilliant purple on the right. Strange mutation, I know, they're the reason my family disowned me. Not my parents, they loved me more than anything, but they died when I was eighteen. Hey, whatcha gonna do?

I took a slow deep breath, letting my mind be free of stress and worry, now is not the time to be depressed for your sad life! It's time to bore kids to death with knowledge! I grinned maliciously, I may be new, but I wasn't going to be pushed around. I tidied myself and slid into some comfy, business casual clothes like instructed to from my supervisor. Even with my high spirits I couldn't change the uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. I don't know what, but something's going to happen this week. I'm probably just overthinking things, of coarse something will happen this week, they're kids, they're small little demons, anything can happen with them.

I checked the clock and it was time for me to go damn does the time fly. I grabbed my keys and bounded down the steps with energy as my heart increased its speed. Not even a minute passed when I started the car, my excitement getting harder and harder to control. I can just imagine what this could look like, a 21 year old woman jumping up and down in the seat of their car with a goofy grin on their face. Stupid, right? I drove, admiring the beautiful scenery XX City presented.

large oak trees disturbed the liquid gold light eminating from the sun. Lovely flowers displayed on porches and gardens, giving color to the surrounding greenery. It was a really calm, pretty town just outside the city limits. Sadly, there was a smooth transition of nature to dull gray concrete as I neared the city. Compared to the beauty of the town, it's city was a constant dull repetition of buildings and houses, packed tightly like a can of sardines. My stomach made flips as the school came into view, it was a middle school so it wasn't that big. Two long buildings were connected at the center with another, making an H shape. It had four long, white pillars connecting the elevated stone staircase with the ceiling. The bricks were light cream in color, which I was very glad to take a break from the nauseating gray all over the city.

I parked my car and hauled my five inch binder to the classroom. I set it down with a sigh of relief, that things is a whole lot heavier than it looked, I wiped my forehead and traced my hand down to my cheek. I froze, my face paled and my heart sank. It wasn't that I felt something, it's what I didn't feel that was the problem. I forgot to put on my sunglasses, I am so lucky I didn't run into anybody when I entered the building. I reached into my bag frantically and pulled them out, all but slapping them in m face, I called down. I had a good ass reason to over react like this so stop judging! Like I said before, my eye color is unique to only me and so no one else has this, it would be more than a shock, especially seeing my left eye. I almost have an old lady a heart attack when I forgot my sunglasses.


It felt like hours before the first couple of students started entering the classroom. Finally! I was bored to death! I smiled gently at them as they took their seats, they smiled back, but I could tell they didn't recognize me and they were curious. I was teaching a sixth grade classroom and they were already in this building for a year, so they knew the teachers in this building. They might have also heard about the rumors, news about new teachers spread like wild fire, it's incredible! Oh, I wonder how they would be like, maybe I'll even get a Playboy and have to deal with broken hearted students. That'll definitely be somethin–

"Miss, are you the new teacher here?" My thoughts were interrupted by a young female voice, I looked up and saw a student. She dressed modestly, with a floral pattern shirt and jeans that weren't too tight to show everything. Her tone was gentle and filled with curiosity, oh I like this one.

"Yes, I am. Is there something I can help you with?" I asked, keeping my voice light and gentle. She smiled warmly before saying,

"No, it's nothing, I just wanted to make sure." She hesitates for a second, before she even opened her mouth again, I knew exactly what she was going to say, "If you don't mind me asking, why are you wearing sunglasses? Is there something wrong with your vision?"

I chuckled lightly, she was confused but didn't say anything, "That is something I will explain by the end of this week, once I get to know all of you that is."

She accepted the answer and went back to her seat. After about five or so minutes the bell rang, indicating the beginning of class. I waited for everyone to quiet down before introducing myself.

"Hello class, I am a new teacher her at XX Middle School, my name is Esphera Holt, but I will be addressed as Miss Holt by my students. Before I begin with the usual speech you will hear from every teacher, let me address that the reason for my wearing sunglasses is something I will explain at the end of the week once I get to know you. I may be new, but I am not a fool, I will have zero tolerance for bullying, I know if the insult is playful or venemous."

I gave each of them a hard stare, even if they didn't see my eyes on them, they could definitely feel it. Since they were quiet, I began the basic speech of what I expect from them and what we will learn this year, you know that fun stuff. I notice the tense atmosphere and made a haste decision, I smiled at them warmly and smoothed my gaze to a loving one. The tension immediately lowered and the students eased, a bit confused of the sudden change of mood.

"Nevertheless I am still your teacher, if there is anything or anyone that is bothering you, please don't hesitate to tell me." Even when I was smiling, my aura darkened, "And if it's someone that is bothering you, kindly tell me their name and there won't be any problems."

Some students laughed others smiled and the rest were confused with amusement in their eyes. This is what I wanted, I wanted them to feel comfortable around me.

"Now that you are my students, I consider all of you my family, and let me tell you that I am very protective of my family."


I could never be any more happier, my students were all polite and full of character. For the rest of the day we played games and got to know one another very well, now I can see why my parents were so passionate at teaching. Some even challenged me to a game of uno, apparently they carried those around all the time. Why? Before we knew it, I told the class that we had five minutes before the end bell. They were pretty bummed about it and they each told me bye, I was so damn happy, I almost cried. All too soon, I was alone in the classroom, I packed up my things and my note book, the whole day I wrote in it. Writing down the names of the students, what they liked, and what their general personality was. I returned home and began studying what I wrote, making sure I remember their names by tomorrow. See? I knew I was just overreacting, these kids are awesome! Well we did have some absent kids, maybe those are the ones that will be a problem. Either way, I will have them change their attitudes towards school and they will be the star students! I smiled to myself, thinking of all the ways to torture the bad kids once they show up. Tomorrow was going to be fun.

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