
Monster hunter system in One piece

This book of how an everyday london office worker died an untimely death and was given a second chance to be sent to the world of Pirates, Marines, and Revolutionaries One piece! *Warning* I do not own any rights to any franchise used in this fanfic and all rights are reserved to their respective creator or company. Average word count 1100.

Orian2209 · 漫画同人
8 Chs

to the markets

{Word count 1633}

(POV Norman)

"EH?!" I blurted out confused.

"OI! WILL YA KEEP IT DOWN I'M TRYIN TA SLEEP!" I heard the ear piercing Scottish scream of a woman from the next room startling me.

"Sorry!" Embarrassed I flipped the coins right then and there making them transform midair into various items that came crashing down.

 "…Welp shit-" I said as a sheathed sword's scabbard fell flat on my forehead.





(POV Norman)

"Ugh…" I grunted in pain as I woke up feeling weight all over my body.

Looking down and saw clothes, armor, and a sword sprawled across my body along with notification panels orbiting me.

<Iron katana>


<Velociprey armor set>


<Ingo's clothes>


Remembering my thoughtless action the previous night I sighed irritably as I got out of my bed.

Getting into position I stretched my back until I heard a soothing crack.

"hah…" Turning my attention to last night's rewards with slight difficulty I opened the sword from its sheath.

*Sssssshhhhhhiiiinnnnnnggg* {You know that sound when any anime character unsheathes a sword}

(Heavy!) Was the only thing that came to mind as I struggled holding the heavy long sword.

Only with my arms semi transformed was I able to hold it with somewhat comfortability and place it back in its sheath and in my inventory.

"Ain't using that for awhile…" I quietly murmured before I looked at the familiar clothes of a certain train enthusiast and conductor.

(Krokorok I chose you!) I rolled my eyes at the childish thought as I lifted the armor's chest plate finding its weight similar to a coat soaked in water.

<Equip? >

Suddenly a small system panel appeared before the armor surprising me making me lose my grasp on the chestplate before quickly grabbing it mid fall.

"This is new…." I tapped the button instantly switching my shirt with the armor and vice versa.

I made a strained smile not beginning used to the weight of the chest plate as I picked up my shirt wishing to equip it.

(don't tell me it only works on system items….) I thought a tab bit depressed as I didn't find any panel pooping up.

Finding an un-equip button near the chest plate I pressed the button removing it from my body and making it fall on the bed.

*Muffled Clank*

 I then carefully placed the armor set in the inventory before putting on my new clothes.




"The drips impeccable!" I cheerfully told myself as I looked at the mirror looking surprisingly similar to Ingo.

Walking out my room and down the stairs I noticed there was almost no activity besides the inn's cleaner conforming my assumption of it being early in the morning.

I left the inn with pep in my step heading for the towns harbor until I noticed something off…

(Why is everyone staring at me?!) I thought nervously as the masses stared daggers at me causing me to slow down considerably.

(Is it the clothes?) I paused looking down at my attire before taking a quick glance at the other people seeing that much of a difference besides me looking a tad bit professional and serious.

(No it's not that… What's gaining their attention-)



"Kid you alright!" I crouched down carefully examining a child that tripped next to me.

"I'm fine mister-…Whoa its you!" The child exclaimed with stars for eyes confusing me.

"Uh…yes I'm me?" I tilted my head with a question mark beside my head.

"Do you know me or something?" I asked confused as I gently lifted the boy to his feet.

"hehehe! Of course I do silly! Everyone knows you!" The kid answered as he circled me curiously.

"They-…Eh? They do?" I looked at the people on the street and noticed their gazes weren't hostile or judging but…thankful? 

(What in the world…) A man happily waved at me to which I made an awkward smile as I waved back receiving a small nod from him before he went back to whatever he was doing.

"Yes everyone knows the 'Forest hunter'!" The kid happily responded confusing me even further.

*Silence with cricket chirps*

"…Forest hunter?" I looked at kid with a twitching eye as my head's gears ceased functioning.

"Yeah! The white haired man from the grandline who goes to the forest and makes it safer for us by hunting all the baddies in there!" The child explained in a dramatic tone while swinging a random stick around making me chuckle a bit.

"Fufufu…Well then tell you what, I'll keep protecting this town as long as I stay here!" I ruffled the kids hair a bit making the lad pout a bit.

(Forest hunter huh…I mean I killed that pack of wolves on the first day, then on the following days I hunted I hunted a few boars for money, and then I hunted the bandits- oh I mean I guess that name makes sense!) I politely waved the kid goodbye before getting back on track to the port.

(Never mind that cheesy tile and back on the objective-) I stopped for a second admiring the hustle and bustle of the market.

(-Getting information…) 

I walked through the worn stone streets looking at each stall and shop for books on general knowledge, navigation, maps, history basically any piece of useful knowledge in general.

(I tried buying stuff when I got here but was short on cash…But now? Hahahahaha I can buy everything I need!) I paced my steps careful not to bump into anyone in the crowd

(I've got a few months until the plot starts and within that time I'd like to get as much information as I can along with as much training and fighting experience I can get…Not to mention I have to get to east blue within that time too…) I thought as I made my way over to a large shop.


I looked at the interior finding a plethora of items from jewelry and books to fancy cutlery.

I walked in a bit more browsing through the items until-

(Why do I smell faint traces of blood…) 

Suddenly trusting my instincts, I enhanced my sense of smell with that of a Cortos confirming my suspicions…

"Hello fine sir, what may I interest you in?" 

I looked behind me and let me tell ya something if anime taught me anything and now that I'm in one, this dude is defiantly a bad news!

The man is wearing a fancy ass suit with a golden monocle, has a black cane, tall and fat, balding, and the biggest hint to him being evil a short pencil mustache that he is twisting right now!

"-ir? Sir? Sir?" Snapping out my thoughts I looked at the man with a forced smile.

"Ah sorry you just reminded me off someone that's all…Anyway I was hoping you had a few items I'm looking for." I tried shrugging off my thoughts before pulling out a piece of paper.

"I was wondering if you had any books regarding these topics!" I tried appearing friendly although my guard was completely up.

"Ah a man of literature! lets have a peek then shall we?" I handed the man the list and once he was engrossed in it I took my chance.

(Now that 'kingpin' over here is distracted…) I quickly turned on my thermal vision and darted my eyes around the building seeing almost no one in the building until I looked down and a bit to the right….

(Black market huh…) I saw red masses moving out and about shaped like a people everywhere below along with stationary ones that I assumed were 'products' consisting of strange animals along with unfortunately…slaves…

(This is sickening….) I watched with disgust as I saw poor condition of the slaves and creatures which I made out with their low body heat and the horrendous actions aimed at them.

(This is probably where the bandits planned on selling me as a 'product' if I lost…) I connected the dots figuring that the bandit group was related to the market.

"Hmm I do believe we have most of the books you're looking for, Brenda come over here!" I swiftly transformed my eyes to normal as the man called for someone.




"Do come again fine sir!" I heard the man say as I left the store with a handful of books.

"Oh I will!...and next time I'll kill you all…" I muttered the last part under my breath as I headed back to the inn.

(I know it's none of my business to help them or get involved… But if I do free them won't it be harder for them being in a new environment with massive trauma?) I looked at the down at my feet as I walked contemplating my choices. 

(…But I'm not a fucking emo ass cringe ass psychotic main character from those cringe fanfics, I am a man with morals and the power to help them! I will bring that place down!) I transformed my eyes once more and looked at the underground market that spanned to almost the entirety of the port with fury.

"It's settled then before I leave I will destroy that place…" I silently vowed myself a promise.

(Besides I'm not doing this for free I'll be taking everything but the slaves from there for myself… Maybe I'll give them some of their captor's money too…) Scouting their strength levels as I walked, I noticed a plethora of what I assumed were guards all of which geared with armor and weapon definitely stronger than Jarred.

"…I think I'll wait a bit first…" Thinking rationally I decided to bring that place down with fire at a later date...one where I am stronger and one where I have a plan…






To be continued…. 

{What monster transformation would you like the mc to get? comment your ideas here and i'll see if i can add it to the story at one point!}