
Chapter 936 Third trial: Test of Will!

As Bai Yuhan's figure disappeared from the white hall, Yang Hui and the rest of the Bai family members followed suit soon after, stepping into the silver door as well.

After throwing one last look at the Elders of the Holy sect and making sure that no one was in a life-threatening condition, Shun Long eventually did the same, as he walked towards the illusionary silver door shortly afterwards.

Even though it had only been a couple of minutes since he'd arrived in the resting area of the second floor, the conflict between Bai Yuhan, Yang Hui, and the Elders of the Holy sect had made things feel a lot longer.

Of course, the second trial had barely posed a challenge to him, so there was no reason for Shun Long to waste any time resting on the second floor either. His qi reserves were still full while his spiritual sea was still brimming with power. His body was also fully rested at this point, making any further stay in this place pointless.