
Chapter 588 Traveling to the Northern region

This time, it wasn't just Shun Long, but Liu Mei, Bai Longtian, and the rest who were surprised upon hearing that the Holy sect was also located at the north of the central region.

'If a middle rank 6 magic beast needed a whole month to get to the Northern region from the north of the central region, then how long would it need to reach the eastern region or even the south?'

This thought appeared in everyone's minds, but Shun Long still nodded his head as thanks to the yellow-robed young woman, before he was the first one to jump on the 'Arctic blue bird's' back.

The bird itself was enormous and was even bigger than Liu Mei's 'Death Eater', with a height that exceeded 40 meters(131ft). 

It could easily carry a dozen people on its back without it feeling cramped at all.