
Chapter 491 Bai Longtian's reason

''Look! Is Jiang Chen really going to fight with Bai Longtian?''

''I don't think they will. After all, the sect's rules forbid fighting outside of the arena! However, what is Bai Longtian doing here? I know that his own courtyard isn't close to this place. Could it be that he has really come here to challenge Jiang Chen?''

The surrounding disciples who saw Jiang Chen and Bai Longtian ready to fight had started to gather a small distance away from Shun Long's courtyard, as they stared at the scene in front of them while discussing the possible scenarios.

Of course, most of those disciples were either disciples who had entered the sect at the same time as Shun Long, Bai Longtian and the rest, or they were those disciples who had been their opponents during the fourth test.

The rest of the outer disciples who didn't recognize Jiang Chen or Bai Longtian barely threw a glance at this scene before they continued with what they were doing.