
Chapter 304 Return to the 'Floating Cloud sect'

Shun Long didn't know why, but he could feel his heart clench when he saw the faces of his parents, while his heartbeat had started to rise.

Both Little Black and Little Silver whose souls were connected to Shun Long's, could feel his feelings that had turned into turmoil, while Liu Mei who had her hands around Shun Long's chest could also feel his heart that was now beating wildly.

''Master, what happened?''


Both Little Black's, as well as Liu Mei's voice, sounded in Shun Long's head and ears respectively, as soon as they detected this anomaly.

Little Black spread his soul sense but he didn't detect anything untoward around them, which puzzled the black dragon even more.

With a serious look on his face, Shun Long then said

''Something has happened to my parents!''

This wasn't something related to any Dao, but a feeling that stemmed directly from Shun Long's heart.