
Chapter 171 Heaven's Dome city

''Then... young master Shun... what must I do, for you to forgive me?''

A big smile covered Shun Long's face, as he finally heard the words that he had been waiting to hear, since the first time that they had met with Zhang Dingxiang. 

All of his actions until today, since he had arrived in the Night star continent, including having the 'Silver-winged panther king' out in the open and strolling around the Silver sword city on its back, were planned to lead to this moment.

Shun Long was certain that since he had entered a 'seemingly big guild' from the outside, there would definitely be a high-rank Elder who would try to recruit them, as soon as he and Liu Mei stepped inside.

And indeed, as soon as he and Liu Mei entered inside, everything went according to his expectations, as an Elder from the Pale Moon guild had come to meet them.