
MMORPG: Rebirth of the Mortal Online

Betrayed and used, Adam Palestar was a man that dedicated ten years of his life to reach the top in the game—Mortal Online—where the strong rule and weak are abused. It was a game where a single death meant the loss of all the hard work. In the end, he died in a way that was common in this game—betrayed by his closest companions—but he never expected that to happen to him. Now, reborn and regressed back to his younger self, he has a second chance—failure is not an option.

Alekzi · 奇幻
250 Chs


Drip, drip.

The water leaked from the wooden ceiling and splashed on the dirty floor below, right beside a chair, where a person was tied up.

Henry, his mouth clogged, struggled against the ropes that were binding his wrists and ankles.

Shura dragged a chair behind her and took a seat in front and only received a hateful glare from Henry.

"Brighten up that darned lantern, will you?" Shura turned her head to an axe-wielding man standing in the corner.

He took out a box of matchsticks, went to the lantern by one of the pillars holding up the ceiling, and proceeded to light it up.

A better, brighter light filled the room.

"Henry, Henry, Henry~" Shura shook her head and touched at the dirty rag that was covering Henry's mouth. "Before I remove this, please keep your words pure and honest."

Henry scoffed and his gaze hardened, but he knew he had no choice but to comply, so he nodded.

Shura removed the dirty rag.