
MMORPG: Rebirth of the Mortal Online

Betrayed and used, Adam Palestar was a man that dedicated ten years of his life to reach the top in the game—Mortal Online—where the strong rule and weak are abused. It was a game where a single death meant the loss of all the hard work. In the end, he died in a way that was common in this game—betrayed by his closest companions—but he never expected that to happen to him. Now, reborn and regressed back to his younger self, he has a second chance—failure is not an option.

Alekzi · Fantasy
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250 Chs

Successful Quest

The witch doctor approached the door, her steps hesitant as she reached out to open the door.

"What're you doing?" Henry whispered in anger.

Without answering to him, she opened the door and had to raise her gaze to meet the eyes of the young man waiting outside.

"May I help you?" She asked, but she couldn't hide her trembling voice.

"I am here to talk with your patient." Adam said with an amiable smile. "He is expecting me."

The witch doctor didn't oppose it and stepped aside, not daring to meet the betrayed eyes of Henry. The witch doctor knew that he had lost Henry's trust forever, but she knew that he was on the losing end of this conflict.

Adam stepped into the hut and saw pale-faced Henry sitting on the bed—it didn't look like he was under the effects of the poison anymore as he couldn't find any traces of it left in his body.