
Minecraft: Eclipse

[Disclaimer!!] Read the tags before reading this synopsis. This is NOT a crack fic, it has a story. .... John always dreamed to create the best Minecraft mod that will ever exist, and when he achieved his dream.. He entered inside the same game he dedicated his entire life to. "Thank God the hidden commands work perfectly.." ---- This is the classic Minecraft story about the mc who gets reincarnated into a realistic Minecraft with kingdoms and fantasy, but the difference is that he is no pushover. I will add, remove and change what i want of Minecraft since this is my fanfiction. The mc is really intelligent and perceptive. The mc will seek power without hesitation. He kills. He is black skinned. There will be romance but not soon and not rushed. There will be no horny or lgbt package. The mc is a carefree guy who wants to have fun so don't expect an always serious mc, he will be serious only when the situation requires it. He will be strong to overpowered to invincible, it's normal since if an intelligent guy got the Minecraft mechanics he would become strong fast. He also has a mod made by himself with many things, but he also has many mods that we all know and others that i invented myself so if he wants he can just activate some mods and become invincible instantly, what i want to convey is that he wants to enjoy the journey and acquire power without going on the easy way. But if he wants to beat the fuck out of someone, he will do it, like... that nigga is petty as fuck. There will be kingdom building since i love that genre, so if you have advice don't hesitate to comment, since I'm not all knowledgeable. The cover is mine. I update when i want to. This story will be like the Minecraft YouTube animated battle stories. If you want to support me a lil bit, you can donate on Patreon while also getting advanced chapters!! Patreon: ConceptAuthor Good read.

Concept_Author · 游戏衍生
28 Chs

Chapter 17: Dungeon

EaterOfTheDead has subscribed to the Patreon 🥳 here the bonus chapter!

Give me some time to update the chapters on Patreon, since I'm one man and i need to change their tier of unlock manualy.

But right now I'm busy but you can subscribe for free to be notified!

Thank you all 🥺


I spent the next minutes making a full body diamond armor, and different from the game, here the armor is more detailed.

The armor is made of leather inside with the diamond coating covering the outside, it fits my body comfortably without restricting my movement, but obviously my weight increased but not by much.

Since this is a real world i crafted a pair of diamond gloves, like the armor they are comfortable but durable, meanwhile the chestplate is different from It's game counterpart as it covers my whole upper body, included my arms.

The helmet is protecting my entire head without impeding my vision.

I woke up Muwi and instructed him to hit me to see the durability, and after some tests we concluded that even though diamond is not as essence compatible as Orichalcum, it's more durable as proved that without coating it, the Orichalcum spear left only scratches on it needing essence to damage it.

But when i enchanted the armor with essence, my defense increased even more as i needed a good portion of my strength to damage it with the enchanted spear.


After repairing the armor we begun to mine upwards towards the surface, since after a day of mining was enough for now.


I continued to mine upwards until the block on top of us broke, but instead of the usual stone, we saw a hole with a dark background there.

"Hm?" My gaze sharpened along with Muwi growing a little, ready for any sudden movements.

Thanks to the map that is always active, with the hole i managed to unlock the other side information, and from the map i could see that it was some sort of dungeon.

"It's a dungeon, be ready." I jumped upwards and landed on the ground of the dungeon, with Muwi immediately jumping down and showing his three tails.

Everything was dark and i could not see anything, but with a mental command a small ball of flame appeared around me, illuminating the surroundings, while also being a mean of attack in case of sudden danger.

We walked along the path observing the structure, it was made of various deep stones and woden blocks with various vines here and there.

From the map i spotted some gray dots some blocks in front, so i took out the spear and placed it on my shoulder.

Tap tap tap

Our steps were the only noise on the area, and after some seconds we came inside a spacious hall with a massive iron cube in the center.

"Damn, that must be hundreds of iron blocks! We're rich John!" Muwi exclaimed while staying allert, i nodded and answered: "Indeed, even though we already have many ores, this blessing won't be wasted."

The iron cube was twenty meters tall and wide, the hall was circular with three circles around the cube, one more distant than the other.

We looked around since this was clearly a trial or trap, and knowing Minecraft, this is both.

I spotted six iron statues around, all of them positioned on the walls, the statues were all different from each other and their appearance was really cool I'm not gonna lie.

The statues have a sword, axe, staff, spear, a hammer and the last was weaponless, but one thing was sure.

I looked at Muwi who did the same: "They will surely move when we will touch the cube." We spoke at the same time, and then decide to walk towards the cube while paying close attention to the dots on the map.

Even though they are grey they might change at any moment.

We walk silently with our guards up towards the cube, my spear firmly gripped by me while i look around with my body enchanted in essence.

Muwi was on his original size with his sharp claws ready to tear apart any sudden moving statue.




I look forward as a statue lands from our short clash, it looks at me and stays still, the sharp sword gripped by its metallic blocky fingers.

"Did you just see it's speed?" I asked incredulously while Muwi eyes were locked into the statue: "One moment it was on the wall immobile, and the other it speeded up towards you with it's sword." He spoke while looking at the other statues.

With a frown on my face, eyes locked into it i spoke: "It moved the moment we stepped foot on the first circular line, do you know what that means?"

I moved my eyes to the other statu- Clanggg

'Ugh!?' my eyes widen in pain as i got flung away by the force of the blow, my armour protection spared me a deep injury, but this didn't stop me from flying in the air.

What the fuck!?

I immediately mold the fire sphere following me into a fire disc and place it behind me, exactly where my body will go, with a flip i place my feet on it and let the force travel behind the disc, forming a shockwave behind.

I lock my eyes on the statue and see that it was still again, with Muwi attacking it continuously with his claws covered in hard flames.

I grit my teeth and use the disc as a foothold to lunge myself towards the statue while waving my hand and moving the spear that i dropped towards my open palm.

Since the Orichalcum spear still has some trace of my essence, with my control I managed to move it towards me.


The spear came flying towards me at high speeds as i flew towards the statue, i spinned my body and grabbed the spear enchanting it with with essence.


With my focused gaze i moved the weapon to deflect an axe chop on my left, and landed.

My eyes immediately locked into the new opponent who was another statue with an axe.

"Another one.." i murmored and looked at the second line farthest from the cube, and seeing that i trepassed it, i understood, for every line we surpass-


I move my spear to block another attack from a statue using it's fists, i frown, this time two statues moved!


I duck down as the axe wielder slashed on top of me, with the martial artist statue kicking towards my head.

Flames appear on my feet as i disappear and speed towards Muwi to regroup with him, wich he did the same while not leaving his eyes on the spear statue.

"They move when we don't look." Muwi spoke while i looked at the other two statues.