
Minecraft: Eclipse

[Disclaimer!!] Read the tags before reading this synopsis. This is NOT a crack fic, it has a story. .... John always dreamed to create the best Minecraft mod that will ever exist, and when he achieved his dream.. He entered inside the same game he dedicated his entire life to. "Thank God the hidden commands work perfectly.." ---- This is the classic Minecraft story about the mc who gets reincarnated into a realistic Minecraft with kingdoms and fantasy, but the difference is that he is no pushover. I will add, remove and change what i want of Minecraft since this is my fanfiction. The mc is really intelligent and perceptive. The mc will seek power without hesitation. He kills. He is black skinned. There will be romance but not soon and not rushed. There will be no horny or lgbt package. The mc is a carefree guy who wants to have fun so don't expect an always serious mc, he will be serious only when the situation requires it. He will be strong to overpowered to invincible, it's normal since if an intelligent guy got the Minecraft mechanics he would become strong fast. He also has a mod made by himself with many things, but he also has many mods that we all know and others that i invented myself so if he wants he can just activate some mods and become invincible instantly, what i want to convey is that he wants to enjoy the journey and acquire power without going on the easy way. But if he wants to beat the fuck out of someone, he will do it, like... that nigga is petty as fuck. There will be kingdom building since i love that genre, so if you have advice don't hesitate to comment, since I'm not all knowledgeable. The cover is mine. I update when i want to. This story will be like the Minecraft YouTube animated battle stories. If you want to support me a lil bit, you can donate on Patreon while also getting advanced chapters!! Patreon: ConceptAuthor Good read.

Concept_Author · 游戏衍生
28 Chs

Chapter 16: Orichalcum

"So, what are you crafting this time?" Muwi asked while standing on my right, looking up towards my face, i pause and focus on him and look at his body, now that i think about it, this dude is growing up pretty quickly.

"I'm making weapons and armor before going to the goblin camp." I answer him receiving a nod in return, i turn my attention back to the crafting table while asking him

"Hey, why are you growing this fast?" Deep down i kinda have an idea why, but it's better to hear it from the involved party, Muwi tilts his head and looks at himself, noticing only now his increased size.

His brows raise in understanding as he responds to my question: "It's most likely because I'm connected to you, and since you're growing with an insane speed, I'm also following behind." His words made sense.

I take out the ores needed for the armor and weapons i will make, i know that i can use the instant crafting method, or use the system recipes immediately without wasting time trying here and there.

But one thing i noted about the system recipes, is that they are basic, what i mean is that i can make the necessary things i want but the design is average.

Let's take the sword design for example, just like the game, here, the system recipe, makes the classic sword design with the usual attack damage and speed.

But if i want something better with the same materials, i need to do it myself with the tools on the crafting table, this takes more time, but after i can save the recipe for a next time.

I took a stack of sticks and placed them into the middle, i then took out some leather and placed it on the bottom middle, and with the last touch i filled the rest of the slots with iron.

Thanks god i killed every cow i saw, leaving only the infants, this allowed me to have a good quantity of leather, and I don't need to explain where i got the metals, I've been here for an entire day.

When i finished i took the hammer and with a good take of oxygen i gripped firmly on it and channeled my essence into the tool, making it glow light blue.

With a focused gaze i hammered the items on the grafting table with force and precision, with each hit, the items resonated with the essence, slowly moving closer, untill they begun to glow and merge.


With the last hit i made, the items glowed even more and fused completely, forming a silver stick with a leather bottom, i grabbed it and looked at my inventory.

Essence infused iron stick (×37)

"A grown ass man smiling for a stick, what a disgrace." Muwi mocked me from the background but i simply ignored him, keeping in mind this moment.

A smile formed on my face while i continued on my next work, while mining i found an interesting ore, it happened after i fought a mutated creeper that could send lightning from it's eyes, heh, that mother fucker gave me a good fight.

After killing it i discovered that it was guarding a small ore of some type of light blue color, after i tried to mine one it broke and dissipated into the air, i cursed for some time before taking out three diamonds and crafting a picaxe asap.

What i pity, i was too greedy to keep the diamonds that i lost a block, after learning my lesson, i mined the remaining one, and from the panel description i understood that this ore is called Orichalcum.

Not the weak ore from the modern world, but the magical and fictional one, it's properties are basically a better affinity to essence and an optimal ore to make magical weapons, armor and various things.

With my hands on Orichalcum i got the recipe to make Mythril, but because my greedy ass didn't make a diamond pickaxe before mining the ore, i am now short of one ingot.


"Fuck!" I cursed again after getting frustrated from my mistake, but with a sight i continued on my job.

With the only ingot of Orichalcum that i have, i decided to make a weapon that only needs one ingot, i thought of a spear, a coated staff or a dagger.

Since the dagger is over used, i decided to go with the spear, it's even more practical with it's long range.

So i simply placed two (EI) sticks with the ingot on top, i grabbed the hammer again and hammered the table as if it depended on my life.

Soon after, a long spear appeared in front of me, i grabbed it and immediately felt the weight, it's similar to the big hammer of lil Volnis, it's most likely his magical weapon contains Orichalcum.

I spinn the spear a lil bit to get used to it, the leather handle is stable and comfortable, even though i am spinning the weapon at high speeds without it slipping from my hand.

The design is really simple but of quality, just like i like it, i stopped spinning the spear and looked at the tip, the blade is of blue color with a light glow on it.

I placed my finger on the sharp blade and got cut like butter, my eyes widened in surprise, I've been growing stronger the more time passes and my skin now is as durable as iron but the Orichalcum cut through it without difficulty.

I send my essence into the weapon and look how easily the essence gets absorbed by the spear, thanks to the handle, when the energy reaches the Orichalcum blade, it begun to glow more.

I immediately feel the weight of the spear shift, but for me it's as if it didn't change, but i know that for the next victims, it wil be another story.

After doing various tests with the spear i store it into the inventory and turn back to the crafting table, immediately noticing that Muwi is sleeping soundly.

I must have zoned out for a good amount of time.

I walk to the crafting table and place the next ores, this time simple diamond.

I'm making a full diamond armor.


I know that this chapter had the majority of it filled with info, but this is necessary for the future so you will know how the mc is crafting.

The next chapters will be full of fighting so prepare!