
Chapter Three

"Two-" Seven calls through their ear comms, "-go deal with those hoodlums."

"What?" Two turned, "What about you guys?" Two flickered his attention towards Five and Three who were struggling while ducking and dodging Necro's attacks, holding him back from charging where he and Seven stood.

"Go Two." Seven ordered, about to follow his comrades onto the battleground.

"You can't be serious-!" Two scoffs, "-the last time you guys went up against that freak, he snapped you like a freaking pretzel!" Seven turned, gazing over his shoulder.

"Good thing we are into that sorta stuff." Seven smirked, "Get going, stop those morons before they destroy any more of the city, but don't go getting yourself killed, don't be a hero."

"You hear how ironic that sounds right?" Two questions.

"Yep-" Seven breathed, "-my whole damn life is one big paradox."

"What does that mean-?"

"We don't have time to stand around sucking each other off-!" Seven snaps, "-go do your damn job!"

"I didn't want to do this job!"

"None of us do!" Seven spits, turning on his heel leaving Two in his tracks.

"So nice of you to join us." Three half jokes, eyes narrowed onto Necro.

"Yeah-Yeah." Seven waved his hand off, "How is he still standing?"

"Oh, I'm sorry are we not bringing down the mass murder fast enough for you?" Three questioned, looking over to his teammate before jumping backwards, barely catching his footing preventing from falling over onto his ass. Three cursed under his breath as another swollen limb came flying towards him.

"Five-!" Three yells out, "-what the hell?"

"He isn't dropping." Five plainly responds.

"No shit!" Three waved his arms, even though no one can see it, Five still shoots Three an annoyed expression. "He may be a freak of nature, but he is still human!"

"I'm not so sure of that." Five muttered.

"What the hell does that mean?" Seven struggled to focus on the conversation while playing leapfrog over Necro's ligaments just trying to stay alive.

Seven searched the dust coated area scanning for his comrades, feeling a bubble of anxiety for their safety.

"Seven!" Three cried out, Seven didn't have time to react as he was knocked onto his back, feeling weight crushing all the air in his lungs rushed to freedom.

"Annoying pests!" Necro grunted, his swallowed eyes flickered around, looking as if they would pop from his skull at any moment. Three and Five reacted running towards their teammate, leaving Necro's target exposed.

"Kid!" Seven reached his arm out, unable to move from the massive body part nailing him in place, all Seven could do was helplessly watch as one of Necro's ligaments flew behind Two, impaling him through the chest.

"No!" Three gasped, stomach turning seeing the blood soak the dark fabric of their uniform. The sounds of Two choking on his own hot blood gargled through their earpieces. No one could escape the haunting sounds.

"Damnit!" Seven cursed, struggling against Necro watching Two drop motionless to the ground. Seven locked his jaw, he knew the kid wasn't ready to be out in the field he told Shooter this!

"Another bullet bites the dust." Necro mocks, turning his attention to the three remaining obstacles in the way of completing his mission.

Necro's lackies jumped Three, pushing him backward. Five had to ignore Three being ganged up on, taking a strong grip on the side of Necro she let out a wave of electricity.

Necro gasped out uncomfortably, the limp quickly extracted. Seven gasped filling his burning lungs but they didn't have the time, Five felt the growing presence on her side.

Quickly without thinking, doing the only thing she knew, Five quickly pushed Seven out of the way, watching him fall back onto his ass as Necro's villain's jumped him leaving no time for the heroes to bounce back.

Five turned in time to watch Necro tackle her, pushing her back against the hard concrete.

"I am tired of you in my way!" Necro seethed, pulling back his fist before propelling it forward smashing it on the side of Five's head, she could hear the metal masks groan on protest

"NO!" Mina stood from the floor; her hands flew to her mouth watching with a horror filled gaze, Necro punched Five repeatedly on screen.

"Where are the heroes!?" Toru gestured to the tv turning to Mina.

"Why hasn't anyone responded to the attack?" Midoriya wondered, sitting beside Toru.

"Someone needs to do something!" Mina cried, her hands finding themself in her hair.

Five watches the screen inside her mask spiderweb until she is encased in darkness. Her head pounds in a dull thud as her eardrums ring out. Her senses drop leaving her behind while her brain short circuts.

"Fuck it." She breathes through bloodied lips.

She lifted her hands, feeling slight frost tickle her fingertips before blindly shooting ice forward. The over bearing weight was ripped off, Five rolled onto her side desperately sucking in air, her ribcage felt like it had been cursed by an elephant. She blinks a few times, confusion filling her as darkness greeted her after each blink.

"Agh-!" Necro screams, anger fueled. Five can feel his trampling vibrations in the earth, he was coming. Five lifted herself to her feet, her brain firing on all cylinders, but each thought kept running back to the fact her mask was broken and she couldn't see.

How could she continue fighting?

Every instinct inside her body screamed as she lifted her hand to the rim of the mask, it felt borderline unnatural but with one swift movement she pulled it off. Taking in a deep breath light filled her sight, air blew across her skin as she looked around exposing her face to the world.

"What...the..." Toru gasped, wide eyes looking over her shoulder to All Might who sat on the couch behind her.

You stood in Five's place, in the middle of a smoking battleground.

Hot blood tricked down the side of your head originating from your hairline. Your face was stern, spinning around flames igniting in your hands but Necro wasn't fazed, the embers brushed over his skin like water off a duck's back.

"I'll pick you off one by one-!" Necro shook his round head, sprinting. "-starting with the weakest!" He drew his arm upward, swatting you away like a simple house fly.

"(y/n)!" Mina cried; tears flowed down her face watching you crash through a broken slab of building; dust muffled the air.

"Come on-" Midoriya breathed after a moment. "-get up."

"Look-!" The woman reporter pointed, shoving the camera towards Necro, knowing a villain killing a hero on live television would get more ratings than an unmasking of the infamous bullet hero.

"I can't watch-!" Toru covered her eyes as Necro stopped his charge, having reached his target. He raised his swollen arm about to hammer it against Seven taking yet another one of the Seven Bullet's lives.

Before he could extend his arm, you jumped in the way, causing All Might to stand. Ice grew making a shield against Necro's blow, wrapping around you and Seven.

Necro growled feeling inconvenienced as he started pounding against the ice.

"What have you done?" Seven's breath gurgled from between his lips, laying on his back looking at your foreign unmasked face.

"Saving your ass-" You replied, "-again."

You knew your only allowed work wasn't working against this villain. Blood dripped into your eye, burning it as you did what was once natural. Using your ice quirk, you extended the ice shield Necro was currently trying to get through.

The moment his fist touched the ice you watched it crawl over his body. His cries of pain caused you to turn away was his body was encased in ice.

A still moment fell over the area. You panted, stomach turning in hunger as you stared at Necro. Commotion causes you to turn, seeing heroes running your way.

"Oh-" Seven darkly laughed as he collapsed against the ground, "-now you people show." Three walks over, holding your shattered mask and suddenly you felt like an exposed wound available to the open elements.

"Let's go-" Three said, about to reach down to help Seven up and go collect Two but a dark purple cage wrapped around each of you. "-what the hell?" Three looked around the glowing cage bars.

He reached out with his finger, curious, earning a shock from one of the bars, he quickly drew his arm in. The camera watched the three of you look around in confusion as the heroes move in, equally confused.

"Thank you-" A familiar voice sent chills down Midoriya's back. "-for returning what is mine."

"League of villains-!" Woods glared; "-I wish I could say I am surprised to see you, but you seem to follow destruction."

"Thank you." Shigaraki bowed walking into sight, a sleek black object captures the dying sun's attention. Without warning or reason, Shigaraki raises the gun, points and fires.

Katsuki's eyes were wide as the full mood as he stood hugging the screen watching your face be exposed. His heart was beating inside his chest as his thoughts clouded with questions. He forgot how to breathe when Shigaraki pointed the gun and fired it at you.

"Katsuki-!" His mother calls as he jumps into his shoes and out the front door, leaving it hanging open.

"Mitsuki wait." Masaru caught his wife's hand.

"But he just-"

"We know where he is going." The two stared at one another.

"All Mights."

"That is where he needs to be right now."

"You're going nowhere now villain-!" Wood shouted; "-how dare you strike a fellow hero!"

"We are not looking for a fight tonight." Shigaraki replied, glancing over to you on your knee holding your freshly bleeding shoulder.

"To late-!" Mirko jumped; leg extended pointed at Shigaraki but before she could land dark purple smoke wraps around him and the three you of vanish from the heroes' reach leaving a crumbled battle ground and a frozen Necro, and a fallen hero.


Katsuki pushed open the front door, breathing in deeply still halfway in denial about what he saw as he ran into All Might's living room. Mina and the others turned hearing him.

"What took you so long?" Toru wondered.

"Wha-?" Katsuki saw All Might pasing around the living room already on the phone inside a call with his police friend. Mina quickly rose to her feet, moving around the couch looking at Katsuki's stunned expression.

"She's alive." Mina breathed; tears loomed in her eyes as she wrapped her arms around him. For a moment, Midoriya thought he might curse and push her off but to his surprise Katsuki hugged her back.

"Who's he talking to?" Katsuki questioned as Mina pulled away.

"His police friend." Mina answered, "Trying to get answers."

"All Might also knows his friend has a lead where the league of villains might be hiding out." Midoriya further explained, "He is trying to get their whereabouts."

All Might abruptly ends the phone call, turning to the group in his living room.

"You kids need to get home." All Might stiffly says.

"What?" Mina blinks, "But-!"

"Firearm's agency isn't picking up-" All Might informs, "-and I can't take you kids with me."

"Why not!?"

"Because we don't know what we will be walking into."

Just then, Inko walks from the kitchen, she was drying her hands a golden ring rested on her ring finger. She quickly took in what was going on.

"I'll drive you kids home." She offers.


"Hey." All Might walks over to Mina, places a tired, but sturdy grip on her shoulder "I promise, I am going to do everything in my power to bring her home."

"I know..."

"Trust me." All Might almost pleads.

"Thank you, Mrs. Yagi." Mina and Toru thank her as she grabs her keys and jacket.

"I know you won't be home when I get back." Inko whispers to All Might, "I just ask you come back safe."

"I will." All Might kisses her.

"And bring her home." Inko adds on before taking the girls out of the house.

All Might turns, seeing Katsuki still standing in the living room. His arms crossed over his chest and Midoriya sat on the couch both watching All Might, who could feel their argument gearing up.

"I am not-" Katsuki starts, chest puffed ready for a fight.

"I was never going to ask you to leave Bakugo." All Might warmly smiles.

"You-You weren't?"

"No, now if either of you need to use the bathroom use it now. We won't be stopping."

"Where exactly are we going?" Midoriya followed All Might to the front door, who opened it in time to see the night had fully fallen and car headlights were coming towards them, rain began to cry over the earth.

"Naruhata is a long drive." All Might answered.

"Naruhata?" Midoriya muttered, "Oh yeah, that's where Firearm's agency is located."

"Since they don't want to answer, we are going to cut out the middleman and go there ourselves."


The car door opened, out stepped a familiar face.

"Mr. Aizawa!?" Midoriya gasped.

"Are you coming or not?" Aizawa questioned, "You're getting rain in my car."

"I didn't ask you to open your door." All Might retort, closing and locking up his house as the two U.A. students jog to the car, seeking shelter from the rain.