
Chapter Two

Katsuki walked down the hallway of his home; his shoulders flexed as he slid on his black hoodie making his way to the front door.

"Katsuki?" Masaru's voice floated in the air causing Katsuki to groan in annoyance before turning around to face his parents.


"Where are you going?" Masaru wondered.

"Kirishima wanted to get together for some game night." Katsuki shrugged shoving his hands into his jean pockets.

"Oh, come on-!" Mitsuki hopped into the conversation. "-I thought we were all going to have a movie night-!"

"Maybe another time." Katsuki muttered, turning to leave.

"Katsuki-" Masaru stepped forward, earning his son's short attention. "-you're going to be moving into the dorms for school soon...we won't be seeing you much, perhaps for just tonight you could maybe...tell your friends another time?" Masaru tested the waters, Katsuki's eyes flickered to his mother's harsh glare than to his father.

"Fine." Katsuki sighed, kicking off his shoes, placing them neatly in line with the other footwear before pulling his jacket off.

"Really?" Masaru blinked; eyes wide with shock watching his son walk into the house.

"Yeah." Katsuki replied, plopping onto the couch.

"Well-Well ok then!" Masaru held a goofy grin making Mitsuki smile.

"Alright-!" Mitsuki took her seat on the couch, "-let's watch something scary!"

"What!?" Masaru fletched, "Don't-Don't you want to watch something a little lighter, like a comedy or-"

"Ha-!" Katsuki laughed, knowing his father's hatred for scary movies. "-to late old man! Horror it is!"

"But-!" Masaru pouted as his wife snatched the remote scrolling through the TV until a desired movie was found.

Katsuki lazed on the couch; an arm tucked behind his head scrolling through the disappointed messages from his friends in Katsuki's absence from game night.

The Bakugo's living room held a gloomy darkness, the silence was muffled out by the volume of the television. Masaru gripped the couches decorative pillow tightly as his nerves rose on edge feeling sucked into the horror movie.

"We interrupt this program for-!" A raucous news anchor popped onto the scream causing Masaru to jump backwards as popcorn danced up his shirt.

"Oh, come on!" Mitsuki threw her arms up, "We were just getting to the good part!"

"I-I wonder what is going on." Masaru's voice was uneased, quickly collecting the escaped popcorn trying to play off he hadn't been spooked.

"The city of Naruhata is under attack-!" The woman on tv cried into the microphone as the camera captured the devastation. "-where are the heroes-!?"

Katsuki quickly sat up; eyes narrowed watching the screen.

"Katsuki no." Mitsuki flipped around, "There's no way you or anyone in this location could get there in time."

"Your mother's right." Masaru solemnly agreed as he gazed through the tv watching villains run rapidly in the streets with no regard for society's rules.

"Why is no one here to stop-!?" The woman cried as she and the camera instinctively ducked hearing an explosion echo nearby. "-that's..." The woman gasped, eyes growing wide watching the massive figure walking towards her.

The man held muscles too large for his bodies skeleton to hold, his arms dragged along the rumbled as his legs jerked their way towards the woman.

"We need to go!" The camera man shrieked watching the villain known as Necro close in on them, like a predator circling its fresh prey.

"No-!" The woman cried, watching Necro grunt in a sound feeling like discomfort as he raised his swollen arm over his head, small beady eyes locked onto the fair womans face as she shut her eyes closed not wishing to watch this last part.

The viewers at home watched helplessly, unable to take their eyes away. But before Necro could slam his fist into the woman Mina--sitting around a coffee tabled decorated with treats with a few U.A. students--watched familiar colored lightning push Necro back drawing a line in the ground daring him to cross.

The camera turned, through the dust people walked into view.

"It's the Seven Bullets!" The camera man belted in joy.

"Ha-Ha-Ha-!" Necro's meaty voice gurgled from between his lips sending shivers through the listeners. "-what do you expect to do Seven Bullets!?" Necro mocked, "Get the rest of you killed!?"

"We gotta bone to pick with you." Seven stepped onto the scene, Mina's heart skipped seeing him.

"You should call yourself the Seven BB Guns because that's how intimidating you are!" Necro leaned back as his chest heaved with laughter.

"Yeah, keep on laughing." Three spat, "I'm going to put that pretty face to go use." The villain's button eyes trailed over to Five.

"I crushed you."

"Seems like you don't swing like you used to." Seven answered for Five.

"Now we can do this the easy way-" Three crouched, "-or the fun way."

"Ugh!" Necro hissed, spit flew from between his teeth dripping down his chin. "Annoying pests!"

"I was hoping you'd say that." Three smirked under his mask as Necro whipped his arms upward.

Along the surface of his engorged arms Necro can create extra limbs at which can expand to an unknown distance, they didn't act as regular limbs they can twist and turn like puddy. The heroes knew this, because that is how he was able to kill the Fourth Bullet. Necro sent his stolen quirk flying towards the heroes.

Five narrowed her eyes, fingertips tingled as she geared up her quirk which was the key to Necros' downfall. Five spun around the strike, lightning engulfing the palms of her hands as she grabbed onto the lump limb.

Necro cried out as lightning flowed into his body.

"You stupid bitch!"

"Aw it's not nice to talk about yourself that way." Three mocked, jumping to safety from Necro's enhanced strength.

The regular body was nothing but electric impulses, the Seven Bullets were hoping Necro was no different, if Five could interrupt those signals and stall him then maybe there would be a chance to bring on this villain's downfall.