

"The Mystic Dawn" delves into the uncharted territory of the multiverse theory, where a group of friends experiences a surreal shift in reality after a mysterious algorithmic glitch. The story embarks on a journey that blurs the lines between two vastly different worlds—a mundane existence as middle school graduates and a newfound realm where they wield extraordinary powers. As the narrative unfolds, the protagonists—now endowed with superhuman abilities—navigate the complexities of their altered reality. Led by the enigmatic figure known as Captain Azad, the group grapples with their newfound identities and responsibilities while facing the looming threat of being pursued as fugitives for crimes they didn't commit. Each character in "The Mystic Dawn" possesses unique powers reflective of their individual strengths and personalities. From Azad's ability to adapt and lead, to Frozen Arsonist's control over fire and ice, and RDX's explosive prowess, the team is a formidable force in this strange new world. Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, the group embraces their newfound powers and embarks on a quest to unravel the mysteries of the multiverse. Along the way, they confront moral dilemmas, forge unlikely alliances, and ultimately redefine their understanding of friendship and heroism. As they navigate the intricacies of the multiverse, "The Mystic Dawn" transcends mere escapism, delving into deeper themes of identity, agency, and the nature of reality itself. With each twist and turn, the story invites readers to ponder the limitless possibilities of existence and the power of human resilience in the face of adversity. At its core, "The Mystic Dawn" is a thrilling odyssey that blurs the boundaries between science fiction and philosophy, inviting readers on a mind-bending journey through the unknown realms of the multiverse. - SYNOPSIS BY CHAT GPT /// STORY BY ME

kai_iyami · 漫画同人
6 Chs





The multiverse is the hypothetical set of all universes. Together, these universes are presumed to comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, energy, information, and the physical laws and constants that describe them. The different universes within the multiverse are called "parallel universes," "alternate universes," or "many worlds." One common assumption is that the multiverse is a "patchwork quilt of separate universes all bound by the same laws of physics."

Max Tegmark and Brian Greene have proposed different classification schemes for multiverses. Tegmark's four-level classification includes:

1. **Level I:** An extension of our universe.

2. **Level II:** Universes with different physical constants.

3. **Level III:** Many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.

4. **Level IV:** Ultimate ensemble.

Brian Greene's nine types of multiverses include quilted, inflationary, brane, cyclic, landscape, quantum, holographic, simulated, and ultimate. These ideas explore various dimensions of space, physical laws, and mathematical structures to explain the existence and interactions of multiple universes.




"Life's like a rocky road, full of potholes and detours. But hey, it's the bumps that give us character," my father used to say. I found it hard to believe, but as the life drained from me and all of my friends, I understood that the destination was always Rome after all; all roads lead to Rome...


"When one door closes, another one opens. And when it doesn't... just break the damn window."

Here in Hell, the past seems close behind. This land confuses your mind. When does a man become a monster? The five men who died under my command... I no longer dream, only have nightmares of those who died. You've heard the legends of the island in the sky; this proves they're true. We're in the home of the lightning god... are we?

"Captain, how much longer till your luck runs out? How much longer 'til things go south? How much longer 'til we all fall down? You rely on wit, and people die on it, woah."

What a dark beginning to a show about heroes.

Captain Dipul Guragain and his team of misfits in MHA, it's going to be a mystic dawn.



"Huff huff," I panted as I woke up.

"Look who decided to wake up," Ukamo said, grinning and massaging his knuckles.

"Dude, you are the last to wake up," Tada sighed.

"So, how are we in an anime world and wanted for crimes?" I screamed at the team.

"Hahaha!" Gokuba laughed. "You idiot, this is a blessing from the gods! We have powers, actual superpowers!" he exclaimed. "I am going to beat this into your head," he said as he lunged at me, nitroglycerin dripping from his hands. The explosion did nothing to me since the original Gokuba and I had fought before, making me immune to his explosions. Ukamo promptly used his quirk to calm Gokuba down, making him drop to the ground.


"So, we need to give ourselves kick-ass names, as Gokuba said," Ukamo suggested, and everyone agreed.

"I am RDX," Gokuba screamed.

"Then I am Crush," Ukamo said.

"So, I will be... Frozen Arsonist," Roki decided.

"Then I will be Ignis," Nidew said timidly.

"Huh, isn't fire kind of my thing?" Frozen Arsonist said, laughing with confusion. Tada hit him on the lower back of his neck. "Yeah, don't touch FA's head."

"Anyways, I will be Blitz," Tada said.

"Then I will be... the hero of the past, the change, the revolution," I said with glee. "I will be Azad."




**Quirk: Adaptation Unlimited**

- Allows the user to adapt to any condition to survive and evolve.

- Appearance doesn't change.

- Grants total control over the body.

- Provides an informative system.

**THE PRIDE = Frozen Arsonist = TODO ROKI**

**Quirk: Freezing Hell**

- Gives total control over fire (magma, heat) and ice (its compounds, cold).

- Provides total immunity to temperature.

- Allows control over the color and temperature effects of both fire and ice.


**Quirk: Blasting Boom**

- Can create explosions.

- Releases explosive material in solid, liquid, or gas form.

- Provides control over the explosive material produced by the body.

- Grants immunity to hot temperatures.


**Quirk: Drive Blitz**

- Turns the user's lower body into a motorcycle, either one leg or both.

- Uses any liquid as fuel.

- Grants immunity to all side effects of the quirk.


**Quirk: Kearunos**

- Manipulates lightning.

- Concentrates lightning in his hand before releasing it.

- Shapes objects from lightning.

- Enhances his fighting skills using lightning.


**Quirk: Inryoku**

- Manipulates gravitational forces.

- Controls the direction of his gravity.

- Creates fields of seemingly reverse gravity to repel attacks.

- Negates gravity entirely.

- Enables controlled levitation.



Now that you know our heroes, we will start the story.



Here's where it all began. Don't you know? I thought you knew very well. This was the start of my story. Well, don't you know? I thought you knew very well...

A moment in time, captured in pictures. A moment in time, recorded on tape. You didn't need to tell me; I figured it out on my own. This was the start of my story.