
MHA: The Green Flash(Izukuxharem)

What if Naruto Uzumaki interferes with Izuku's life? What if Izuku met someone from future earlier? What if Izuku can use Chakra? Find the answers to all these what if's in my fic.

HarshaJirou · 漫画同人
21 Chs

Chapter 5: A New Life And A New Friendly Family.





Right after Inko and Izuku got home, Inko started crying while hugging Izuku and apologizing immensely for various things as Izuku also started crying as he felt like a burden got off his shoulders as he was tired of not showing his mother how sad he was while listening to people hating on him and his mother.

After a while, Inko calmed down as she then went to Aldera's elementary school and went straight to the principal's office as she first signed a letter to drop-out her son from that school and said to the principal that they will definitely suffer the consequences, but the principal ignored that threat since it is from a quirkless child's mother and he can just bribe the police who will not be interested in the case anyways.

After that Inko went back to the apartment and called out a meeting for all the tenants. the tenants living here were at least neutral to Izuku as they didn't hate nor like him but treated him like a human at least. Inko then explained what happened to Izuku but in place of Katsuki she placed a random person as she told the tenants , the people were shocked as they started asking questions to whether Izuku is fine or not but Inko said that " Izuku is fine but decided not to come out of his room for the time being and he also finally got his quirk.".

The tenants congratulated Inko on her son getting a quirk he yearned, Inko then told about her decision to sell the apartment complexes, the tenants were worried since Inko was a good owner and never took any extra rent from them in the form of maintenance but Inko reassured that she will make sure another good person will be the owner.

Afterwards the tenants asked why she chose to sell of the apartments, Inko answered about her decision with Izuku, the people approved and told her that they will give the months rent even if it is too early as the month just began and they already paid their rent but chose to help her at least a little with finance. Inko cried in happiness as some of her friends consoled her and told that they will help her in future as they apologized for not being a better neighbours for Izuku.

Inko smiled and reassured that she is not angry at them and told them that she was glad that they at least treated Izuku like a normal person unlike most of the people in the nearby houses and the city. Inko then went to a agency to hire a agent so that he can get a deal on the apartment for her on her conditions.




The agent tried his best the week but no one accepted Inko's terms as they saw that she was being to soft. The agent grumbled about the greedy people since he himself lives in a apartment and feels like Inko's terms are fair and just. He then started giving out advertisements online.

We then move onto Yaoyorozu group's owner, Mr. Akira Yaoyorozu. One of the richest people on earth with industries and companies set up world-wide, has a secret that no one knows except his wife. He is quirkless too, but his parents covered up that fact by having his quirk listed as Business IQ, and trained him in business field so that the cover-up will work.

Akira was looking to buy apartments or a huge empty field so he can construct an apartment to his company employee's at a affordable rent rate since many of his employee's live in apartment's who take unfair amount of money from them in the form of repairs, he heard about these while viewing the hidden camera's in the lunch area. Those hidden camera's are generally to clear out any bad worms in the company. He just came across a advertisement for sale of 4 apartment complex's, he saw the images and observed that they were well-maintained and spacious.

He then called for his secretary and told her to see if anyone in the company presently lives in that apartment and if they do, then ask them to meet him. After a hour, the secretary came back with a 30-year old man. The man looked nervous even though he knew why he was called here. Akira asked about the present owner of the apartments the man was staying at.

The man told him how she was with them and about her struggles being a single mom of a quirkless child, Akira gave full attention once he heard that the owner has a quirkless child and slowly started interrogating his employee. The employee with the hope that director can help the Midoriya family told everything that Inko has told them and left after Akira told that he needs some time to process.

After the man left. Akira has a unreadable face, a 5-year kid introduced to these horrors in life just cause he was quirkless. Akira could only think how he could have been in the kid's place if it wasn't for his parents. Akira decided that he will buy the apartment complex along with agreeing with the present owner's rules. He can always add a few more complexes since the land also had a lot of empty space.

The present price for the complex is 400 million dollars which was fair considering the huge space and the four-15 storied complexes, each floor having 4 double-bedroomed rooms. Meaning, each complex has 60 individual living spaces, and combined with other 3 complexes. That is a total of 240 individual double-bedrooms. Akira then contacted the agent who was acting as the mediator in the whole transaction and asked them to arrange a meeting between Akira and Mrs. Midoriya.

The agent agreed as he informed the news to Ms. Midoriya. Inko agreed to met the potential buyer the next day. Inko was also shocked that someone of such a high-caliber is interesting in the sale of her apartment.


The next day:


It was 9 AM in the morning as Inko is waiting at the entrance gate of the community. A black-armored Mercedes Benz limousine rolled up along with escort vehicles , bodyguards came out of the escort vehicle and opened the door to the limousine as 2 black-haired adults , one male and one female looking to be in their early 30's came out along with a 5 year old girl with a spikey ponytail who was hiding behind her mother's leg.

Inko was wearing her usual outfit. Akira was wearing a black suit and his wife was wearing a women's suit . Inko nudged her son on the head who was hiding behind her as Izuku came out from behind her and said " hello mister and miss Yaoyorozu, my name is Izuku Midoriya.". with a curt bow as Inko also bowed a little and said " and my name is Inko Midoriya, the present owner of this community.".

The Yaoyorozu family also gave a curt bow as Akira came forward and said " hello Midoriya family, my name is Akira and here is my wife Athena and my daughter Momo!". Momo gave a shy wave as Inko smiled and said " please come in, would you wanna see the property first?". Akira nodded and said " we would like to see the property and if it is possible, how about having little Izuku show our daughter to the playground. They will be bored with us."

Inko thought about it a little and turned to Izuku who had a nervous expression and said " well son , why don't you go play with Momo-chan in the playground then?". Izuku slowly nodded as he walked before Momo and said " u-um, do you wanna p-play with m-me? .". Momo gave a shy nod as she said with a small voice " I-I would like to p-play with you.".

Izuku gave a smile as he said " please follow me to the play g-ground.". And started running as Momo let out a surprised gasp and ran behind trying to keep up. The adults watched their kids run of with a smile as Akira asked a few bodyguards to follow the kids and asked Inko to show them the community.

After an hour, The tour was done as the adults were a bit exhausted and Inko invited them to her home for some rest and tea as the Yaoyorozu couple accepted. After a while, Inko has served them the tea as Akira then said " Ms. Inko, the community is nice and well-maintained, the foundations are also solid for any future expansion.".

Inko smiled as she said " well, my father owned a construction company, he then as a gift for me built this community and sold off his company.", Akira nodded for the explanation as Athena then asked " Well miss. Inko, How about you tell us about little Izuku.". Inko put on a complicated expression as she said " its not easy to explain for me..". Akira then sent a signal to the guards to leave the room .

After the guards left the rooms, Akira then smiled and said " Dont worry miss. Inko, please don't reveal it to anyone but I am also a quirkless person , my parents hid the fact by having it written as my quirk is business IQ. I have heard about your situation from one of my employee's living in your community, I can't express how I felt when I heard how a child, 5-years old no less has to suffer this much. ".

Inko smiled as a tear slid-off her eye as she explained to them about all that has happened to Izuku excluding Bakugou from it again. Akira and Athena listened attentively as they heard how much Izuku was discriminated by the school, police, people and kids. At the end, Inko was sobbing quietly as Athena was trying to console her with a hug.

Inko then explained her plan about moving to a place a bit away from the city with no one around in order to let Izuku grow without his fears. Akira then said " I do have a villa in the hills behind where I live miss. Inko. It also has no one else living in the surroundings. And since it also comes in part of my property, It is also secure from thieves. I can sell it for you since I do have no use for it.".

Inko then thanked Akira for his offer Akira then said the price is 1.8 million dollars as Inko said " you can deduct the villa price from the price at which you will be purchasing this community.". Akira nodded as he said " I am glad that our kids can meet, Momo is always isolated from others for her safety and home-schooled, so she hasn't met a lot of kids her age.".

Inko nodded as she said " Izuku used to have a lot of friends till his status of being quirkless got out. Atleast now, he doesn't have to suffer that anymore.". Akira with a tone dipped in confusion asked " May I ask why?". Inko smiled as she said " now my son got a quirk, its a sentient quirk living inside his body and as a side-effect his body created a energy which can be used in many ways.".

Akira smiled as he said " that is really good. I hope little Izuku can recover from what happened till now.", Inko let out a small smile as she said " well Izuku chose to not talk unless I tell him to or unless its a person close to him, he is scared that even if he got his quirk, he would still be hurt if he gets close to anyone.".

Akira sighed as Athena spoke " such misfortune at a tender age of 5. I hope our Momo and Izuku-chan can help each other even if its a little.". Inko smiled as she said " I hope that too.".
