
MHA: The Green Flash(Izukuxharem)

What if Naruto Uzumaki interferes with Izuku's life? What if Izuku met someone from future earlier? What if Izuku can use Chakra? Find the answers to all these what if's in my fic.

HarshaJirou · 漫画同人
21 Chs

Chapter 14: A Mall Hang-out Part 2.



3rd Person POV.


Our group of 3 exit the sushi restaurant as Ryukyu says " My, That has to be the best sushi restaurant I have ever gone too.". Momo nodded as she added " I agree, Never have I had such sushi even through the pro chef's who were invited to cook at parties.". Izuku sweat dropped at Momo's habit of un-intentionally gloating her wealth.

Izuku sighed as he said " As much as I hate to say this, the sushi were better than the ones my mom cooks.". Momo had stars as she said " Oh, OH! I remember that time, Aunt Inko invited me and Mom too, I really liked that sushi that Aunt Inko cooked.". Ryukyu listening to the 2 said " My, must be quite a good cook if you are praising her cooking Momo.".

Momo nodded excitedly as she said " Yes, Aunt Inko can cook many cuisine's, Me and Izuku always joke around her that she should start a restaurant.". Izuku chuckles as he says " That just leaves mom flustered and unable to talk at the end.". Momo laughed lightly remembering her aunt's tendencies as Ryukyu says " She sure sounds like someone I would very much like to meet.".

Izuku hmm'd in thought as he said " Maybe in near future Tatsuma-san.". The group then walked into women's clothing section. Izuku respectfully decided to wait in the small lounge area provided.

After making Izuku judge a number of Momo's clothes, Making the nearby women smile at what they thought as a couple. Momo decided on 3 outfits.

[A/N: Am unable to show the pics for now.]

Meanwhile Ryukyu shopped on her own and decided for 2 outfits. One of whoch was a red hoodie with a whitish brown over-top and dark-blue jeans and the other one is a silver hoodie with black jeans and white t-shirt. The girls went to the counter and paid for their clothes as Ryukyu suggested " Why don't you get some clothes too Midoriya-san?".

Izuku felt chills as he met Momo's fiery gaze as she took hold of him and said " I am not missing the chance to make you buy some clothes this time Izuku.". Momo promptly dragged Izuku with Ryukyu smirking looking at Izuku who gave her a glare while being dragged by Momo.

Momo dragged Izuku into a well-known men's clothing store as she released Izuku and looked at him sternly and said " Now, you will either choose a few outfits or Tatsuma-san and I will do it for you.". Izuku saluted as he dashed to a brand to see if there are any ones he likes.

After 10 minutes, Izuku came back with 3 outfits as he said " These are the only ones which caught my attention." Ryukyu then replied " Try it on and show us then.". Izuku nodded as he went into the trial room.

[Cue Izuku with plain black t-shirt with a small orange All-might written on it and orange pants with a tint of brown and a black cap and obviously with the mask].

Izuku then did a turn and said " How is this one?". Momo smiled as she said " Interesting choice, The pants even being a shade of orangish-brown suits the t-shirt well!.". Ryukyu decided to tease a bit as she said " You only got the t-shirt because of the inscribing of all might's name right?". Izuku rubbed the back of his neck as he said " busted..". With a close-eyes smile.

Izuku then went back in and after 4 minutes came out in.

An oversized dark-purple sweater with horizontal pink stripes and blue cotton pants. Ryukyu first commented " Interesting choice, It makes a warm atmosphere around you.". Momo nodded as she added " And the colors really suit you too. But why the oversized one?". Izuku rubbed his hands together as he said " comfyyy...". The girls stared blankly at Izuku who was in his own world enjoying the warmth.

Momo clapped her hands in front of Izuku pulling him out of his daze as she said " Well, show the final one.". Izuku nodded as he lazily went back in, Ryukyu chuckled as she said " I never knew thought Midoriya's favorite were warm sweaters.". Momo Humph'd as she said " You should have seen last winter, Izuku was practically hibernating for except his training time.".

Ryukyu chuckled at her own Image of a chibi Izuku wrapped in oversized blankets. Izuku then came out in his final outfit-of-choice.

[a light yellowish-green overcoat with bunny ears and a yellow mane on the head cover and black pants.]

"ooohh!". Both girls dragged out their surprised sound as Ryukyu said " This is definitely the one which suits you the most Midoriya!". Momo nodded vigorously as she said " It seriously looks like it's made especially for you.". Izuku gave a eye-smile as he went back to the trial rooms and changed back to his normal outfits and went to the counter to pay for the clothes.

After buying the clothes, Izuku saw a music shop on the other side as he said " Hey, Lets check out the music shop there, I see some instruments as well.". The girls gave their agreements as the group walked over and entered into the shop. The shop was definitely bigger than they thought.

Izuku saw a guitar and Piano on display as he asked the counter person" Excuse me, Can we try out the piano and guitar?". The counter person gave their agreement as Izuku and Momo made their way to the instruments .

Izuku looked at Momo as he asked " Remember that tune we practiced a while ago? ". Momo thought for a bit and said " Yep, we did spend a week on it.". Izuku nodded as he said " Lets give Tatsuma-san a show then!.". Momo smiled in agreement and sat in front of the piano while Izuku took hold of the guitar.

This gathered the attention of someone who was checking to see if there are any new labels.

A few people in the store stared at the duo who played their tone, Ryukyu was impressed as she clapped with a wide smile at the end of it as she commented " WOW! Midoriya-san and Momo-san, You both did soo well!". Momo gave a smile in return as they heard another voice say " Yes, That was in perfect sync too, You guys did really good.".

The gang saw a girl who was 5'5 and handsome facial features with purple hair and black eyes which looked half lidded. Izuku replied " Thanks for the compliment!". The individual said " It's no problem, I am Kyouka Jirou, Its nice to meet some fellow musicians my age.". Momo gave a beaming smile as she said " I am Yaoyorozu Momo! Its good to meet you too and these are my friends Izuku Midoriya and Ryuko Tatsuma!". Izuku and Ryukyu waved in greeted at Jirou who waved back.

Izuku then asked " Do you lay any instruments too Jirou-san?". Jirou with a small smile nodded as she said " I can play many ones like tri-angle, guitar, bass, Keyboard and violin.". Momo gave a expression of awe as she leaned closely to Jirou and said " WOW, that is soo cool! You must be planning on becoming a musician then!".

Jirou laughed a bit at Momo's enthusiasm as she said " Haha! but no, I want to become a hero and a singer and musician too.". The other's looked shocked as Ryukyu said " But, won't that make it very exhausting and busy for you?".

Jirou gave a small smile as she said" If I am able to make someone smile at the end of the day, its all that matters.". The three looked at Jirou in a higher light as Momo began excitedly talking to Jirou. Izuku and Ryukyu occasionally joined in. Momo was very excited to talk to Jirou, she felt that both of them are quite similar in their goals too.

After a while, the group shared their number's with Jirou as she left them to go home. Izuku after Jirou left looked at the time and saw it was 5 PM. Izuku then turned to the females and said" Well girls, Its 5 pm right now. Anything you guys wanna do or we can go to cafe for some ice cream.".

The girls agreed to the ice cream plan.


Time Skip- 1hour.


The group finished their ice cream and separated for a bit to check out anything interesting for themselves and agreed to meet at the entrance of the mall. Izuku and Momo met up with Ryukyu at the entrance as Izuku asked " Have you gotten anything Tatsuma-san?". Ryukyu nodded as she said " Yea, I went around and got a new water bottle for myself, what about you 2?".

Izuku and Momo looked at each other and Izuku presented something wrapped in gift cover to Ryukyu as Momo said " This is a friendship gift from both of us to you. We hope our friendship will last forever.". Ryukyu first had shocked expression as a tear escape her eyes which she wiped off and accepted the gift. She unwrapped the cover and found...

[Its one the the funky watches which match the fun clothing styles rather than the expensive ones, its strip is made of big black and white stripped beads connected by small white beads]

Ryukyu let out a gasp as she said " Omg! This watch looks really nice.". Izuku let out a breath of relief as Momo said " Izuku chose this one for you as I quote he said 'I am sure Tatsuma-san will love a gift to remember us by every moment.'. And bought the watch!". Ryukyu's face grew a wide smile with her cheeks being tinted a bit of red as she said " Thanks a lot Midoriya-san, for this gift and this friendship.".

Izuku then feeling as if it was right to do so, pulled down his mask, An action which made Momo and Ryukyu's eyes widen in shock as they finally saw his face. Momo was petrified in shock but immediately pulled out her phone as Izuku gave a gentle smile as he said " I am thankful for our new friendship too Tatsuma-san.".

Momo and Ryuku's faces tinged red as Momo thought ( HE FINALLY SHOWED HIS FACE AFTER YEARS. KYAAA , I CANT WAIT TO SHOW THIS TO MOM AND DAD AND AUNT INKO.). While Ryukyu thought ( He said he never showed his face without mask for more than 6 years. To show it to me must mean how sincere he is about this!). Ryukyu's face flushed more as Izuku put his mask back up, an action which caused Momo to pout as she complained " Mou! You never showed your face to anyone, even aunt Inko, Now you suddenly do it for Tatsuma-san. THIS IS UNFAIR!!.".

Momo pouted more and looked away as Izuku sweat dropped and said " Fine, I am sorry ok? I will even cook your favorite chocoate cake for you as dessert tonight.". Momo's mood took a complete 180 as she beamed at Izuku and said " ITS A PROMISE.". Ryukyu laughed at their antics.

After a while Ryukyu said " Well, it's starting to get dark. Let all go home.". Izuku and Momo nodded as they all went their separate ways with Izuku fearing for Akira's reaction.
