
MHA: Nine Tails Jinchuriki

Being reincarnated with Nine Tails and become jinchuriki but, there is no chakra? He'll be strong but not too much op or unstoppable

_Hori_ · 漫画同人
3 Chs


2 years old

That's how much I live in this world, first of all let's start with an introduction shall we?

My name is..... Minato Namikaze

Huh, talk about cliche stuff, but hey, at least I got Minato looks, not Naruto, since you know, Minato is better.

Back to the topic, eventough I am here already for 2 years, my memories were fully return recently, and for 2 years I just getting piece of piece my memories by dream, It also make my mother question me why I always getting nightmares and brought me to the hospital.

Yeah, my mother is a single parent and my dad were killed in the villains attack, but I'll cover it later.

In my past life, I'm just your normal 18 years old high schooler, hanging out with some close friends, watch some anime or read manga and webnovel which I interested in, have a good grades in studies.

But I don't have any passion nor goals in life, I watch anime just to pass times

I do have good grades on every studies, but at the same time I don't excel nor likes toward any studies, so I just learn computer to make some small software to sell in play store or making ads in some random website to get money.

If I have a goals I think it's an early retirement with some money that's still flowing without me doing something, I mean, who doesn't want that.

Oh I also love exercise and fighting, it give chill to my body, but I knew that it's not a good passion and doesn't have a good future prospects if I'm not that really good so I just stop at some point.

My family's died when I'm still kid leaving me alone, I think that's also the reason I stopped fighting and become responsible enough to live alone.

Being bullied or getting treat like an air in a class because I made some small mistake is also a thing, but I become numb enough so I don't care what people think, if they don't want to close to me then don't, as simple as that.

I also doesn't react like they want and I make them bored enough so they're not bothering me again, but hey I made friends later on so yeah, i don't give a fck about them.

I am your so called calm and introvert person but have a mess head, thinking a lot of think in the inside, not in a bad way, but I do thinking a lot in my head make me look like a calm person in the outside.

Also I'm introvert but not like a shy shy character, I just not comfortable with someone I don't know or just know recently, of course I still has some manner and behave like any normal person should with stranger, but if we close enough I talk like an excited person if I talk something I'm interested in.

Back in the present, right now I'm excercisin in the park, no, I just running a around like a monkey to grasp my body control and stamina.

What do you expect? A two years old kid practice a martial arts?

Well maybe I'll train hard after I activate my quirk since I'll be having a good regenerative ability so I can do some more hard training, but I doubt I can learn martial arts from my mother that early.

Btw, my mother are a retired mid class hero, her name is Miyuki Namikaze, and she has a nekomimi !!! *Ahem* no not nekomimi, I mean she has a mutant fox quirk, so yeah, she has fox ears and tail, yeah she's beautiful eventough there's a bit visible wrinkles, she's still has that beautiful face with long blonde hair, decent asset, well train body.

Eventough she's not my original mother like in my past life, I don't have a certain thought on her, I think this is called familial instinct?

Yeah, she's retired becuase her body becomes sick after my delivery, I guess it has something about me having a fox inside my body/mind scape. yeah I said I have one not later when I got the quirk because I can feel it, but I can't reach it, it's feel like far away yet close.

But still, she loves me nonetheless because apparently, she always want a child but always failed to have one, until she has me.

And my dad, Kei Namikaze, I don't know about him that much.

What I knew is that he's a policeman and high ranking one I think, because there is a police uniform and a lot of badges being hung in my parent room.

I also don't know his quirk, well I can't just ask my mother about my dead father quirk out of nowhere, maybe I can ask her when she's storytelling about my dad, but later I found is that my father quirk is some sort of energy that can boost his natural ability especially his regenerative ability.

I think it will not that weird later when I unlocked my quirk, since it's like a mix of both my parents quirk.

My dad died when I'm about a year old, my mother cried a lot at that time, and since I am yet to retain my memories, just like any normal baby I didn't understand why she's crying, and me asking about my dad also making her more saddened.

Huh, what an ungrateful brat.

Also later what I knew about my dad accident is that, there's a powerful villain that terrorised the city, eventough the villain being defeated by All Might in the end and everyone talk alot about him.

But there's not so much public knew about my fallen dad (except of course my dad acquaintance in the police which is actually a lot).

It's not like I will hate the heroes because of this and doesn't want to become heroes in the end, but it's quite the opposite, what I learn is that, that's how the age of heroes work, that's how the current society work, and that's also make me more want to become a hero, to become someone worth remembered (in a good way of course), I just don't want to become an average person anymore, I don't need to become the number one, I just want to be worth remembered, have good life with my future family, and that's enough for me, at least I don't want to regret my life again.