
MHA & Monster hunter

"You know what deku... it dosen't matter how much the world hurts us... it dosen't give us the right to harm innocent... be a hero- no be a symbol, a symbol for prosperity" The boy lying on the beach with his eye bloodied and burned with rain the bloodied boy smiles at his own pain. "A pinky promise it is hehe he" even though blood flowed, smile never left his face. A story about 2 quirkless children who wanted to be hero, 1 prevailed and OTHER, HE CHANGED, and change is what he or YOU want. Even though the world forced him to become a monster he didn't let his friend become one, for the one named JIN Is not a villain and certainly not a HERO! A monster with the power and secrets of One. Welcome to my WORLD! MHA X Monster hunter. chapter release in between 5pm to 11 pm (indian standard time zone) What to expect : Extra - There will be Deku's P.O.V along side mc (hint he is very different due the Nar______) 1. Smart and realistic (no god)MC 2. Lots of training 3. MC manipulating things to his advantage 4. A lot of original arcs, there will butterfly effects, that's obvious right? ----The mc will have his whole non canon stuff so that's that (for his development) 6. ( No super genius but a normal person like us with healthy brain) YES MAJOR monster hunter world and it's elements will be included LATER with but i need your opinions on that. (monster roaming streets and stuff) MC dosen't know everything about MHA, only few major points, he has only watched anime till season 4 long time agooo! I have added lot of realistic non canon stuff. Gangs and few politics too. (SO SUPPORT ME!!!!)

TODAY_we_write · 奇幻
9 Chs

Chapter 1: It's we Deku

[Note--- comment PLEASE!!!!!

PHOTOS will be provided for monsters, weapons and armours from monster hunter]


With an unexpected and godly rage, the water poured down on the lonely beach filled with junk that drifted from afar, thunder flashing through the dense clouds.


Yet in this dark, cloudy night, someone seems to be running through the junkyard. "Huff huff" His voice tired and dark green hair covering his face.

 "JIN JINNN!...Where is he!" his eye looking all around the once friendly junkyard, which was their paradise away from all problems, now seemed like a dark maze..


The thunder flashed through the cloud, each flash of lightning momentarily lit up the desolate landscape, revealing one boy in the middle of a forgotten beach, surrounded by heaps of garbage lying down in a little puddle of blood.

"Cough... Cough"

"JIN!" the green-haired boy rushed toward him, his eyes widening seeing his friend as he fell on the ground, his hands shaking and eyes hazy.

There, on the puddle of red water lays his pale body, scorched burn marks on his left eye, his clothes ripped to shreds hanging off him in tatters, exposing burns and bloodied purple skin, blood being washed away by the rain... a large gash on his stomach bleeding profoundly.

"im sorry i-i'm sorry it's all my fault if only i didn't tell you about it if only i didn't got you in this mess it's all my fault it's all my fault it's all my fault it's all my fault so please Jin please...tell me what to do "

Beside jin, the other boy knelt his eyes covered by his messy dark green hair, rain and tears washing down his face as he saw his friend's life washing away, his voice a trembling whisper as he muttered words barely audible in the storm.


""Aha hahaha" The boy laughed even though his body wailed and bone screamed, yet the thunder rained, his smirk never left his face. "That will stay... them for a LONG Time—Cough Cough Cough! Haa... fucking bastards" he moves his hand over his stomach, clutching the burn.

"Bu-but-but now the police, e-e-even the heroes," the other boy said, his voice muffled as he saw the torchlight in the distance. "You know what Deku... we always knew...from the fucking beginning"

Deku's hands trembled, his mind flashing him all the memories that go deeper than the wounds of a knife.

His head nearly shoved in his chest, hiding his face from his friend 'Yes, we knew... we always knew people are not... born equal, even when we were young... we always knew... what society was.'

His face darkened as he remembered his favorite hero telling it to him.

'I knew it was all fantasy but even... even ALL MIGHT' snot flowed down from his nose as he remembered the words that started all this 'I don't want to lie, but you guys can't... heroes are always laying their lives down even when they die...even more so... when you are just quirkless kids'

"HICK! Sniff" he choked as the words repeated in his mind, his eyes darting toward Jin as he saw his friend smirk.

He remembered... he remembered all those times he and Jin were beaten, yet he always smirked. Even when the teacher failed him, his smirk never left his face; it was his beacon of hope.

'Just like All Might.'

It hurts even more knowing where they stand "Jin yo-you didn't have to *Sniff* why did you do this!" he said his voice cracking at every sentence.

"You told me we would be heroes, the GREATEST OF HEROS when everyone said it was impossible YOU SAID WE WILL S-SO WHY why for someone SOMEONE WORTHLESS LIKE ME WHYYY!"

The lights were closing on them and so were the footsteps they might find them any minute.

"HICK!" he holds his mouth with his hands dreading the outcome of what was to come.


"It was... not for you- and you are not useless... little maybe... hehe" 

Deku couldn't belive his friend even... even when he was about to die he was still trying to cheer him up...like always.

"I don't where to start... I was lost and alone, then happy...that I was here...thought I would be a hero...Cough...but the quirk it just never came, I still had hope... that a miracle would come soon... I wanted All might too just..." [His smirk nowhere to be seen]

"But it... well... It-It wasn't supposed to be like this.... I just snapped... and then, a miracle it was..." [he said with a low voice] His single eye catches the faint torch lights searching through the junkyard.

"Aghh!" He tries to sit while his hand still holding over his stomach, twisting the huge burned flesh.

"Jin, w-we need to go," deku supported him carefully yet he didn't listen.

"Many fucking times I just wanted to kill all of those dogs." Deku shook his head as he heard the cold voice, his mind racing with all the possibilities about how to escape and get him to safety.

"You remember wh-what you tol-told me when ALL MIGHT said we can't be heroes"


"YOU- YOU SAID...that we will be Fine"

"You said- You know what deku... it doesn't matter how much the world hurts us... it doesn't give us the right to harm innocent... be a hero- no be a symbol, a symbol for prosperity"

"THEN WH-WHY did you... you have gone too far" his last word more like a wimper not even audible to jin.




the silence remaind as the rain fall on their face.

"Tsubasa wanted to become like hawk n-now he won't able to fly... an-and TORU"

His voice raised as he remembered the fate of long finered child his screams behind the school as jin cleayed his fingers with a chainsaw, as he watched from the top of school.

"A-and ka chan! his-his eye...friend a-aren't suppose to hurt each ot-" Deku's voice died as he saw jins eye


His mind numb with tension as he saw a beast-like yellow reptile eye staring right at him.

He rubbed his eye, and there they were, his brown bright eyes... cold, very cold for some reason.

"Friends... don't hurt each other...YA? Then they weren't our friends to begin with."


"B-but what now!" his voice laced with worry as he knew what jin did was anything but acceptable and there were too many people who witnessed it.

"What is a hero?.. to you deku"

It was is a question out of blue, he didn't understand what relation this question has to their situation.

Yet his mind flashed with the photo of ALL MIGHT, saving hundreds of people on his debut, through rocks and fire his smile never leaving his face and his iconic dialogue.


"So... when was the time they acted like heros...they act villains nothing more."


It was as if the thunder dropped on his head, his mind fuzzy with all the memories of him being hurt and trashed around by everyone, the only one who ever helped was Jin... and now he lies on the ground beyond... beyond what he ever wished.

The thunder flashed, showing his twisted face as he bit his lips. 

He wanted to say Ka-chan would be a great hero, b-but it just didn't feel right...not anymore.

"Bu-but he has a po-powerful quirk and we... we-we just are quirkless..." Unknowingly when he said that, it was as if a burden had lifted from his shoulders.

"...Hero... a word invented in the 15th century or so Cough... far away from this quirk age."

"To be fair... that's what it is... fame, vanity... power, Number 1 haha... the best they say yet worse they do."

"It's upholding justice... the good deeds, even when against the odd or even the laws [he said silently while looking up]

"... it always was... it always will be... it's just that now... it isn't..."

"So be a protector...a HERO FOR REAL"

'Because I-I will be anything but one' he said in his mind while standing up his breathing irregularly.


Deku stood up too supporting his shoulder as jin struggled to stand on his feet, he opened his mouth to say something but today it seemed he could not mutter much, he just looked at his friend.

"He hee hee let me tell you something" [ a sly smile]

"The hardest of choices... require the strongest will" he smiled as he remembered his old memories far older than anyone would imagine for a 16 year old.

"We don't have a quirk so h-how will we ever"

"No we have it..."

He looked toward Jin's eyes, the same yellow eyes, although a bit warm. He wanted to sing with his friend, he wanted to be happy for him, but there was a sadness deep in his heart that he didn't know where it came from

"Irony.... no curse it is...a curse...now you have it... but you can't be a hero"

"Ha-haha that is but... you will"


Deku wanted to scream, but he didn't have any more energy, as he silently carried his friend forward through the little clearing they had made in their past time.

He felt like he betrayed his friend, he, all these years had been rooting for him at every moment. If only he never got him involved—NO—if only he never met him, it would-

"Officer, there are tattered clothes here."

A voice just behind their back was heard, freaking Deku out as he tried to move his feet faster, pacing through the maze as silently as possible.

Jin looked at his eyes he knew he couldn't cure all the abuse Deku had faced.

'I should have known that things will change... but—but I just thought... I should have planned for things going wrong.'

"You know... a hero is... sometimes hidden, unknown... in the shadows... doesn't have to be All Might... but just make things all right hehe."

"You have lost too much blood, w-we need a doctor." Deku didn't listen to his rambling too much, his only goal was to somehow save Jin. Even though he knew what Jin did was wrong, he couldn't bring himself to abandon him. 

He was his hero.

"Leave it, Deku—"

"I won't." The footsteps grew closer and closer while Deku's heartbeat ran like an engine.

"Take me to be... sea that's the only chance I have" he stared into Deku's eye it was as if the world had come to a stop.

"Or make me rot in prison"

With his tooth grinding, he took his friend toward the edge of the beach. Slowly yet surely, they crossed the mountain of garbage, leaving the footsteps just a little behind.

"Down ju-just a little."

He laid him down, water touching their legs. It was midnight, and his phone had rung countless times.

'Wh-what am I supposed to tell Mom?'

"J-jin, I-I just—"

"... Just remember what i told you... like the ONE we always needed and the ONE i told you." The clouds were parting away the rain falling short...moonlight falling directly on Jin.

He had sharp eyes, a normal nose with few facial hair and a well trimmed goatee with no sign of beard even though he was about to turn 17 

His black school uniform was tattered away, a portion of his left eye burned away his long black hair dyed red with his blood, his now medium white olive skin turned pale as the large gash on his stomach bleeds slowly.

"Why God just why" Deku faced the sky as if questioning the gods himself, yet he tried to copy jins smirk although very ugly he tried his best to copy him.

"I-I swear I will- no matter how many tries it takes I will be the hero, i will be the first quirkless hero"

"Heh... good... that's the boy" he smiled as blood dripped from his head his face pale as a corpse.

The rain had come to a stop but the real storm was about to unleash now.

Deku didn't know what to do now he didn't, but he knew what he will strive toward.

He stares at looks jins with the moon behind his back it was as if his back was carrying the whole moon.

"Oh and about that, it's we." he said while his arm reaching toward deku

"Huh?" Deku questioned as he didn't understood what it meant.


"WHA-!" Seeing the brown metallic claws dug into his chest touching his heart his, he could only look at Jin's face his eyes questioning what he couldn't say.

"...jin" he said with the remaining breath as he had no more tears to spare.

"It's we...deku... my power I give it to you..."

"This...is the only way Deku" Jin leaned forward muttering something in his ears.

Deku's eyes widened as he processed the words.

At this moment, his wound didn't stung as much as it did a second ago, his vision got blurry the only thing he remembered was seeing the beautiful full moon as his body was sent flying across the beach and fell into the water.


"THERE! Something's fell in the water follow UP!

'All the routes are burned now just some mice to kill'


Crack! Crack!

Jin cracks his neck as he ignores the cat's voice in his head, the wound on stomach healed at a rapid speed the purple skin being replaced by blue and yellow scales.


The sounds of feet approaching through the maze kept increasing and increasing and increasing.

Until they were just right in front of him 

His Yellow serpent eye observes every corner with ferocity as his teeth and jaw begin to change a tail growing from his back.


His ribcage cracked and deformed as the bones extend outside his chest.





Sharp Bronze like spine poped from his back humming with electricity.

"...Fuck i should have graduated middle school 2 years ago"

"Not like mew go to high school, nyah!" this time the voice sounded more feline.

"Hahaha true" his voice sounded demonic his friendly smirk looked like devils smile as his face slowly morphed into something inhumane.


The storm might have stopped, yet here on this forgotten beach.


A THUNDER ROSE FROM THE GROUND.... marking the arrival of a new age.


And the first one to bear witness to this new age could only blink their eyes in horror.


Some fell to the ground in despair while some just remained frozen in awe of the monster.

as they saw the ferocious monster bigger than a blue whale watching them silently while saliva dropped from his mouth, with its last glint of intelligence leaving its eye.








To hear the roar go to this link ( https://youtu.be/HCk9YM0f15c?si=v16GwhabFZuMkfpE )