
MHA:Concept Gear

A soldier, conscripted for world war 4, dies tragically on the battle field…not After hearing a coworker drop a large stack of papers Erin Atkinson dies of an unfortunate series of events. Just like that 4 years of army logistics work gone. Well at least she got her MagikaVR account to max level, could have died before that and died unfulfilled. With a new start and a quirk that has theoretically limitless possibilities how will she fair in a world where any random teenager could have a city leveling power hiding inside them. =================================== New fan-fic following my dissatisfaction with my previous novel. I’m hoping to increase my writing skills through this fic. A slightly upscaled and more ‘realistic’ version of MHA. Expect hero’s to have kill counts, even All Might, and for the general power level to be higher. I guess this will be technically an AU as I have not seen the more recent seasons of MHA nor read the manga. So past the sports festival arc expect the canon to diverge slightly more then normal fics. Their will be no babying of class 1-A, Erin is a soldier at the end of the day and she’s here to take names. There will be a minor psychological element, not as heavy as my previous novel but still there as I believe that reincarnation and death will always take their toll on someone. I don’t own MHA or anything else except my OC. Cover art isn’t mine either the artist can contact me if they want it taken down.

FallenVoid · 漫画同人
29 Chs

Chapter 9: Restrictions Part.2

[] Speaking English

{} Speaking German

Everything else is Japanese unless otherwise specified. (I won't be doing honorifics)


The physical test wasn't as bad as it could have been, I was supplied a kids size U.A gym outfit to use at the very least.

The rest of it was alright, I performed above average but not stellar, after all as far as my parents and the government was concerned I had never gone through any form of training. Performing to my best would be suspicious, and while I almost considered myself paranoid I immediately squished those thoughts with the words my sword instructor had given me all those years ago 'Constant Vigilance'.

The physical tests were the standard tests given in schools, no quirk usage allowed, and tailored to levels a 5 year old could deal with. Overall extremely easy for me, I had been keeping to a low level training regimen and my energy core allowed me nearly endless stamina as long as it had energy left.

Following the physical tests I was led through various medical tests. I guess that Ms. Hirano was medically trained as she seemed to know exactly what she was doing. After several tests and running me through a couple machines she attempted to pull my parents aside.

My parents refused, stating that anything she found out about me was my business as well.

After trying again to pull them aside, she sighed and started explaining her findings.

"As I'm sure you already know, little Ayah here has an energy mass behind her navel. At the original time of recording this feature the energy emitted amounted to around the same amount as found in a car battery, roughly 24 volts (A/N: MHA is set in the future, hopefully car batteries would have been improved.). Now however, the total amount of energy is around a kilowatt. For reference that's nearly a 41 times increase since the initial recording, if we assume it's tied to age then that's nearly an 8 times increase per year."

Finishing her, admittedly long, sentence she turned her tablet around to show off a graph.

"Now one kilowatt of energy is roughly 3.6 megajoules, or to put it in a more understandable metric around a pound of C4. If I am to take this 8 times increase as the standard then in time your daughter would be a walking explosive payload. Of course we have no evidence this energy will ever be converted from its current form in kinetic energy, but it's a risky possibility."

Finishing her graph presentation she turned her tablet back around and started typing.

"While it's not to the level of concern that we need containment or suppression measures. We do however need to implement standard welfare checks and would like you to keep us updated on her mental state."

My parents looked at each other before looking down at me.

"Absolutely, that works for us."

"Great, well then this assessment is officially over, the final result; your quirk rank is being raised from AE-C2 to SE-C7."

"7-7?! Are you sure inspector, that seems like a bit much?"

"I took everything into consideration, considering the maximum energy she could reach as well as the undefined limits on what her enchantments could do. I actually feel that C7 is being considerate, I mean her enchantments could potentially be rated far higher."

"But a 7 will put her on the international watch list, she'll need special permits. Please she's a child, at least wait a little before you update it."

"I'm afraid I can't do that Mr. Krieger, that would be compromising my integrity."

After that we exited the building and said goodbye to Nezu. Heading out to the car I finally decided to ask the question that had been on my mind since she mentioned it.

"Mommy what's SE-C7 mean?"

"That's the quirk rankings sweetheart, it's rank, type and damage assessment. Ranks go from FX to S, the typing is just the second letter. M for mutation, E for emitter, and T for transformation. And finally damage assessment. In order it's houses, blocks, towns, cities, provinces, islands, and finally countries. So your rank was raised from A to S and your damage assessment was raised from C2 for 2 cities to C7 for 7 cities."

"Okay… but what was all that about permits?"

"Any quirk assessed above C5 has travel restrictions. To cross country borders you need approval from the respective government. For countries like England and Germany this will be easy due to your father and I but other countries will be problematic depending on the circumstances."

By the time mom was finished we were nearly home. Getting out of the car and heading up into the house we had dinner and mom got me ready for bed. Tomorrow was Sunday and Mom was supposed to take me to the Kindergarten to 'catch up' on the three days I'd missed due to the attack, after that it was my first day of therapy.

My parents had opted me out of quirk counseling, my mom had said she would be enough, but with the attack and my first kill I was being forced to attend a quirk counseling and therapy mixed session every Sunday.

I had a big day tomorrow and my parents wanted me well rested. So with that in mind, and all the fatigue from the tests catching up with me I went to sleep.

The next morning was rather uneventful, we went to the kindergarten and explained what happened. After several pitying looks from the dean and being handed a file with the missed work we headed out to the therapist.

Arriving at the therapist office, which looked like a completely normal building, my mom signed us in before leaving me to my own devices.

"Ayah Krieger."

Hearing my name be called I stood up and entered the office. The office was relatively cozy looking, a nice wooden desk and the standard therapist reclining chair.

The therapist herself was a relatively unassuming woman, black hair and black eyes wearing a white sweater and a black skirt.

"Ah you must be little miss Ayah. Please sit down in the chair."

Walking over to the chair and sitting down I marveled at just how comfy it was. Looking over at the therapist I waited for them to start while considering how I wanted to play this. Traumatized? Slightly disturbed? I had many options.

"Well I'd prefer if you told me how you truly feel."

W-what? Did she just-

"Read your mind? No, I read your emotions and feelings and using deduction as well as many years of experience acted from there."

This is a violation of privacy, I won't stand for this.

"Unfortunately you can't do much about this. Your legal guardian agreed to this, so this is how it will be. Although I must admit that your maturity makes doing this non-consensually… disturbing."

"Your disturbed! I'm the one being mind read here!"

"Once again its not mind reading, more like being an empath."

"Well I can't just allow you to remember the extent of my maturity… but you should be able to sense that."

"Yes I can, and I can guess your thoughts and reasoning behind threatening to erase my memories. However, I'm telling you it's unnecessary. I respect doctor-patient confidentiality, your parents only need to know the general direction positive or negative."

Hah! Like I'd believe that, standing up and forming a Magika revolver in my hands. Setting it to stun I stood up and readied myself for any kind of repercussions. What item should I use for the mind wipe… maybe Torus's crown?

"I see, well I must say that your mentality is concerning to say the least. Especially for a child, regardless of how mature you may be. I think I'm going to enjoy being your therapist."

"I think your mistaken, you won't remember any of this happening. And now that the advantage of surprise is gone I'll be in and out of here with glowing reviews for my parents and the government."

"Hmm, not quite. You see the moment I detected malice I sent several emails, one of which includes a live recording of everything we've spoke of in the past few minutes. Should you erase my memories, those emails will reach certain trusted friends who will come snap me out of whatever type of mind wipe you'll be attempting."

Standing from her chair, towering over my five year old frame, she put her hands on the table and stared at me intently.

"So with that out of the way, let's get started."

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