
MHA: Bungee Gum

Tanaka Horikawa, the prodigal CEO of Spamazon. At the age of 21 he had become the CEO of the worlds largest online retailer. Then he gets poisoned by his Board of Directors because he made a call that they didn't like. He opens his eyes, and sees that he's been reincarnated into another world. More specifically, the world of My Hero Academia! Read along, and find out what he does with his quirk, Bungee Gum ============= If you are expecting a OP MC then sorry to let you down but no. He will use his brains and tricks to fight. ==========> Check out my other story The Dragon of MHA Discord: https://discord.gg/BMtDTUtyh2

Chopstiksman · 漫画同人
39 Chs

The Party

*General POV*

A bunch of children is running around the Yaoyarozu's mansion, amazed at the sheer size of it. Momo is wearing a nice red dress and at the center of attention but yet she looks slightly down.

She keeps looking at the door every few minutes but nothing new happens.

Her mom goes to comfort her, "Don't worry, I'm sure he'll come. Maybe he's stuck in traffic."

And as if on cue the doors open.

Standing in the doorway is a boy with white hair and greyish eyes. The boy was wearing a black denim jacket and a white collared undershirt. Behind him is a tall lanky man with black hair and a thin smile on his face. Under the man's arm is a small box.

AN: MC looks like Toshiro Hitsugaya from Bleach but with different eye color


*Shiro POV*

"Sorry about that, Dad slept in."

"Shiro, you don't need to tell them that."

I laugh and start to walk in but get stopped when I hear a voice.


Momo runs up with small tears in her eyes and hugs me.

I'm slightly shocked, and I just stand there until she lets go.

"I-I thought t-that you weren't c-coming."

"Don't worry about it. I came, right? Now if you could do me a favor and let go, I need to breathe."

She blushes slightly and let's go, muttering that she's sorry.

I look around and see a few other boys and a few girls staring at me cautiously. The boys have hints of jealousy in their eyes, and some of the girls have admiration in theirs.

"Hello, I'm Shiro Hirota. Nice to meet you all."

I wave at them, and they relax slightly.

They all start to introduce themselves.

"Hi, I'm Hina."


"Nice to meet you, I'm Ren."

"Heeyy, my name is Tsubaki."

The rest of them continue to introduce themselves.

One of the girls said, "But still Momo, I didn't expect you to have a boyfriend."

At this Momo blushes heavily, "N-no, he's not my boyfriend."


Laughter could be heard throughout the home, but it wasn't from any of the other children.

'God damnit.'

"S-she said that you're her boyfriend!!! Hahaha!"

I turn around and see my dad is clutching his stomach with one hand and holding onto the wall with the other.

"Can you imagine that!?!?"

"Shut up old man!"

He continues to laugh until I throw a wad of Bungee Gum at his mouth.

"Mhmpff, hrmfph. Lrmpf."

"Zip it."

He tries to pull it off but his attempts are futile. Eventually, he calms down and I disperse the Gum.

He rubs his mouth but stays quiet. I turn around and the rest of the children are looking at me in awe.


"That's such a cool quirk!"

"You can make glue?"

AN: How dare you compare the great Bungee Gum to mere glue.

"You're so lucky, my quirk just makes plants grow."

"Why is it pink?"

"That's nothing special."

The rest of them look at the kid like he's crazy.

I turn my head and look at him, Issei, I think.

"So what if he can make glue. All the strong heroes have cool quirks, but glue is lame."

I give him a side glance, 'I'm not gonna get into a petty argument with a nine-year-old. But still...'

"Yeah, but glue is lame, but I never said that glue is my quirk."

I threw a card towards the box that my dad dropped, a pink aura surrounding it. It makes contact with the box and sticks to the side.

I yank my arm, and the box flies towards me and lands in my hands.

Once again, the kids react to my quirk.


"That's cool.

"And so useful too."

"You can throw cards!"

I present the box to Momo, "Here you go, Happy Birthday, Momo."

She looks excitedly at the present and opens it.

Inside is a book, "I wasn't sure what you wanted, but I thought that this would be useful. It's a book with the molecular structures of various materials so, if you ever forget or don't know how to make something, it should be able to help. There are also a few blank pages in the back so that you can add more recipes if they aren't in the book."

She hugs me again, tho not as tight as before. Once again, I get dirty looks from the other boys and I sigh inwardly.

"Momo, you can let go now."

She blushes slightly again, "Oh, I'm sorry."

I pat her head, "It's nothing."

*Happy Momo noises*

One of the other kids comes up to me, a glint in his glasses, "So what exactly is your quirk?"

"My quirk is Bungee Gum. Bungee Gum has the properties of both rubber and gum. So I can do things like make it bouncy, sticky, or rubbery."

The kid, Ren, nods his head, "Wow that's a pretty cool quirk. My quirk allows my brain to function at faster speeds which is helpful but, you have an extremely versatile quirk."

Seeing our interaction, everyone else starts sharing their quirk with me and demonstrating some of its abilities.

Plant enhancement, Super Strength, Magnetic Field, Illumination, Memorization, Hydrokinesis, and so on.

Some of the quirks were interesting, like the Magnetic field, which causes a magnetic field around the user.

'If used correctly, that could disrupt the neuron signals in the brain. That's terrifying.'

Momo claps her hands.


"Ok, I'm glad that you have all introduced yourselves and gotten familiar with each other. Now, we will play some games. First up is hide and seek!"


'Well, I guess they are kids.'

"Shiro, since you came here late, you will be a seeker. Give us one minute. Once you catch someone they also become a seeker."

I stand there and look at her, she smirks at me.



"I'm counting."

They all dip and spread out all over the house and find hiding places.

'I mean I guess.'

I count for sixty seconds before moving out.

'It's a shame, anyone else and they would've lasted for a while, but I know this house almost as well as my own.'

I walk around the house, laying strings of Bungee gum on the floor so that they either get stuck or make sounds.

I catch a kid under a couch and another one in the closet. I continue looking for the rest of the kids with my two companions.

One of the other kids finds someone hiding underneath a bed, adding one more to seekers.

I walk into a dark room, turn on the light, and look around. My current position was in the storage room, where the laundry machines and cleaning equipment are.

"Come out, I know that someone is in here."


"There's no point in hiding anymore."

I hear a muffled voice, "Uhh, I would like to, but I'm stuck."

I walk towards the dryer and look in.



Inside is a catgirl curled up inside the dryer.

I hesitate, "How?"

"Ehehe, I don't know either."

Using Bungee Gum to make the edges smoother, I slowly pull the catgirl out. After she gets out, I get out of the room and continue on my search.

'That was awkward.'

I walk into Momo's room and look around. Checking under her bed, I see no one. Closet, nothing. Bathroom, zilch.

Looking up at the ceiling, I sigh as I see the trapdoor to the attic is slightly tilted. Throwing a card at the trap door, I pull on the Bungee Gum, causing the door to fall open revealing a very shocked Momo.

Her instant reaction being, "You cheated!"

"How did I cheat?"

"You used your quirk!"

"Did you say that I couldn't?"

She freezes and a smile forms across my face.

"Come on down, we gotta find the rest of the people. I think we need only a few more."

We continue to find more people and the game ends. After this we play a bunch of other games, eat food and watch a movie in their personal theater.

After the movie, all the girls are crying and the boys are just chilling.

Momo is bawling, "That was so heartwarming. In the end when the mom comes home. It was so sweet."

I replied, "I don't know why you are crying, there was nothing sad, why do you need to cry about something happy?"

The rest of the boys nod their heads in agreement, while the girls look at me like I'm crazy.

I lean back in my seat, "Still, no matter how many times I watch it, Totoro is a great movie. Studio Ghibli did a great job."

The rest of us talk about the movie while we wait for people to get picked up. My father had stayed and was just talking with Momo's parents for the most part.

As people start to leave, I hum the main theme for the Totoro song and Momo joins in.

My father and Daichi walk into the theater and look at the two of us humming away.

My father sighs, "Still I never expected my introverted son to get along with other people so well. I thought he was doomed to be a shut-in with no social contact other than a few people."


Momo laughs as I chase after him and begin throwing Bungee Gum at him.

After a few minutes, I'm on my knees panting, while my father is taunting me.

"Foolish son, if you wish to kill me, then hate me, detest me, curse me, and survive in an unsightly way. Run, run, and cling to your pitiful life."

I look up at him, "What the heck is that?"

He grins at me, "You like it? I just made it up. It would be a great line to say to like someone that you just beat."

Daichi and Momo walk in and laugh as they hear my father's words.

"Honestly Leo, I don't know how you get such funny ideas."

I looked out of the window, the sun was setting.

"Dad, we should go, Mom is probably worried about us."

He also looks out and nods his head.

Momo looks slightly sad as I head for the door, but I smile at her, "I'll see you soon Momo!"

A smile breaks out on her face and she waves back, "OK! That's a promise right!"

"You know it."

I get into my dad's car and he drives off. I look in the mirror and see Momo waving at the car. I turn around and wave out of the window.

We drive away and head home.

"So are you two gonna get married anytime soon?"

My face reddens, "God damnit Dad. I'm nine."

He laughs and we drive away.

We get back home and it's already dark, and so is the house.

My dad scratches his head, "That's weird. Normally she always forgets to turn the lights off and leaves most of the house lit."

I nod my head in agreement. We walk up the pathway from the garage to the door and stop.

The door is ripped off its hinges.

My father's eyes glow green as he activates his quirk. After a few seconds, his face pales.

He quietly mutters, "get back in the car."



'What's going on? My dad is normally so calm and carefree.'

I quietly headed back to the car and sat there for a few minutes before curiosity got the better of me.

I head inside and hear crying.


I continue walking, following the crying till it gets louder and louder. I walk into the lounge and see my father, with his back turned.

"Dad? What happened?"

I walk forward and try to see more.

Hastily, he turns, "NO SHIRO, DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!!!"

But it was too late.

My mother's body, covered in blood and missing an arm. Just from my glimpse, I saw that her remaining limbs were broken and both of her shoulders crushed. Her skull was caved in and her left leg was bent inward.

'What. The. Fuck." were my last thoughts before I passed out.

AN: Well damn, that was dark.