
MHA: Apex

Just got bored of reading other stuff and wanted to give it a try. Let me know what you guys think!

Garrett_Hamilton · 武侠
15 Chs

The three wishes

Taking a minute to respond Garrett asks still weary " Hello Antioch, I don't mean to be ungrateful but do you mind sending me back home?" After taking a pause Antioch answers back "I'm afraid that's impossible, you are currently in the womb of this universe, you will never be able to leave this one, however I can do you a favor if you give me the remaining crystal pieces." Having said that he has a sly smile while rubbing his hands together like a greedy merchant.

Taking a second Garrett had a terrible feeling. He had a feeling the crystal was important for himself, so immediately he asks what he can get in exchange. He knew the being in front of him could kill him like a bug, even when he was back home he grew up using what he needed to get the advantage. "What will I get in exchange and what will it cost me?" Garrett asked with a poker face.

Antioch knew immediately what this human wanted, even if his poker face was terrible he just read his mind. Antioch had a feeling he would pay something valuable for those crystals and that was perfectly fine with him. He would pay whatever it took, soul crystals were the most important things in this universe. he would play along for now and if the human asks for something impossible he would just vaporize him. "I will grant three wishes of extreme power and allow you to create a body to live how you like. I will also let you chose a soul partner that will live with you. Finally I will create something that will give you what you desire the most out of anything possible. As long as your very being wants it, it will create a possible way to get what you want." There, he thought. Let's see if this works out the way I want.

Garrett sucked in a breath and replied yes immediately. He didn't want to lose this chance. He's read enough books to know that this was his only offer. He wasn't going to ask for something impossible, or else he would get killed immediately. "I'll take your offer, can I give my wishes and you can tell me if it's too much?" he was a low-key Otaku, he knew what the deal was, he wasn't too sure about the soul companion or the creation Antioch was gonna create but he was excited about the wishes. He was always lazy unless it was something important. Then he would get serious. It caused problems when he was alive, he knows he has to make the most of the wishes.

Antioch was excited, he could finally get some soul crystals! almost as soon as Garrett finished his sentence Antioch immediately responded "Of course, of course!" before turning around to hide his devilish smile. Garrett immediately said "I want Haki , Kaidos devil fruit but I want the appearance of rayquaza as the zoan form , and I want the ability to learn anything with 100% potential to be the best at it if I train hard enough."

Antioch thought this human was way to dumb to wish for such useless stuff. The only one that would've been a problem was the 100% potential wish but even that wasn't to troublesome because he has to train to become adept at whatever he was trying to learn. After thinking for a couple minutes to make Garrett anxious he finally responded with "Deal, but for the soul companion I will create a wheel to chose who you get. That will even things out a bit." Antioch thought that this will be compensation for the wishes. He doesn't want to give this human the impression of complete benevolence. He may want the soul crystals but that doesn't mean he will stoop to the humans pathetic level.

Garrett said yes immediately, even though he's scared of the companion, he is also hopeful. He's been alone for years before coming here. He might as well be a sage for all the wisdom his blue balls have given him. He did have a query though. What about the device? he asks Antioch who responds with "I will use some of the soul crystals to develop blueprint. The blueprint will scan your subconscious and conscious desires to deliver the best possible option, it will take a completely random form that coincides with your desire. Now, let's get to the wishes and the the roulette. Once your companion is chosen you will go to his or her world. You may know them or you may not, but every person's world will be different if you do know them."