

The given text is a story about a group of metamorphs who lived for over two thousand years and had the ability to transform into different humans. They were heroes who protected the world, but humans were ungrateful, which made the metamorphs dislike them and not get involved with them for a century. However, they were forced to transform into humans to stop a high school student named Ophelia who wanted to rule the world using her powers. The metamorphs transformed into an unknown house and had to beg humans to take them in as they couldn't use their powers in human form. They eventually convinced a man named Carlo to act as their relative and help them get admitted into Hatton's High school where Ophelia was attending. They tried to make friends with her friends but failed, so they decided to trick Ophelia by telling her that they were metamorphs and had a way for her to rule the world. Ophelia was skeptical at first but believed them after Starlette used her powers on a boy. She asked for their help in gaining powers to rule the world, but they made her forget about ruling the world using their powers. However, rumors about them being monsters spread, and they had no choice but to leave the school and return to the shape shifters kingdom. The story ends with people still expecting the metamorphs even after centuries have passed. The story is fictional as metamorphs never existed.

T_bel · 其他
5 Chs




" These are your new classmates. Meet Cillian, Eloise, Lara, Kahlani, Amelia and Luna . Be friends with them ." Mr Austin, the class teacher of the class they were placed in said .

"Yea." In unison, the students replied and the teacher left .

They went to their seats. Kahlani sat beside Ophelia . Others tried to make friends with Ophelia's friends to know more about her . They got provoked most of the times but they couldn't use their powers . The secret behind metamorphs powers is their ability to control their powers. As long as they used their powers more than twice when in human form, they will transform back to their normal form and can never be a shape shifter again . To them, being a metamorph had always been fun . Since they were five, they got one another back .


Ophelia was tougher than they thought . They couldn't find any opportunity to get close to her nor her friends . She would often say "I don't deal with you undefined newbies . I'm too sophisticated for that..."

They couldn't help it. "Just twenty eight days left and we haven't gotten closer to her . We are really hopeless . Lara, use your powers to change Ophelia's mind ." Kahlani said .

"What? My powers? Hey, I can't waste my powers on that darn Ophelia . Forget it ." She replied .

"We have to think of a plan. " Eloise said.

"I have an idea ", Kahlani said .

"You always got a plan!" Eloise replied .

"Well done Kahlani, let's hear what you got", Lara said.

"What about we tell Ophelia that we are metamorphs?"

"What!" The whole team shouted. "What do you mean? That darn Ophelia? Metamorphs? Never!" Cillian refused .

"Listen, let's trick her and tell her that we have a way for her to be able to rule the world as we are not humans ..." Kahlani suggested .

"Do you think she can believe that? She is Ophelia ." Amelia and Luna said.

" She will . She's Ophelia . There's no how she wouldn't . She has been desperately looking for how to ruin the world . She wouldn't want to lose the opportunity . Just that Lara, Eloise or Lara has to give up one of their chance of power to prove to her that we are really metamorphs ."

"It's a smart idea but I don't think telling her our secret will work. What if she suddenly spread the news?" Cillian asked .

"Before that, we are already in the shape shifters kingdom . You know that ." Lara said.

" That's right, let's do this!" They shouted .


The next day, they met with Ophelia .

"Hey Ophelia."

"You guys are really trying to get close to me right? I understand the fact that you are jobless but I'm not as jobless as you are. " She smirked .

"What a pity! We are trying to help you out but you are pro..." Amelia and Luna said.

Ophelia cut in .

"Me? You guys? Help me out? Hey you conjoined twins in the mouth . I don't need your help. I'm Ophelia . That's who I am. I am independent in my own way."

"Calm down, let me tell you a secret, we are not humans. " Kahlani said .

"W..what! What the heck are you saying now?" Ophelia asked looking concerned but acting uninterested .

" We are metamorphs ." They said .

"Metamorphs? You? Does metamorphs even exist ?"

" Yes ."

"If you all are metamorphs, then why are you not in metamorph form? Do you have something to prove? Can you make that boy to fall?" She asked pointing at a random boy in red.

"If we do that, will you believe us?"

"Kind of ."

"Okay ." Lara said as she looked at the boy . The boy fell immediately .

"What! What's this? You really have powers?"

"Yes . But it seems you don't need our help . Let's us go guys ." Kahlani said turning back to leave .

"Wait . I will do anything . Please help me . I also want to have powers ."

Turning back, Kahlani asked, "powers? What kind of power?"

"Powers to rule the world. " she said softly.

" Why? Why do you want to rule the world when God is there?" Cillian asked .

"Do you also believe in God? Do He really exist?"

"I'm not sure . That's what you humans believe . So, I thought you would believe in God ." Cillian replied

" I am a Catholic but I want to rule the world ."

"Fine, we will help you on one condition ." Eloise said looking straight into her eyes .

"What is that?"

"Will you die?" Kahlani asked.

"No. Why?"

" Do you want to join us?" Kahlani asked .

"Really, I can? But no thanks . I don't want to rule the world with you . I want to rule it with me, myself and I . Then I will be able to achieve my dream ." She said smiling hard.

"Okay then . From now on, all the memories of ruling the world is gone ." Amelia and Luna said using their powers .

"No, Candelabra. Nooo!" The metamorphs shouted .Amelia and Luna transformed .

Ophelia fainted .

Amelia and Luna turned into a metamorph and students as well as teachers gathered round it . The whole team was shocked . None of them expected Candelabra to do that . It didn't mention it to them and they could never believe he used his two chances of power even after knowing the repercussion behind it.

Candelabra stood up. The whole school was scared as they had never seen such a creature in their life . The metamorphs had never failed one mission not to talk of violating any of the rules . But even though Ophelia's case had been the least case they've been assigned to, it seemed to be a very hard one .

Then that Ophelia's memory had been wiped, they finished the mission due to Candelabra's sacrifice . Poor Candelabra !

"What is this?" The school principal came around and shouted looking scared — his hands pointing at Candelabra .

"Sir, Amelia and Luna turned to that just now ..." A random student answered him .

"Uh huh..." Groaning with a deep voice, Candelabra disappeared to the shape shifters kingdom .

"Hopeless us! Don't die Kahlani, Lara and Eloise ." Cillian said emotionlessly .

The metamorphs had no emotions shown in their face as they aren't trained that way . They are shape shifters!