
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · 玄幻
116 Chs

Top Three Doctors. II

Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)

Support: Please support me, reading it on https://www.webnovel.com/book/15026471705512505.


There were more than 20 weapon ability forming stage warriors from two countries in the inn, with 40 weapon forming stage warriors.

Now the inn is the enemy ground as Moesat group lost in the war, but now Moesat group step in firmly into the enemy ground without single trace of fear.

Even if the war is on cease fighting, no one is sure to tell... there would not be a sneak attack onto each other.



Even if there is no trace of afraid, Moesat group maximize their cautiousness, they don't let anyone get close to them while walking toward the great show.

When they stopped in front of other two top doctors, elder Eun stood in front. Moesat stood a bit left behind and Areum stood right behind.

Elder Park and Mioh stood at the rear to guard their back.


"How is your feeling that, when you visit back at your lost inn?"

Chu Hu, the first ranking doctor, is joking at elder Eun.


Elder Eun answered without any feeling on it.

"Naaa...This big inn is nothing? Why did you fought for it before, if it is nothing to you?"

Chu Hu pointed out about elder Eun's answer.

Elder Eun wanted to fight back with talk but…

"Come on, old man… I came here to watch your show, is that your show is talking? Look like you don't have any doctor skill but just talking??? hummm!!!"

Moesat did not come here to see the talking show, so he tried to stop the bullshitting.


"Little brat shut your mouth, that is not your place to talk."

Chu Hu shouted with anger as he saw a child is intercepting his fun.

Chu Hu is from the Yonan country. He and Yon Pon(the third rank doctor) arrived late at the Goon City, that is after the war. So he did not know exactly everything about the war.

They only knew the sugar coating winning event of the Yonan prince, and they even did not know how much Moesat is good in talkie fight.

Even now Yonan prince Long Wei wanted to say to doctor Chu Hu to stop talking with this little brat but he could not say out loud in the group of people. So he helplessly watched.

But every time both princes saw Moesat, and their anger of hate burn inside of them.

Not only them, many of highest stage warriors from their side hate Moesat group.

But they all look normal on their outer appearance, they all did not show any kind of killing intent on Moesat group.

That is same for Moesat too, he would never show killing intent before he fight, and it is especially now.


Moesat did not want to talkie fight with Chu Hu, but he turned back to the waiting people group and,

"Everyone, what are you all came here to do???? Watch the talking show or the doctors skill performance?"

With the stimulation of Moesat, long waiting group of people were starting to spouting out their annoyance of their long waiting time.

These two doctors were making a long wait for these people to make their doctor skill value go up.

But now…

"Ya.. no skill to show off???..."

"I see.. you can talk…."

"That right…what kind of show is that? Talking show or doctor skill show?"

There were many people shouted with anger.

If there were only a few angry people, these two doctors would neglected them but this is a big group now and the two doctors would feel the anger of the big group in their spine.


"Clam down.. clam down… of course I am going to show my doctor skill."

The two angry eyes of his were looking at small child, Moesat, and Chu Hu is trying to smooth down the anger of big angry people group.

And he rose his hand toward his group and that show the signal to start the show.


Five people came out with carrying a badly wounded patient with a carrier.

This kind of doctors were letting the heavily injured person to leave a long time for just to show off their performance.

When they arrived.

"Doctor Eun, please check how bad is his situation?"

Chu Hu told elder Eun to make sure how bad the wound on the patient.

Elder Eun came out and checked,

The patient is in half naked and some blood were dipping down, and there is a trace of medicine that could slow down the blood flow out to keep the patient still alive.

But if it is later than this and this patient would die for sure.


While Elder Eun was checking, many people eyes were moving between elder Eun and Moesat.

Because there is a child sitting on Moesat neck and one small girl and one small tree were sitting on Moesat head.


Many people, who did not have knowledge were thinking, even if they saw Lu Lu is eating food, they thought Lu Lu as an item spirit.

Some time, some people who did not have ENOUGH knowledge and their thinking would lead them to wrong way of answer.

But people who did not have ANY knowledge would lead them to right way of answer.(it is like multiple choice, the one who only tick (all A) got right answer for a difficult question.)


They all were looking at visible Lu Lu with their greedy eyes and thinking of the precious treasure on Moesat.

Elder Eun and Park did not like that, Moesat is carrying three small children into the eyes of many people but they could not stop Moesat.

And they did not know one thing is... in reality….

These small three children were actually... really... dreadful killing machine in the form of adorable little three children.

Especially, Lu Lu..


Moesat group is now standing only 10 meters apart from their twenty strongest enemies warriors.

And all of Moesat group five sense were spread out checking on their enemies movement. If there is a strange movement from one of their enemy and they would be going to start their attack on their enemies without a second thought.


If a weapon ability stage warrior wanted to attack,

First second… he needed to transform. And later first second they would jump or run toward Moesat group.


At the first second….

Nana would sing the ''Frozen Night Moonlit Melody''... it would made 3 second around to lure the enemies attraction.

Moesat would jump to enemies as his human body is too much stronger than other and he would transform in the mid air. And his speed is 20 m/s in short range movement. And he could stab an enemy throat with his short katana.

Lu Lu could kill at least two in a second.

And all other would change their metal form.


At the 2nd second….

Moesat could kill other 2, Areum slash would kill 3, Lu Lu could kill 2.

That is at least their killing count in two second.

Still, they have not use their hidden weapon. If they use their hidden weapon and more than thousand of people would die.

For this reason, Moesat group did not have any fear in this Goon city.


But that too many people would die, is not their aim and objective.


And now…...

Moesat group always have their own way of thinking and, their own aim and objective.

Their aim and objective for this time now is very simple,


That why they were luring the greedy people with treasure.


Back at the elder Eun...

"He would die in a minute, if he did not get proper treatment."

Elder Eun announce it after finish checking the heavily injured patient.



With reply, Chu Hu sat down in cross leg in an open space.


He changed into metal form, it is needed to take out for his Metgiktran weapon.

After he changed into Metgiktran form, his took out his weapon.

It is like, a big coffin or big tube.

It is around 8 feet long and 4 feet wide, base is flat and lid is a bit round and a big large space inside.

So it looked like a big coffin.

The coffin wall is made up of many layer of metal but the metal is like a glass, people could clearly see through everything from one side to another.

If that metal is made to killing weapon, that may become an invisible killing weapon.


There were some big words inscription on the many layer of metal, these were on both inside and outside of a metal plate.

And there were many rays or lines inscription on the many layer of metal too.


The coffin lid open like a slide window by Chu Hu control, metal were moved layer by layer.

"Put him in there."

Chu Hu told his men.

Five people who were carrying the injured man, put the injured man in the coffin.

The coffin lid close back.

And two men sat down on the right side of coffin and two on left side, one sat down at the foot side of the coffin and Chu Hu is at the head of coffin.

All of their extend both hands to touch on the coffin, and they channel their energy into the coffin.

Soon, word by word, which were inscribed on the metal lighted up, and the metal layers were starting to move inside of the coffin.

These metal were moving inside of the coffin, and the many lighted words were flew toward the injured man. And these word enter the injured man body.

One word after another lighted up and shot it into the injured man continuously and many wound on him were healed up in naked eyes of normal people.

All the same procedure happen again and again, metal were moved one place to another, it heal up all of the wounds.

Around ten minute later, all the wounds were healed and finished.

The man got out from coffin like a new man, but he is a bit weak from blood lost.


Yaaaaaa…. Clap…clap...clap...

All the people were cheer up and to give praise to the top no 1 doctor Chu Hu.

Doctor Chu Hu got up back and give respect back to the group of people with his victory smile.

And he looked at the Moesat with sneer.

Is that the big old man is fighting with a small child????


Moesat did not care about him but he was talking with…

"Nana, with this method... can we heal your mother now?"

"Sort of, but no.."

Nana answered.


"Why not??"

Moesat confused.


"Dad, it is just forcing and using up their energy to faster healing up for low stage warrior. But grandmother is too much high stage warrior."

"We can use this kind of method but we needed to be at least same power stage with the grandmother."

"Moreover, grandmother got injured on her energy reservoir and energy channel too. And this coffin method could not do anything about it."

Lu Lu explained it in a long to make Moesat understand about healing.

This coffin method is same like a game healer that force to heal an another character but in reality there is many difficulties.


"Energy reservoir and channel? That thing could not heal by that coffin??"

Moesat asked more because he could easily heal energy reservoir and energy channel now.


"There were nothing in the medicine book about how to heal the energy reservoir or channel. Even elder Eun used her energy only to block elder Park energy reservoir from leaking."

Lu Lu explained.


"Even if we both were same as your cultivation, we could not heal other except only for us. Only you freak alone could do heal other. There many be a way in more advance technology places but no one could do it in this continent."

Nana gave out praise or scorn on what Moesat alone could do.

(We mean Lu Lu and Nana, and from many informations they know that there were other place.)


"Let watch next one."

Lu Lu said it,

While they were talking, the show of the doctor changed.


Now is time for rank 3 doctor, Yon Pon.

He sat down same like Chu Hu, at the open space.


He changed metal form and took out his Metgiktran weapon.

His Metgiktran weapon is plate, that was made by square alloy metal, 10 square feet and the plate is put it on the ground.

There were many small other plates placed on the baseplate.

Many unknown words of inscription, that is same like the transparent coffin.

And these words were inscribed on the many small metal plates.

It is look like a picture puzzle block.

But now is not a picture but many words puzzle block.