
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

Top Three Doctors.

Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)

Support: Please support me, reading it on https://www.webnovel.com/book/15026471705512505.


It is a clear sunny day,

Near a beautiful stream, some people were sleeping under the sun while listening to the melody that came from the stream.

Some people were moving like a Tai chi movement, they were cultivating and some were relaxing.

There were three big hot water swimming pool, left and right one is for male only and female only and the middle one is for children and there were some female.

Some of the young active male were trying to sneak into female only or middle one but they got beaten up black and blue before they got throwing them back into male only hot spring swimming pool.


Many of the older or strong elders were on the roof top, they were sitting and chatting but their eyes were checking everything around their inn parameter.

Anything that could danger to them could not miss from their eyes.


Near the children swimming pool, there is a big flat so called chair. On that chair Moesat is sleeping on it and there were one year old girl is sleeping beside him.

Areum is sitting and sipping a fruit juice and eating a snack at the one edge of the so called big chair without caring anyone.

There were two 6 inches tall two small children were chasing to each other in high speed around the swimming pool.

One of the child is shape of tree and another is shape of little girl. They both were bouncing on the ground and moving speed of 20 m/s, they were running between many other children or female.

But they did not touch or destroy a thing, even if they were chasing and running at high speed.

Some of the children were trying to catch these two but no one could touch anyone of them.


Soon high speed chasing stopped and two girls lay down a shore of swimming pool shallow water while half of their bodies were in the water.

Some children were approaching them and trying to touch but Lu Lu pushed away with her small hand to everyone who were trying to touch her.

Lu Lu is wild big bossy child, and she did not like to communicate with other.

On the contrary, Enna is a kind and gentle, she rose up her tentacles and touched back to other. She could not speak but she tried to communicate with body touch sense.


On the roof, elder Eun asked elder Park again.

"Who is that small girl again?"

"I am not sure, but I heard what Moesat told other, he told other that these were his family."

"That little girl and tree were his daughters, and that one year old girl is his sister and Areum is his big sister."

Elder Park smiled bitterly and told elder Eun as what he heard, but they already knew that Moesat got many secretes and they did not try to dig it.


After hearing that elder Eun continue,

"That very small girl is look like item spirit but..."

"Ya, that right, but item spirit did not eat or walk on the ground, and that little girl is continue eating all the time."

Elder Park replied in confuse.

"What about fairy?….No…. Fairy got wings!!!"

Eler Eun is trying to make question but she answered her own question with 'no'.

"Forget it whatever they are, most important is their safety."

Elder Eun pointed out the main problem.


"While in the fight before, I felt Moesat strength is too strong, I could not even control him with my strength alone."

"But his fighting strength with the soldiers was weak, he must be hiding his strength moreover we never seen his metal form until now."

"And if his strength is that much and what about Areum strength?"

That was elder Park calculation.


"What I see is, he never show his strength before he is ready, do you remember how he killed the vice sect master Soo Jang Tae?"

"He did not show any sign of attacking before and when he moved and his enemy die."

Elder Eun calculation on Moesat.


"So, elder Eun meaning is, soon we would be free from our shackle?" CF sect leader Chon Hee asked.

"Possible, but before our shackle is off, there would be a big fight, unfortunately non of our students could catch up with Moesat group."

"We have to be careful, do not get too much causality on our side."

Elder Eun worried.


"Don't you remember what Moesat told us before? Trying to keep the safety for younger students and leave them alone?"

"I think, that is how he warn about the coming event."

Elder Park thought back and retold it.


"Could he not wait until all other students become stronger? Gentleman revenge could wait for ten years?"

Elder Mioh said in a bit annoyance sound.

"He is that much strong within two years, and how long do you want him to wait? And you know about weapon forming trial. Do you want this strong one to waste their time for nothing?"

Elder Eun told her sister like friend, elder MiohS.

"Emmm...the weapon forming trial…."

Elder Mioh utter her word but she did not say anymore than that.


Moesat woke up from his sleep, and he looked at Enna is with many other. He did not like it because he did not know who is their enemy or their friend.

May be an enemy spy is hidden in that group and harming on his family?

This worried is the cons side of his caution.


"Lu Lu, Enna, let go." Moesat called out.

Two small children suddenly looked back and quickly move toward Moesat leaving all other around them.


Moesat did not wake Nana up, he gently carry her and they went back into their room.

In the room Moesat left three children on the bed and Areum is quietly sat down on a chair.

And Moesat went back into the bag space alone.

There were many energy resource, but even if he refining these energy core like a machine, he could only refine three core at one day.

These energy core were in very poor quality, so after he refined, he got around 1/3 size of it original size core.


Because of many energy resource, Lu Lu, Nana, Enna and Areum were starting to absorb without restrain. They all knew that they needs more strength.

While Moesat was busying with refining energy, Nana is testing the metal refining method that Moesat parents gave him.

That metal refining method is dangerous, that method let metal organism get into their energy reservoir, while metal organism were soak in the energy and it got heated up and refined it in there.

But cons side is...if some accident happen while in refining metal organism in the energy reservoir and the energy reservoir would be seriously damage or may be even blown up.

The pros side is….It could rise the grade of metal form or hardness and energy soaking metal organism would more easily to carry energy one place to another inside of the body.

But it reduce the 9/10 of metal organism waste from the metal organism, and they only left 1/10 of it.

They did not know how much metal grade was rose up by refining with that method, but they did not care for the lost but they only care for the best.

So all of them would need around 10 time more metal organism than before, and they all believed that they could get it by one way or another.


About the metal grade,

metal grade 5 is same as diamond hardness and Areum katana is grade 7 metal.

Areum katana could not damage Moesat metal form, so they keep Moesat metal form is at level 8 grade.

Because they did not have any harder thing to compare Moesat metal form and they did not know how to give grade on Moesat metal form.

Moesat metal form is same as Lu Lu, Nana and Enna but Areum metal form is lower.

But non of them have fully absorb metal organism at their stage yet.


Moesat got his whole body covered with metal organism, to become a small dragon form.

He already cover his whole body with strong metal organism, so why does he need to absorb more metal organism?

Because he is like an iron box, only the cover is strong but there were empty inside.

Absorbing metal organism to full would only make him solid iron block, not just an empty iron box.

Only after fully absorbing, his internal organs would also be cover with metal organism.


Moesat Metgiktran body is grade 8 and have strong defence.

But why was many of his enemies were easily to die like without defence?



Many of his enemies were grade 2 iron grade defence….. or grade 3 steal grade metal defence body.

And if someone used grade 5 diamond grade weapon and their body would be easily to cut off.

And their human body without metal cover is so weak to against these strong metal weapon.


But that is only for some weak warriors, if Moesat fight with metal body grade 5 or 6 and there would be a different story.

And even if they got strong metal body, Areum grade 7 katana and Lu Lu slingshot pellets could still damage them.

And Moesat dragon hands were more harder than his own body but they did not know how hard it is.


Areum knew that both Moesat and Nana is trying hard to make themselves stronger, so she quietly stay beside them and guard them.

Moesat and Nana were too tired before and they don't want other stay in the room all day, so they sleep under the sun while absorbing.

And let Lu Lu and Enna play for sometime.


At the time Moesat group were trying to make themselves stronger, the princes groups were drinking and eating and having a happy time with many women.

While their soldiers were hunger, fighting and dying for food.

Compare to these upper echelon party, CF and BC group party is just like a children party to relax their stress out.


While Moesat was refining energy source, someone knocked their door.

Lu Lu called out Moesat from the item bag.

Moesat opens the door and look at a teacher from CF sect,

"Elder Eun told me to tell you that, there were other top rank two doctors were in Goon city now and they are showing off their power in front of everyone. Elder Eun said you are interested in medicine, so would you like to go and watch it?"

Moesat does not need to look back to Lu Lu who is now shinning in her eyes with interest.

"Yes, I would like to watch it. When is that?"

Moesat answered and ask for time.

"It would be soon, we needed to leave from here now."

The teacher reply.



When they got back to the Goon city, they were heading toward their previous inn.

The show off is going to perform at their previous inn ground floor.

Elder Eun, Mioh and Park came with Moesat group and some students.

As one of the top 3 rank doctor, Elder Eun wanted to see how other two perform too.

There were thousand of people were blocking and waiting for the show.

Moesat looked at them and thought, ' do I needed to force them to give us a way?'

Moesat is not a very kind heart in this kind of case. If they just stand behind these people and they could not see.

And Lu Lu would be unhappy about it.

Moesat is someone that if he needed to do and he will do it.


But before he used his force.

People were moving out from their way,

People were moving out because of two facts,

One is they knew about Moesat and CF sect,

Two is elder Eun, who is rank 2 doctor at the medicine field or their continent.

Slowly they arrived at the front of all people, face to face with other top two doctors.

Other two doctors looked at elder Eun and mocking at her as CF sect was run away from the fight before.
