

Amy's hand holding to her phone to her ears shook means, Amy. Why would he not just tell you anyway?" her friend, Sonia's voice echoed in her earsSonia continued speaking but Amy was not listening to her anymore. She was angry, sad even but she does not understand why she felt this way. "Maybe because he wanted to do it with-" Amy could not even complete her thought. I have work to do. Bye" Before Sonia could speak more, Amy ended the call and shoved the phone away. Amelia Rave, nicknamed Amy. Average in height and beautiful but timid and clumsy. For twenty years, she has lived with her mum and for two years, she searched for a job. On her last quest, she got the job of a personal assistant to a popular actor in town. She got the job not out of qualification but out of a bet. What happens when she falls in love with her boss? What happens when she finds out about his bet? Rowan Ace, a handsome and popular man in the film industry, filled with pride and arrogance. He was perfect at his job and most importantly, rich. He never cared about anyone, not even his family but what happens when a clumsy, crazy girl enters into his life? What happens when their world clash in the society they find themselves in? Read to find out.

Archibong_Faith · 现代言情
5 Chs

Horrible Person

Amy landed on the floor below the stage, squeezing the bottle in her hand. Buttocks first. She winced at the impact with her eyes closed.

She was sure her small butt was an inch shorter with the amount of time and force it has landed on the floor this day.

While her body was still trying to get rid of the pain she felt, she heard a voice above her on the stage.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" the male voice asked with irritation in his voice

Amy raised her head slowly to see who spoke. It was a man she did not recognize, but he was handsome. His broad shoulders, well-cut hair and trimmed face made him serious but also sexy.

There were some drops of sweat on his face that only added to his sexy face.

"Stop staring at me like that" he barked

Amy flinched and finally noticed his angry gaze. Why was he so angry with her for falling? Rich people, always so entitled. She thought to herself with a pout as she looked away.

"You spilt water on me, and you could not even apologize" he barked again

Amy glanced at him with confusion written on her face, then her eyes grew wide. She snapped her head to the bottle that she still held firmly, disfigured.

It was empty.

Oh, no! She screamed in her head as her wide eyes turned back to him.

His 'sweat' was not sweat, but the water she spilt on him.

Oh, no! She told herself again as she took to her feet and rushed up the stairs, taking out her handkerchief to clean his face.

"So sorry. I did not-"

Before the handkerchief could get to his face, he held her hand harshly, stopping her from speaking more. "Don't you dare lay your filthy hands on me. I know this was just a way to get your hands on me, but you thought wrong" he sneered.

"You will pay for this," he said pointing at his wet suit jacket before dropping her hands aggressively and walking away

Amy stood there staring at his retreating back while she rubbed the place he let go. He really held her hands tight.

She just wanted to clean it. What's his deal? She thought to herself as his image disappeared from her sight.

With a sigh, she walked back to the room she stepped out of. As expected, everyone was glaring at her as she walked to a corner. Queen Bee was no less doing the same.

If given the chance, Amy was sure Sophia would stab her there and then she would not be surprised if no one spoke up for her.

She sighed again. For an hour, a few other girls were called into the room for their interview and once done they would return to the room waiting for the next instruction.

A few minutes after the last interview, one of the male interviewers' walked into the room with a broad smile on his face.

"Good day girls" he began

"Good day sir" they all chorused

"You all did well in your interview," he said, scanning all their faces. "As you all know, your employment does not only depend on us the interviewers, but on the person you are here to assist"

All the girls nodded in understanding. "Very well. On that note, I'll like to introduce to you all, Rowan Ace" he concluded and stepped away from the door.

He gave a small bow as he spoke, "Good day sir"

The girls giggled once they saw him. Amy, who was at the back and, was not in heels just like the other girls, was unable to see who stepped into the room. The girls climbed a mountain.

With a sigh, Amy bent to the side to take a quick peek at the person they were to work with. She was not familiar with movie actors. She hardly had time for school talk, more of watching a movie and knowing their real names.

Amy's heart dropped when she saw the smiling man before them. Her eyes widen in shock and fear. Before she could retreat her head, he caught sight of her peaking and without a beat, she retreated her head.

Oh, no!

She was definitely not going to get the job now.

The person she was supposed to get the job from was Rowan Ace, a big shot in the movie industry, famous all over the world, handsome and, most importantly, rich and now, angry vein man who she had spilt water on a few hours ago.

Amy mentally hit her head with her palm, cursing her clumsiness. Why did she forget she was at the edge of the stage? She sighed.

She was glad though that at least she was covered from his gaze thanks to the girls and their heels. Normally, she would have been upset since it would be bad if the employer wanted to pick randomly, but now she was more than glad.

Who knows, he might not only reject her but disgrace and belittle her in front of everyone even when she had tried her best to make herself look bold a little.

"You all look beautiful girls," he said in his husky voice

Amy could not resist an eye roll. "Flirt" she muttered under her breath

He was not only a horrible person but also a flirt. Pathetic. Amy thought as she waited for him to pick who he wanted to be his personal assistant, so she could leave.

She did not want the job any more. There was nothing more she hated than a man being a flirt. Sophia, who was in front of every other girl, walked to him as expected.

"Good day, Mr Rowan. I'm Sophia, and I'm happy to be your personal assistant. No one else here can match my capabilities, even in…" She paused, clearing her throat as she tried to touch him, but he was quick to move forward.

"You," he said