
Mecha: Defeat The T-Rex Robot From The Start

In the age of deep space warfare, every teenager was required to learn about mecha at the academy. When Qin Yue was transmigrated to this world, he realized he was taking the academy entrance exam. He looked around and noticed that the other examinees were piloting high-quality mecha while he only had a training model. It was then, he awoke the unique system. [Ding! You have obtained the Master-level Tai Chi.] What happened afterward shook the whole hall. “He actually evaded 32 cannon attacks with that training mecha?” “How can a training mecha bring a 10,000-ton mecha down?“ “Why do I feel like I’m hitting a cushion when I hit him?” Even the academy had never expected the exam they had set up would be easily cleared by a training mecha. As everyone stared in awe at Qin Yue, he smirked and said, “This is the true strength of the old martial arts!”

Northern Lake · 科幻
40 Chs

The Plan Succeeded! The Alien Beast Has Fallen!

編輯: EndlessFantasy Translation

At that moment Qin Yue rushed towards the sandworm.

Ling Ru and the others knew then that Qin Yue had already found an opportunity to give the Three-headed Sandworm a fatal blow.

A few of them were extremely curious about Qin Yue's so-called fatal blow.

The moment he rushed in, they stopped in their tracks. Their eyes stared fixedly at Sky Hunter's figure as it flew into one of the sandworm's mouths.

Ling Ru and the others were dumbfounded.

They could not believe what they had just seen.

They had not imagined that Qin Yue's so-called fatal blow strategy would be to rush into one of the Three-headed Sandworm's giant mouths...

Ling Ru, who usually looked a little proud, finally could not hold it in anymore. 

With tears that welled in her eyes, she shouted into the communication channel, "Qin Yue, what are you doing? Get out of there!"

Li Yanyan, Tang Lin, and Wang Jun's hearts were also equally fearful of what they just witnessed.

The moment they saw Sky Hunter charge into one of the three sandworms' mouths.

They guessed that Qin Yue's so-called fatal attack was to enter the sandworms' body and attack it from the inside.

However, they did not understand. The stomach acid of the sandworm was extremely corrosive. A drop the size of a water droplet was enough to burn a hole through the armor of their mecha.

Qin Yue knew that it was dangerous, yet he still rushed into the sandworm's mouth. Would that not mean he just gave his life away for nothing?

What the few of them did not know was that Qin Yue had already accounted for all of that. Sky Hunter was originally a Composite Mecha. Although the high-speed mecha had not been completely repaired, its speed was still comparable to the mecha of Ling Ru and the others.

In fact, it was even slightly faster than them.

As long as Qin Yue was fast enough and reacted quickly, he would be able to finish off the sandworm before he was swallowed into its stomach.

Attacks from the inside were the only effective ones at the moment.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Yue piloted Sky Hunter and rushed into one of the mouths of the sandworm.

As soon as he entered, Qin Yue did not have time to think too much. He hurriedly used his two fists to press against the throat of the sandworms.

Then, a pair of XA-Wolf Talons suddenly shot out from Sky Hunter's fists and pierced the sandworm's throat.

The moment the talons pierced into the sandworm's throat, blood sprayed out and dyed Sky Hunter's claws red.

At the same time, the sandworm felt a sharp pain from its throat and could not help but let out a deafening roar.

However, it was not the end. Qin Yue thrust the talons into its throat to stabilize Sky Hunter's body.

He immediately pulled out his other hand and used another talon to gouge a deep hole in the sandworm's throat.

Every time Qin Yue cut, the sandworm would let out a cry of extreme pain.

At the same time, the howls and screams of the sandworm made Qin Yue realize that his idea was effective.

After a large hole had been carved in the sandworm's throat, Qin Yue stopped cutting and prepared the mecha's plasma cannon.

"From the inside, one shot is enough. I'll send you to hell!"

"Fire the XF-V10 Plasma Cannon!"

The moment Qin Yue finished his command, the plasma cannon fired. It went straight through the sandworm's throat and out the other end of its body.

At the same time, the rest who waited outside for Qin Yue to emerge suddenly saw the sandworm explode.

Through the bloody mist, Sky Hunter emerged like a god of war.

The four people were dumbfounded. They did not expect Qin Yue to appear in front of them in such a way.

Feelings of surprise and all kinds of other emotions lingered in their minds. They were so shocked that they even stuttered as they said, "The Three-headed Sandworm died just like that?"

"Qin Yue, are there no limits to your abilities? It's getting harder and harder to catch up to you!" Ling Ru opened her mouth and muttered softly.

"A Catastrophe-level Alien Beast. This is a beast whose strength overshadowed those Demonic Wolves from earlier, yet Little Brother Qin Yue killed it!"

"Hu, fortunately, it was the Alien Beast that died. Brother Qin Yue is fine."

In their eyes, Catastrophe-level beasts like the Three-headed Sandworm were an existence that was akin to a catastrophe.

Were it not for Qin Yue's presence in that battle, they would probably have been destroyed when they first encountered the Three-headed Sandworm.

In the worst-case scenario, they might not even have the courage to fight against it.

Only with Qin Yue were they able to hold on for so long.

However, from the start of the battle, they did not dare to imagine that they would even be able to defeat the Three-headed Sandworm.

One had to know that the strength of a Catastrophe-level beast was equivalent to a Military Mecha, and the mecha they piloted was only at Bodyguard level.

It was also because of the knowledge of that huge disparity in strength they were all left in shock when Qin Yue killed the Three-headed Sandworm!

At the same time, Qin Yue rushed out from the sandworm's corpse.

He immediately began to check its vital signs.

"Phew, luckily all three heads share the same throat."

Looking at the dead Three-headed Sandworm, Qin Yue heaved a huge sigh of relief.

The battle had finally ended. Only then did Qin Yue look at Ling Ru and Li Yanyan, who had stared at him in disbelief.

"Ling Ru, Yanyan, are you guys okay?"

From her cockpit, Ling Ru hurriedly wiped away the tears at the corners of her eyes and said, "No... It's nothing. What could be wrong with me? Oh right, Yanyan, are you okay?" 

Li Yanyan felt a warmth in his heart. She hurriedly waved her hand and replied, "Brother Qin Yue, Sister Ling Ru, I'm... I'm fine too."

"Junzi, Tang Lin, how are you guys?" Qin Yue looked to the side again and asked with concern.

"Brother Qin Yue, don't worry about me. I wasn't of much help during the battle anyway."

As she said that, Tang Lin's eyes darkened. She thought about how she was of no help to her companions during the battle just now and felt worthless.

"None of the members of our team should have such thoughts.

"Do you think it would be so easy if one of us was missing from the battle just now?"

Seeing Qin Yue's serious face, Tang Lin smiled gently.

Then, Qin Yue returned to the Three-headed Sandworm's corpse and searched for its core.

Not long after, Qin Yue found two cores from its body.

And it was precisely because of those two fiery red cores that Qin Yue could not help but feel a burst of joy in his heart.

Generally speaking, there was only one core within the body of an Alien Beast. The probability of two cores appearing was extremely rare.

High-grade Alien Beast cores were themselves rare materials that were used as a mecha's energy source.

It was because of the scarcity that they had to hand in the cores they had obtained from hunting. It was used to determine their results!

Now that he had found two cores, it was a great opportunity for Qin Yue to upgrade his mecha. 

Thus, Qin Yue took advantage of the fact that everyone had not paid attention and hid one of the cores.

The remaining core was enough to be used to assess their results!