
Chapter 1 - I’m Peter Parker

Important A/N: The MC was only 17 when he died so he's still pretty childlike.

He wasn't a massive spider-man fan so has only seen the Sam Remi Spider-man movies and The MCU movies

Also this is set about a Month after Iron Man 1


*Ring Ring* *Ring Ring*

"Ah God, what is that unholy noise" I groan out, turning deeper into my bed.

"Peter, get your ass up. You have school" Aunt May shouts out to me.

"I'm already up" I shout back naturally.

I get off my overly comfy bed, grab a set of clothes and head into the bathroom to shower. After my shower, I put on my clean clothes which consists of a white t-shirt, black jeans, Nike shoes and a jacket.

"Morning" I say to aunt may as I enter the kitchen.

"Morning Peter, toast and coffee on the table for you" May says to me.

"Yes!, your the best you know?" I tell her.

"And don't you forget it," May says light-heartedly.

While eating my breakfast, May comes in and joins me. "So looking forward to that famous scientist who's doing a guest lecture, who you've been talking about all week"

"May, Dr. Conor's is the leading scientist in Biochemistry and Bioengineering. Even if it's still in it's early stages if his research and experiments lead to actual results he will allow amputees to regrow or gain entirely new limbs" I explain to her.

May chuckles a little, "I know you haven't shut up about all week"

Finishing my breakfast, I kiss Aunt May on the cheek and leave our apartment.

I can't believe it's only been two weeks since I got a second chance as Peter Parker. Thankfully I took over just after he got the bite, so I have all the spider powers

It didn't take me long to adjust to this new life or gain a semblance of control over my superpowers.

I haven't taken up the role of Spider-Man just yet. I am currently making my first suit, it's pretty basic as Aunt May and I can't afford a whole lot but we make due. I'm also creating my webs which are making good progress.

I've also been taking advantage of Peters's naturally high intelligence to learn as much as possible. I've been focusing on biology for my powers, Engineering for my Suit and Tech and lastly Coding and Hacking for the A.I, I wish to make.

It doesn't take long for me to make it to, Midtown high school. Now normally I wouldn't enjoy school, especially since old Peter got bullied which I handle straight away. But the best part of school is actually my Bestfriend Ned Leeds.

He's pretty much the best friend anyone can ask for, He likes Star wars, Lego's, he's smart and funny. What's not to like about him?

Getting to my locker I place the books I'll need for later subjects in there while only keeping my Maths book and a notebook for the Lecture after Maths.

"Hey, Peter excited for the Lecture with Docter Connors?" Ned asks me as soon as he gets into speaking distance.

"Yeah man can't wait" I reply as we do our super secret handshake.

"You know I read recently that Docter Connors was hired by Tony Stark," Ned says as we head to class.

I contemplate that for a sec. "Makes sense Tony Stark, did just stop making weapons to focus on Medical and Technology advancements"

"I know. I still can't believe that The Tony Stark is Iron Man. Did you see the Fight between him and The Iron Monger" Ned states excitedly.

"I know right. It's so awesome" I agree.

~Scene Change~

After maths, Ned and I head to the Gym along with the rest of our year for the Lecture. Taking a seat beside each other we wait for the start of the Lecture.

During the lecture by Doctor Connors, I notice that he doesn't have a singular animal that he's focusing on. I mean if he wants to fix his arm, wouldn't an animal with natural regeneration be his best bet.

But I guess it's unsurprisingly as his research into Cross-species generics is still in its early stages.

At the end of the Lecture, Doctor Connors asks for questions. My fellow classmates ask the basic ones, such as how did he lose his arm for example or if one could get superpowers from cross-species genetics.

So I put my hand up to ask a question. "Yes you there lad, what's your question," Doctor Connors asks pointing at me.

I stand up from my seat, "Hello, I'm Peter Parker. At the start of this Lecture, you mentioned out you wish to fix yourself. So I can't help but wonder why you're not focusing on animals with natural regeneration, such as Lizards, axolotl or even Star Fish?" I question.

"You said you name was Parker? Right?" Connors asks instead of answering me.

"Yes, that's my name" I reply curious as to what he wants.

"Peter, would to stay are school to discuss with me, as I feel I can not answer your question without taking all the time we have left" Doctor Connors explains.

"Yes! Erm I mean yeah sure" I tell him as I sit back down.

"Dude, you just got a one-on-one with one of the greatest Biologists in the world" Ned whispers to me.

"What can I say, it's just the Parker Luck" I tell him.

~Scene Change~

After School, I head to the principles office where Dr Connors is currently waiting for me if what my teacher says is true.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Ah Peter, come in come in. Dr Connors this is Peter Parker one of our best and brightest" The principal brags slightly.

"Yes, I'm well aware. Your staff has spoken highly of him" Doctor Connors agrees coming to shake my hand.

I take his hand and shake it slightly. "Heh well I try my best, that's all," I tell him.

"Hard work and intelligence. You'll go far Mr Parker" Doctor Connors tells me. "Do you mind if we have some privacy Mr Parker here had a question I wish to answer"

"Oh yes, of course, I'll get out of your way," The Principle says.

"So Mr Parker, How did you come to idea of using Lizards?" Doctor Connors asks me.

"Well it came to me while My Aunt and I were watching a documentary on Lizards a few days ago," I tell him. "I thought it might be useful if you could implement Lizard DNA into a human they could regrow limbs"

"Fascinating, that could work" Doctor Connors mutters to himself. "Mr Parker..."

"Call me Peter, Doctor Connors" I cut him off slightly.

"Peter, how would you like a weekend job? Working as my intern at Stark Industry's" Doctor Connors offers.

"What?!? Really? I'd love to" I quickly agree.

"Hold on a tick" Doctor Connors says chuckling. "It's going to be hard work, late hours and very little pay"

"I figured, but I still agree to work with you," I tell him trying to keep the excitement from my voice.

"Well then stop by next week on Friday and we'll give you a tour, so you can officially start on the following day" Doctor Connors explains. "I look forward to working with a bright young mind like yours Peter"

"I'm looking forward to it too, Erm I mean I'm looking forward to working with you as well," I say kinda awkwardly.

"Good, I'll see you a week on Friday," Doctor Connors says dismissing me.

I quickly yet calmly as possible leave the office, well until I'm out of sight and hearing distance.

"Yeah! Wooho" I shout jumping and pumping my arm in celebration. While in the middle of my celebrations I hear a small cough from behind me. Turning around I stop MJ watching me.

"Any chance you can forget what you just saw?" I ask hopefully and trying to cover my embarrassment at being seen.

"Not a chance" MJ states as she walks off reading her book.

"Anyways I gotta tell Ned" I say to myself.

And with that, I rush out of the school to tell My Aunt and Ned about what just happened.

~End of Chapter~

Hope you like the introduction

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