
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · 电影同人
793 Chs

Chapter 314: Feeling that life has reached its peak (Edited)


After finishing his snack, Fish patted his bulging belly, suddenly opened his mouth wide and yawned, then felt his eyelids grow a little heavy.

"Strange... Why am I sleepy so early nya?"


The kitten rubbed his eyes and muttered under his breath.

For a nocturnal creature like cats, which become more energetic as the night progresses, this would be the most active time of the day.

Although Fish's habits were beginning to resemble those of a human in many ways, it wasn't easy to change the instincts ingrained in his DNA, and he hadn't slept much during the day.

The reason for his sleepiness was simple: even though he had fought off the dementors, the mental drain due to his happiness being sucked out was still there, and becoming a white tiger, like the [Moon Rain] spell, was a forced use of a spell that was beyond his capabilities, and was a drain on both his mind and body.

But the kitten was still in an infantile state, both mentally and physically, and could not feel tired until it was exhausted to some extent.

Now that the exhaustion he had unconsciously repressed had burst forth, he naturally began to feel drowsy.



Fish yawned again, his eyes already too droopy to open.

He turned his head to Fawkes on the table and said groggily, "Ahh .... Fish wants to go back to sleep nya ... help put Uroboros .... Yawn... go back to Albus' side nya.... Fish no..."

Before he finished speaking, the sleepy little cat fell head first onto the table and fell straight to sleep.


Uroboros swam worriedly to Fish's side and touched his cheek with his head.

The sleeping kitten mumbled, then casually scratched his face, grabbed the basilisk's body and tossed it aside.

"Master Fish must be very sleepy."

Comey immediately ran over and picked up the tossed Uroboros, saying quietly, "Comey will take him back to his dorm, please don't worry."

Uroboros was not angry with Fish and swam to Fawkes' side, trying to get around his legs as he had done before.... During the summer vacations, Fawkes would occasionally teleport him this way, or fly into the sky for a circle.

The basilisk was much larger than the phoenix, and even if Uroboros had shrunk to a larger proportion, it was still much larger than palm-sized Fawkes....

The shrunken Fawkes wasn't even big enough for Uroboros to swallow in one gulp.

Good thing Comey realized in time the clumsiness of both of them.

The loyal elf didn't wake a sleepy Master Fish, so he grabbed the basilisk and phoenix off the table, carried them to the headmaster's office, and then hurried back to take Fish to his bedroom.

Since everyone was exhausted today, when they sent Fish back, Harry and the others slept soundly without waking up at all.


The next morning, Fish woke up groggily from his bed.


The sleepy kitten looked around, a little confused.

From what he remembered, he had finished his snack in the kitchen and was about to ask Fawkes to send Uroboros back.... Why was he suddenly back in the dormitory?

But soon, as he came to, he realized what was going on, earlier, he had pretended to be asleep and a house elf took him to his bedroom.

So Fish returned to his cat form and quietly began his routine of licking his fur and rubbing his face.

Meanwhile, Harry and the others woke up one by one, all said good morning, got dressed and waited for Fish to finish licking their hair.

Only when everything was ready did they leave the dormitory and join the rest of the Gryffindors in the common room, marching all together towards the Great Dining Hall.

"Strange, where are George and Fred?"

Ron looked around and noticed that his twin brothers were not in the group.

Not everyone always went to breakfast with Fish, but that was because their activities didn't coincide with each other, and it was rare for someone to be missing on the first day of school when they had to go to the Great Dining Hall to pick up their schedules.

Not to mention that George and Fred needed Fish's help selling their products this year.

"I don't know," replied Lee Jordan, who shared the twins' dormitory, "George and Fred met early this morning and mumbled something, then left without saying hello."

"Fish, do you know what's going on?"

It was a common agreement between Ron and Harry that the cat was the one they should ask.

"I don't know."


Fish shook his head, he had a slight suspicion, after all the twins had been talking about playing a prank on Marcus Flint, the captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, but the kitten had promised to keep it a secret from them both....

Fish was very quiet!

And after a moment of curiosity, Ron didn't mind too much, but talked to the group about other things.

They all chatted nonchalantly along the way, and soon arrived at the Great Dining Hall.

George and Fred were already sitting at the long Gryffindor table, looking relaxed.

When they saw everyone arrive, they quickly stood up and greeted them with a resounding "Here's your schedules!".

Fred held up a stack of papers in his hands and shook them a couple of times.

"You came earlier because you want to give us our schedules?"

Ron asked suspiciously as he reached forward and grabbed his own schedule.

"Of course not, we're not that free..." George pursed his lips, but then said with a smile on his face, "It's a surprise that doing this might upset Percy though."

Ron and Harry looked around and saw Percy with a blank look on his face.

It was his job as Prefect to give the schedule, but now his two most hated brothers had taken over, which made him very uncomfortable.

But Percy had already been inadvertently baffled by Fish in Diagon Alley, so he quickly adapted to the situation, and was only annoyed by the custom.

After picking up their schedules, everyone went back to chatting amongst themselves, especially the third years who had just started their electives this year, and were looking for a partner for the same elective.... Of course, Fish's two elective classes were basically full.

However, none of this mattered to the cat, who was dishing out the food Comey had prepared for Hermione.

"Hermione, try this, it's delicious nya."


Last term Fish had taken turns sharing food with the other girls, but that was to thank them for cutting his food the first year.

Now he was giving Hermione food because he wanted to, just as he wanted to share it with Professor McGonagall when he tasted something delicious.

Hermione ate the food Fish handed her under the envious and jealous stares of the female students around her.