
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · 电影同人
793 Chs

Chapter 238: 3 duels (Edited)

In fact, Luna's isolation was not only because of what she was saying, but also because of Fish.

As she had greeted Fish at the beginning of the term, Luna had been surrounded by other Ravenclaw girls asking her questions about Fish, and she had been very honest in telling them everything she had known about him.

So the Ravenclaw girls tried to follow Luna's example and talk to Fish about some untested creatures.

But what they don't know is that Fish likes to listen to Luna talk about these things, first because what she says is interesting, and second because when talking to Luna, her attitude is not like other girls with "ulterior motives".

Luna was very serious about talking to Fish about creatures he didn't know existed, while the other girls were constantly trying to pet him and stick to him while talking to him about the creatures.

In this case, Fish naturally wouldn't treat them like Luna.

But the girls thought Luna was cheating on them, and the crinkly-horned snorkack didn't sound very trustworthy, and they were trying to get close to Fish, but when they failed, they felt like fools for doing so.

And for most Ravenclaw's who admire wisdom, it's a very embarrassing thing to be tricked into doing stupid things.

This, coupled with the fact that Luna had been talking about the same things over and over again, as if deliberately mocking them.

There are many factors that make Luna's popularity in Ravenclaw not very good, they all see that she has a good relationship with Fish, so they didn't bully her, but they generally don't like talking to her very much, gradually formed the current isolated situation.

Luna was aware of these things, but she did not mind and did not mention them to Fish, but disguised them with the crumpled horned snorkel.

Luna and Fish did not lower the volume of their conversation, so all the nearby students heard them.

The Ravenclaw witches, who had been worried about being accused by Luna, looked at each other as they realized that not only was Luna not speaking ill of them, but what she had said earlier seemed to be true....

Some of the girls who had led Luna's isolation ducked their heads in shame, planning to apologize to Luna later.

The young witches from the other Houses were a bit confused and asked the Ravenclaw students what the hell the crinkly horned snorkacks were.

Seeing them, the Ravenclaw witches seemed to look like they did before, so they looked at each other and explained to the other three Houses "excitedly" about Luna Lovegood, the "crazy girl," and Fish's love of fictional creatures.

Cooperating with Fish and Luna who were talking happily not far away, their words seemed very convincing.

After chatting for a while, the two began practicing the disarming spell.

Of course, Fish, who had already mastered the disarming spell, was giving instructions, in fact repeating what Professor McGonagall had taught him.

The disarming spell itself was not too difficult, and Professor McGonagall had explained it in sufficient detail, and Luna was not stupid, so she mastered it quickly.

The two dueled several times afterwards, and it was Fish who won hands down. The difference in reaction time between them was so great that even if Fish had used only the disarm spell, Luna would have been no match for him.

After another pause with the wand, Luna sensed that Fish was getting bored with it, and sympathetically offered to take a break and let Fish go with someone else to practice.

The girls, who had been observing the situation, swirled around Fish again, while one of the Ravenclaw girls, the one who had bullied Luna the most, apologetically offered to pair up with Luna.



Startled by the aggressive group of witches, Fish began to unconsciously look for Professor McGonagall.

Then he saw Professor McGonagall standing on the stage with Snape and Lockhart, talking about something.

"There's something going on over there, let's go check it out!"


Driven by curiosity, Fish immediately ignored the question of who to choose to practice with and approached Professor McGonagall.

Sharpay and the others had no choice but to follow him.

"What's going on?" Fish ran up excitedly, grabbed Neville and asked.

"Our practice was a bit of a mix-up, so Professor Lockhart wanted to get a few more students on stage to demonstrate," Neville, who had just 'died' with Justin, shrugged, explained, "Your fight with Professor McGonagall, not much of a reference for us, let alone the fight between Professor Lockhart and Professor Snape."

"There are fights to watch nya!"


Fish immediately looked away to the stage, where the three professors had already decided on their candidates, pointing to Harry and Malfoy as the two rivals.

Next to them were Cedric and Roger Davies, fourth years, and Percy, sixth, and his girlfriend Penelope.

These three groups represent the levels of students in the lower, middle and upper grades at Hogwarts, which are very useful to other students.

Percy and Penelope were the first to go on stage, and they had no fewer spells than Fish, though they were not as agile or experienced in combat.

But in the use of spells, they were both very impressive, and as prefects of both Houses, Percy and Penelope were among the best of their peers, and everyone learned a lot from them.

At the end of the competition, it was Percy who conceded defeat and the Gryffindors, who knew of their relationship, were encouraged by the twins to boo in outrage.

This was followed by the fourth year competition, which didn't seem very interesting, mainly because the gap in strength between the two was a bit large, as Cedric easily beat Roger Davies of Ravenclaw, and the spells they used were only a few repeated over and over again. which made Fish yawn.

The last was the rivalry between Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, and Snape walked up to Malfoy and whispered in his ear before stepping out into the ring.

"Use the spell I taught you over the summer."

Fish twitched his cat ears, hearing the words clearly.

He had lost interest in the contest on stage, but his spirits were high again, waiting to see what spell Malfoy would use.

If it worked, he would go learn it from Snape, in preparation for his future challenge to Professor McGonagall.

But the spell Malfoy used was a great disappointment to Fish.


With a loud clang, a long black snake leapt from the tip of Malfoy's wand and landed in the open space between him and Harry.

The students near the stage screamed and quickly backed away.

Snape looked at Harry, but was surprised to see that instead of the frightened look he had expected, but rather opened his mouth strangely and then quickly closed it again.

Harry, who already knew he spoke Parseltongue, was not afraid of the black snake in front of him, but simply worried that he might accidentally speak Parseltongue, so he kept his mouth shut and refused to utter a sound.

As for the snake, Harry didn't have to worry about it; Professor McGonagall wasn't going to stand by and watch her student get bitten by a snake, and Snape was just trying to scare him.

Soon, the black snake was removed by all three professors...though Lockhart didn't help.

As a result, the duel between Harry and Malfoy came to an end, besides, it was getting late and the first Dueling Club event ended in a hurry.

But the students' enthusiasm was not dampened, as they spoke loudly and returned to their dormitories in pairs. And once back in their dorms, they did not rest, as they continued to talk about what had happened at the Dueling Club, especially Percy and the others who had fought on stage, and were surrounded by questions.

As for Fish, who was the most popular, he didn't follow the crowd back to the Gryffindor dormitory, but instead went to Professor McGonagall's office....

I still haven't heard today's story!