
Almost 11

A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07

If anyone wants, I have uploaded up to Ch 10 on my Pat-reon, and will upload 11th tonight. Read the notice chapters before subscribing, though.

Read on!


Time Skip: 28th July, 1930:

Two years, it has been, since I first managed to feel the Magical energy within me.

Usually, it's just… there. No hint of it could be found if I don't actually go looking for it. But, when I want to actually feel for it, it's.. warm. Flowing alongside my blood, my magic is warm, and everywhere. That's all I can say.

Hair, nails, skin, bones, blood, tissues, etc. Everything that is a part of my body has traces of magic flowing through it. It is the densest in my heart, followed by my blood. I can then call the magic to my hands, both of them, to perform my spells. But, despite being second, my blood doesn't have that much magic. It is enough for me to feel it, but not at all enough to power even a lumos.

I can, though, consciously call the magic from my heart to wherever I want like some Anime protagonist. After 2 years of regular training, that is.

Unfortunately, it didn't work like I wanted, and I didn't get Super strength or something like that after sending more magic to my hands. Nor did I get heat vision, or X-ray Vision after sending magic to my eyes. So disappointing. What even is the point of having some mystical energy source within you, if you can't even get super strength?

I also can't heal my wounds faster by sending my magic to it, which was a bummer.

But, I did manage to awaken something else after almost a year of messing around with my, for lack of better terms, Magic Cultivation.

Metamorphmagic. I'm a bloody Metamorphmagus.

I did not awaken my current Metamorphmagic powers at once, though. 10 months after the awakening of my Mage Sense, pardon my poor naming sense, I could only change my eye colour. Then, I could change the eye powers, allowing me to make my eyes near sighted, far sighted, or just perfect. No spectacles for me, baby.

Slowly, I progressed to my hair, of which the size, colour, texture, thickness, everything was now under my control, and then to my skin. I.. didn't mess much there, other than trying to see my previous face once again.

That was just 3 months ago.

Anyway, moving on, a lot of experiments later, I found out that my Metamorphmagic does not change my weight, at all. Nor can I affect my bone structure in any way, other than on my head, for some reason. This does not stop me from growing nails like claws, or changing the shape of my face, for some reason.

I also practiced my Mage Sense a lot, to see what casting spells felt like, and what else used my Magic. My parseltongue does, which was expected, and so does my Metamorphmagic.

It feels like humming whenever I use any of them. Parseltongue feels like warm humming near the inside of my lower jaw, while Metamorphmagic feels like soft humming on whatever part of my body I'm using it on. Hopefully, I'll get used to it.

Surprisingly, my Telepathy does not use magic. Occlumency does, no doubt there, but the thing that makes me able to listen to thoughts, is definitely not magic.

So where did my Telepathy come from? A puzzle for another day, I think.

As much as I want to say that my progress after having sensed my own internal magic, was exponential, I can't. I only managed to master a dozen spells in all.

Along with the spells Lumos, Reparo, Alohomora, Wingardium Leviosa, Accio, and Depulso, I managed to master Colovaria(Colour Changing Charm), Diffindo(Severing Charm), Finite(Counter spell for most charms, I've noticed), Petrificus Totalus(Body Bind spell), Stupefy(Stunning Charm), and the very most identifiable one, Expelliarmus, which I don't really need to define.

And I have actually mastered them all. It wasn't easy, but thanks to my meditation, I could have a full night's sleep within 6 hours and practice magic for at least 3 hours a day. For an almost 11 year old, it was an impressive thing.

But, even after all these spells, my curiosity wasn't completely satisfied. My imagination was running wild almost all the time, but since I don't know what effects wrongly casting spells can have, I kept it to simple spells.

Heck, as I knew that charms were kinda easy for me, I kept to charms, leaving the transfiguration, curses, and hexes far away. I know the names, incantations, and pronunciations of many other spells, but I haven't even tried most of them, thanks to not having the detailed theory that the books don't have.

I know, that even these spells aren't the exact charms, other than the three telekinetic spells. It's just me using my magic to forcefully imitate the actual charms, while just saying the incantation. And my magic doesn't exactly work more accurately even after my Mage Sense awakened.

Even if I can feel the magic, and manipulate it INSIDE my body, the same doesn't happen for the spells dealing with the OUTSIDE.

So, yes, I can take my magic from my heart, and move it everywhere around my body, making me feel the warmth moving around. I can increase the amount of magic I send to my body parts, sure, but nothing happens when I try to send the magic outside my body to cast spells.

There died my dreams of learning self levitation to fly around.

And I couldn't even use my Occlumency to find out some mystical Magic core that doesn't exist. My Magic is focused around my heart, while my Occlumency is just around my brain.

Speaking of Occlumency, my mysterious Telepathy proved a lot helpful there. So much so, that I have a spherical shield all around my Mind Palace, to defend it.

You see, Occlumency isn't at all what I believed it to be, but since this is a self taught version, I can't be sure. Occlumency is the study of diverting the attacker, while protecting your memories. That way, not even the attacker is aware that they're being tricked, if you succeed that is.

What I did, was place the set of distracting false memories outside my Telepathy Shield, making it the first line of defence. And kept my actual memories and thoughts inside the shield.

And there are a lot of thoughts and memories out there, ranging from the boring life at the Orphanage, to the Tom and Jerry episodes. I even put some of the really disgusting porn I had the misfortune of watching. That'll distract them alright.

But, someone more experienced can definitely manoeuvre around the distractions, and almost every Legilimency user is just that. More experienced than me. Remember, I cannot yet use Legilimency, and can't even use my Telepathy to mimic Legilimency. Well, not without harming my victim beyond healing at least, so I'm not even trying until I have the knowledge of it.

And that is why I have a shield around my Mind Palace. So, if anyone tries to enter my mind, and I just know that I will experience it sooner or later, the shield will stop it, if worse comes to worst.

Of course, if anyone reaches that far, I'll realize it, and I can fight them off right here itself. Me not having much experience in entering another's memories does not mean my Mind isn't my own. In here, I'm the highest power. I'm the Daddy here!

Anyway, right now, I was just laying on my bed, reading Agatha Christie's, Murder on the Orient Express. It is an interesting read, far better than the movie at least. Oh the movie wasn't bad, but the book is leagues better.

It was a calm, warm, Saturday afternoon, and it was just about time for lunch. Soon, the bell will ring, calling me down to the dining room.

While reading, I was thinking about my progress so far. Out of the literally hundreds of spells I remember reading about, either in the main books, or the fanfictions, I could cast 12.

Not an impressive number, but considering that I can do that wandlessly, and sometimes even without actually pointing my entire fucking hand at the target, it was good enough. Better than expected even.

I was at least way better than what my Hogwarts classmates might be, and even better than some of the current students.

"KNOCK! KNOCK!" a knock on the door to my room sounds, bringing me out of my self praise, about how amazing I am at all my powers. Thankfully, Sly was away on a visit to the Bush, so he didn't have to turn invisible.

Who the hell could it be? Sister Mary and Sister Agnes simply enter the rooms without asking. One because of her hating me, and the other because she trusted me not to do anything too bad.

Walking towards the door, I open it up, and look at who was knocking. It was Sister Agnes, along with a man, who looked in his 30s. He was wearing an ugly grey suit, with purple trimmings of all things, and had half moon glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Dr Watson?" I mumble out loud, by mistake I assure you, as soon as I see that man, before Sister Agnes can even say anything.

Sister Agnes shakes her head, and asks, "Huhh?- No, Mason. This is Professor Albert-" before she can continue, the Jude Law lookalike, comes forward, interrupting her.

"Albus, Sister Agnes. May I?" He says, correcting his name. As Sister Agnes nods, blushing a bit at her error, Jude Law says, "Hello, Mr Aves. My name is Professor Albus Dumbledore, here to talk to you about an opportunity. May I enter the room, please?"

I look at Dumbledore like he was a creepy pedo, which knowing my luck, he probably was, and refrain from sending out my telepathy. I look him over, very slowly, say, "I don't want to buy anything." And shut the door in his face.

That. Felt. Awesome! I don't know which version of Dumbledore this is, but I already love pissing him off. Hah! The look on his face. If only he'd tried holding the door open, then I could have kneed his balls too.

Wait, no. His shin. I am not touching him there, even with my knees.

The door rattles a few times, and then opens up, showing an angry Sister Agnes. She strolls right in, ignoring my wide eyed look as I'd continued reading my book, and pulls my ear. "Ow, ow, oww! Sister Agnes, that hurts!" I yell out, thanks to her pulling my ear.

"Young man! You just spoke to the Professor of a prestigious school for the gifted! And you shut the door in his face?! Have I taught you nothing?!" Sister Agnes says, pulling a bit more, making me wince.

"Okay, ALRIGHT! I'M SORRY SISTER AGNES! I'M SORRY!" I scream, honestly terrified for my ear.

She smacks my head and points to the amused man standing at the door. I scowl at him, and say, "I'm sorry you look like a hobo."

It's my turn to be amused, while Dumbles is scowling at my disrespect.

Sister Agnes simply raises her hands to show she's serious, while glaring at me, so I back peddle, and say, "I'm sorry, Professor Albert. You wanted to talk to me? What for, may I ask?"

Dumbles simply raises an eyebrow, and his lip twitches upwards a bit. Huh. Maybe he's not an Evil Dumbledore. But I'm still staying careful. Plus he hasn't tried to read my mind yet. That's a point in his favour.

He strokes his beard, which was not even close to being as impressive as the HP movie Dumbledore had, and says, "Again, my name is Albus. You called me Dr Watson. From Sherlock Holmes?"

I nod, and say, "You simply look like the image I have of Dr Watson. Exactly the same. Well, except for.." I just vaguely point towards his clothes. ".. that."

While better than what the movies showed, he did not fit in. He was wearing a grey suit, with purple trimmings, a purple hat, with stars on them, purple boots, and thankfully, plain black tie.

"Ah." Dumbles says, and nods. He looks towards the glaring Sister Agnes, glaring at me that is, and says, "Sister Agnes. May I speak to young Mr Aves? Alone if you please?"

Sister Agnes hesitates, and looks towards me. I nod and smile brightly. I say, "Don't worry. If he tries anything I'll scream 'stranger danger.' I have my whistle here too!" I proudly show her the whistle, removing it from my pocket.

It's Dumbledore's turn to be embarrassed now, while Sister Agnes just looks relieved. Tells you something about the opinion she has on Dumbles, if she didn't even scold me for my disrespect this time.

She nods at him, and walks out while saying, "If you need anything at all, I'll be down in the kitchen, preparing tea."

Dumbles nods, while I wave at her. I won't bore you with the details. Dumbledore spoke vaguely about Magic, and then showed me the proof of its existence by waving his plain black wand and transfiguring my bed into a tiger, and back.

I was confused for a second, wondering why he didn't have his iconic knotty wand, and then remembered that he hasn't won it yet.

Then he explained about Hogwarts school, the subjects taught there, expectations from students. He also mentioned the muggles once, explaining what they are when I questioned him so.

I acted all kinds of surprised, and shocked at the appropriate moments. I even got in a "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!" when he showed me a transfigured Hippogriff, while throwing my pillow at it.

Obviously, he explained only briefly, along with, "You'll learn all this, and more, when you get to Hogwarts. But, you should know that this kind language is not allowed there."

So of course, I agreed, and accepted the Hogwarts Invitation letter from him. I stare at it, and keep staring at my name, and the Hogwarts logo.

Mason Lucas Aves,

Room no. 22,

2nd floor- Stockwell Orphanage, London.

How many years have I waited for this? 30? 35? More? Probably. I've been waiting for this letter ever since the first movie came out. So, math.

Opening the letter, I briefly read it, and then switch it for the list of things I'll have to buy. And then, I frown.

"Where will I even get all of this? How will I pay for this stuff?" I mumble out, because that's the only thing that's bugging me. I don't have money. We don't get Pocket money, thanks to the US Stock Market crash last year, and I wasn't about to work on someone else's farm for a pound a month or something.

And I don't think Goblins will appreciate me messing with their heads. I also can't afford to believe everything the fanfictions believes to be true, Inheritances and all.

I think I remember something about an Orphans fund that Tommy accessed, but I can't be too sure that it exists here, in this iteration of the Harry Potter Universe.

And I don't think my rapist family has any cash in their vaults. I don't even think they have vaults left at this point in time. Bloody wankers.

Dumbledore smiles at me, not creepily, and says, "Your stay at Hogwarts will be free of all costs, and even the food will be provided by us. As for buying supplies, Hogwarts will provide you with enough money to buy your supplies. Granted, you'll have to buy a few books, and clothes, 2nd hand."

I immediately drop my shoulders, thinking up how much money I can steal in a week or so, both muggle, and Wizarding, and how I can do it most efficiently. I don't want to stick out like a sore thumb with second hand supplies.

"Fortunately," Dumbles speaks up, bringing me out of my future in an unlawful life, and says, "the Muggle Government has funds set aside for the education of young Orphans such as yourself. I think, Sister Agnes will be agreeable to letting a few more notes come your way."

I smile widely, not exactly for the reason Dumbles was thinking. He just gave me a brilliant idea. I'm definitely robbing the rich, and giving to the poor, ergo, me. If the need comes, that is.

He chuckles at my facial reactions, and says, "Easy there, my boy. I'll come here the day after tomorrow to take you shopping for the school year. Why don't you talk to Sister Agnes, and have her call her superiors?"

I nod at him, as he moves to walk out the door. Before leaving, he says, "Do tell them, that the boarding and tuitions will be paid by the government directly, and the school will provide money from the Orphans fund for the supplies. What they will provide you with, will only be added to our funds that we've set for you."

Saying that last word, he closes the door, and leaves, and I finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Thank God I stopped my habit of using Telepathy to scan my visitors. That would have been a very uncomfortable conversation, for him. I'd have just thrown everything at him and run.


Anyway, Diagon Alley, Monday! Talk with Sister Agnes, now!


A/N: Hogwarts letter is here! Finally! Again, not much changes in the actual conversation, but a lot of changes in his progress.

Explanation: He can use the 12 spells, use Metamorphmagic to change his face and skin however he wants, use Telepathy to listen to the loudest thoughts, and some more. Just because I haven't mentioned it doesn't mean that he absolutely cannot use Legilimency.

He probably could, but he hasn't tried it yet, due to fear of messing with the minds of his victims, irreversibly.

He doesn't have Telekinesis like Jean Grey, but he has magic to replicate the effects. Telepathy, is actually telepathy from Marvel, but he hasn't made the connection yet.

In Marvel movies, Xavier couldn't go deeper without focusing too much, and his range was relatively low without Cerebro. I'm doing the same here, hopefully correctly.

Peace out!