
Masks To Unveil!

The Crown Prince Naxzi Thower Mier, was shot by an arrow. Afterwards, he became a paralyzed, eyesore Crown Prince. His father doesn't particulary hate him, he was only devastated when he found out that he wouldn't be able to walk again. As it was, he was still the Crown Prince, but he knew that once his father found a better option, he would kill him and throw his somewhere anyone wouldn't be able to see him. And as if written by the stars, the oldest daughter of General Zyndellia, Sencha Ahua Zyndellia, who was known as someone monster for having a different power among everyone in her family, was arranged marriage to the 'Useless Crown Prince' of the Empire. The Emperor was happy that at last, the two useless people found each other and he wouldn't bother thinking about the Crown Prince's marriage. But what if, "Crown Prince, everyone had left. Do you have any appointments?" "Let's go out." The Crown Prince was only acting that up until now he was still paralyzed! What will be the reactions if everyone were to find out about that secret? "Miss Sencha, your father had left." Sencha wore her mask and fled away. Two anonymous heroes met each other and oblivious of their relationship. Would the cold Hero Min open up to cute Hero Lanlan? Two people crossed each other's paths. Would they be able to open up to each other and unveiled their secrets to one another? Would they be able to overcome and face the struggles between the Emperor, Officials and their own family? *** "Husband, I really love your face!" "You do? That's good." "How about my face? Don't I look pretty?" "Of course. You are my wife-" "Ah! I know, I shall exert more effort so you would fall for me!" A man who had fallen in love with her before they got married, and a woman who thinks that her husband needs to see that she was sincere before he says that he also likes her. What could be their history that she doesn't remember? Was it a good or a painful one? [Cover: From Pinterest; CTTO] === Author's Note: Check out my other two books! AFTER I TOOK OFF MY TIARA - COMPLETED LATER IN YEARS OF TIME - ONGOING

LiLiNa · 奇幻言情
186 Chs

Who Is The Mastermind Of The Game?

MASKS TO UNVEIL! CHAPTER 19: Who Is The Mastermind Of The Game?

Sencha smirked when she slightly bowed her head as if thinking about what she should say next.

"Your Majesty, I don't want anything but protection from you. As you know, some people take advantage of my Husband's disadvantageous situation. I only want to have a peaceful life in the Palace. Your Majesty, would that be possible?"

The Emperor was confused. Sencha can't be this naive. Her father is the known general Fornolyo, therefore she should know better how he hates his paralyzed son and now she's asking him to give them protection? Just what is she trying to do? Does she now know about the history of Naxzi, his son?

Why is she desperate to ask for protection when even his son never dared to do so? Is this one of Naxzi's tricks? No, that can't be. Naxzi is already this hopeless, he can't be having vain dreams too. Then, is it one of Fornolyo's plays for him?

If so, why did he have to put his daughter's life on the line when he could do it himself? He is already powerful enough to start treason but since Zyndellia's family has ever since been loyal to the imperial family, Fornolyo never made any bold move against the palace.

Then, who is playing with him?

It can't be.. Sencha, the Crown Princess?

He widened his eyes a bit then gripped the trident tightly. When he realized that, he felt such new uneasiness in his heart that he can't describe why he felt that way. Sencha is too innocent looking to have such thoughts of overthrowing his position.

The emperor felt uncomfortable but he couldn't read Sencha's face. It was too innocent. He can't help but believe that she has nothing to do even if General Fornolyo starts treason.

The emperor laughed softly and answered Sencha, "Of course. That is possible. I will designate the most skilled knights around your residence and make sure that no one will be harmed."

Sencha smiled and corrected the Emperor's thoughts, "Your Majesty, I don't mean to ask knights."

Naxzi glanced at Sencha. Why does he feel that Sencha bears an unknown desire deep within her heart? Why is she making the emperor feel helpless? Why does she keep conflicting her words?

The empress looked down on her and finally spoke with an impatient voice, "Crown Princess, why can't you make yourself clear? You're making His Majesty unable to give you what you want."

Sencha shook her head. "No, Your Majesty. To be precise I was even more shocked to know that His Majesty wanted to give me his skillful knights, but what I need is not knights but a written rule or an order under your command that no one will harm us."

The empress frowned darkly and lost her coolness, saying in a louder voice that it echoed throughout the courtroom.

"A rule or an edict? Are you asking the Emperor or are you trying to demand him what he should do? What is your purpose for coming in here, crown princess?"

The emperor was astonished that Sencha could make someone helpless and mad like this. The empress never said anything as loud as he heard even when he didn't visit her chambers for months. Within his absence, the empress never said anything against his will nor did she lose her temper. It was the first time he witnessed that someone could make her mad.

What is Sencha hiding under her mask?

"I dare not, Your Majesties. I am only asking if that could be possible. Since it was based on my own experience, I know I am lacking to understand everything therefore I need your guidance if what I am asking is impossible for an emperor to bestow."

The emperor was speechless. Sencha wasn't praising anyone. In fact, she was trying to say that the emperor would be powerless if he didn't create a rule indicating the crown prince and crown princess's protection.

Whereas Naxzi was proud of his wife and smiled as he lowered his head. Sencha is really skilled. What are the things that he doesn't know about her? It was a shocking thing to see that she owns the Lavender power despite that she can't fully control it. Regardless, what's important is that she has it. Over time, he knew that she would successfully control it, surpassing everyone's imaginations.

On the contrary, Sencha was expecting that the emperor would at least lose his temper and send them home but he was only making a serious expression as if he was really thinking of giving them special treatment. She couldn't believe her eyes that the father of the hated son was thinking about his son's security. If it's not foolishness, what is it?

Alas, the emperor is indeed a great ruler. He didn't display an obvious expression that he hated his son in front of them and kept his strict, serious yet kind face. It was a suspicious face for Sencha.

On the other hand, she doesn't know why she is doing this. Is it because of what she experienced by the hands of Loushin or was it because of her helpless husband? When did he have this kind of guts to even play with the empress and emperor's emotions?

She was sure that it was only two weeks ago when she was still a scaredy-cat before her father's eyes and in front of these powerful people, she had the face to low-key order them what to do? She couldn't believe herself. She is really thick-skinned.

"What you're asking is easy, Crown princess. Worry not, what you're asking for would be granted. However, I would need a bit of time to finalize what you proposed to me. Would you be willing to wait and stay still?"

Sencha smiled, "Thank you, Your Majesties for being considerate to us. Someday, I will repay your kindness.'

"I would be looking forward to that day. Then, you can go on your way now. I have kept you here for too long now."

Sencha bowed at them politely and stared into the empress's eyes as if saying to her that she was successful. The empress couldn't still move on that she had the guts to go against the emperor's order. But something in her heart was relieved that someone like Sencha was brave enough to even go to that extent to shake the emperor's comfort days. The empress was sure that the emperor would surely keep his eyes on Naxzi and Sencha since Sencha displayed superb skills.

"My Empress, what do you think of the crown princess?"

The empress bowed at him. "I think she is really impressive, Your Majesty."

"Only impressive? Do you not see her as a brave woman?"

"... Your Majesty, what you said is right. She is indeed a brave woman."

"I am sure things will get fun. Am I right, My Empress?"

The empress didn't say anything and only smiled. She wanted to get out of this room since she was disgusted that her husband whom she loved the most would go to bed with different women every night.


Naxzi looked at his wife and squinted his eyes, "Wife, you gave me no room to say anything earlier."

Sencha turned to him and giggled softly. "Did I?"

"Yes, you were also attractive. What you did truly moved my heart."

Sencha blushed when she heard that and coquettishly asked,

"Then, did I make you fall for me, husband?"

Naxzi opened his eyes due to surprise.

"W-well… Haha, sometimes you make me speechless to the point of not refuting your claims."

"Then, am I not attractive enough to sway your heart, husband?"

"... W-wife, y-you don't know what you're saying. Truthfully, what you said was correct–"

"Ah! That's fine. I should put effort so you'll fall in love with me. Right? Teehee~ " she winked at him and he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"W-wife, that's not w-what I mean. Listen to me first–"

"No~. You should take your time."

"B-but, wife, I am the man. I-I should be the one putting effort into our marriage. W-why are you pushing yourself into something uncommon for women to do?"

He was worried that she was only saying that to make his heart feel at ease. When in truth, she wasn't being sincere.

"And so what if I am a woman? Since I like you, I should be the one proving myself that it's worth loving me~"

".. Wife, I don't think you need to do that. I am already–"

"Hehe, husband, am I pretty?"

"Yes, really, seriously, definitely, the most beautiful face I have seen."

"Then, that's enough."

".. Huh?"

"They say someone should force love to come out without a reason. So what I am saying is, I want you to love me not only my face but the whole me."

She sweetly smiled at him with her eyes shaped like crescent moons.


He was dumbfounded. Why can't she make him finish his words? But maybe it's for the best? If she knows that he only doesn't love her face, but the whole of her, she might distance herself from him since he was known as useless.

"For the future…."

Thank you everyone for the support and I'll do my very best to give enjoyable chapters! Thank you for reading! Mwah~

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