
Masks To Unveil!

The Crown Prince Naxzi Thower Mier, was shot by an arrow. Afterwards, he became a paralyzed, eyesore Crown Prince. His father doesn't particulary hate him, he was only devastated when he found out that he wouldn't be able to walk again. As it was, he was still the Crown Prince, but he knew that once his father found a better option, he would kill him and throw his somewhere anyone wouldn't be able to see him. And as if written by the stars, the oldest daughter of General Zyndellia, Sencha Ahua Zyndellia, who was known as someone monster for having a different power among everyone in her family, was arranged marriage to the 'Useless Crown Prince' of the Empire. The Emperor was happy that at last, the two useless people found each other and he wouldn't bother thinking about the Crown Prince's marriage. But what if, "Crown Prince, everyone had left. Do you have any appointments?" "Let's go out." The Crown Prince was only acting that up until now he was still paralyzed! What will be the reactions if everyone were to find out about that secret? "Miss Sencha, your father had left." Sencha wore her mask and fled away. Two anonymous heroes met each other and oblivious of their relationship. Would the cold Hero Min open up to cute Hero Lanlan? Two people crossed each other's paths. Would they be able to open up to each other and unveiled their secrets to one another? Would they be able to overcome and face the struggles between the Emperor, Officials and their own family? *** "Husband, I really love your face!" "You do? That's good." "How about my face? Don't I look pretty?" "Of course. You are my wife-" "Ah! I know, I shall exert more effort so you would fall for me!" A man who had fallen in love with her before they got married, and a woman who thinks that her husband needs to see that she was sincere before he says that he also likes her. What could be their history that she doesn't remember? Was it a good or a painful one? [Cover: From Pinterest; CTTO] === Author's Note: Check out my other two books! AFTER I TOOK OFF MY TIARA - COMPLETED LATER IN YEARS OF TIME - ONGOING

LiLiNa · Fantasy
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186 Chs



When they passed through the vendors, Sencha couldn't help but smile. She was so happy that she hit Naxzi's arm, while yelling, "See, see, husband? It's so beautiful here~"

He smiled at her and nodded. Indeed. Compared to the palace, being in the capital brings peace even at least for a while. And even though that 'a while' is only a fleeting time, it's enough for someone like him who was always depressed about his life. He doesn't know if he will be alive tomorrow or even if he can finish this day alive?

When he found out about Sencha's ability, from that day onwards, he made sure that Sanc will keep his keen eyes on her if ever she was planning to betray the trust he has in her. He knew that if his assumption was true, he'd be disappointed, but at least once, he wanted to risk his emotions and allow it to get the better of him.

However, there were some centipedes who kept on following them.

He has been sensing their presence near them, that he couldn't feel at ease even if Sencha is strong. It's a fact that Sencha was unable to control her powers yet, therefore if he disguises himself as the Hero Min known all over the empire, he must not risk her safety and the peace she was feeling. Even though it hurts him to see that she was happy not knowing the presence that is nearby, he couldn't dawdle around.

Naxzi opebed the window and whispered to Sanc. "Who are those people trailing us?"

Sanc bowed at him and responded with a low voice, almost muttering, "Prime Minister's Yen people, Your Highness."

Naxzi smiled then closed the window with a bit of uneasiness in his heart.

Sencha, who felt that the expression on his face turned sour, she frowned and looked around. Is there something which could make him a bit happy? It doesn't seem that he disliked going out with her. Given the looks of his face, he was dispirited because of something. She rolled her eyes everywhere and that was when her eyes caught them.

Obvious people who didn't even try hiding themselves and followed behind them.

"Husband, where are we going?"

Naxzi, who was deep in thought, turned to her and stiffly smiled. He was thinking if he should tell the truth or hide it instead than making her feel worried. She might unleash her powers at the wrong timing so he decided to put her into safety first.

".. Sanc informed me that the Capital isn't that safe as of the moment. So right now, we'll be staying in an inn for a while. Would that be alright for you?"

He was smiling at her brightly despite the danger he knew was coming for him yet he still managed to smile.

"The capital is unsafe?! Are there terrorist out there?"

She gasped and pretended that she was finding the terrorists she talked about. But in fact, she was searching where the heck the men who were following them gone into?

Naxzi also glimpsed back when he felt that they were gone and darkly frowned. Were they only teasing him or wanting him to lose his temper? The Yen knew for sure that he never had the power to counter them, but if they try to provoke him, he might reveal himself so that his plans will be executed quicker.

And his plan is to become the emperor. The position that is for him only. He really doesn't want it but the feeling of losing something which motivates him to become stronger makes him feel unable to let it go.

He had been quiet for over a decade. Maybe it's time to create a fuss and entertain himself. But the 'centipedes' vanished into thin air. Just what kind of crap is their plan?

When he realized that he was silent and didn't respond back to Sencha, he looked at her only to find out that she was looking out the window peacefully. He was scared for a second that she was gone but the peace on her face made him feel alive.

Either way, he must track the centipedes he sensed. They must not be able to return to their Master's home otherwise his plan will only be hindered. But on second thought, maybe harming some of them and allowing others to report back to Prime Minister Yen would be entertaining.

"Wife, there's no terrorist. I just want to make sure that we are going somewhere safe. Will you be willing to wait for me in the inn? Don't worry, Sanc will be guarding you."

"... Uhm, you'll be going somewhere, husband?"

He nodded and held her hand softly. "I promise I will come back safe and unharmed." Then smiled at her.

She pressed her lips together and asked once again, "Can I not really go with you?"

"... Haa, I really want you to come with me but I am unsure about your safety there."

"Where are you going?"

He mischievously smiled, "I'm going to clean some mess."


"Yes, a great mess. No, I mean, I'll be creating a big mess."

"Then, you're the mess?"


"T-then, can I go?"

"But you can't, wife. You might get hurt."

She shook her head and firmly said, "I will go whether you want it or not. Who are you to tell me I can't go? You're my husband. And didn't I tell you that you can rely on me? Which means that whatever happens, I'll go with you. I should make sure that the husband I love will be safe, you know. Hehe."

He blushed and turned away. Seriously, what kind of skills does she have that makes his heart thump every now and then?

"... A-alright. I shall listen to my wife."

"Of course, I'll guard you well~"

She brightly said then held his hand tightly and shook it as if eager to meet the mess he was about to create.

"How will you guard me, wife? I should make sure that you don't get hurt as I am your husband."

"You need not make yourself concerned. I am strong enough!!"

She proudly said with a touch of her nose.

"Alright, I want to see how you will keep your husband whom you love, safe."

Hehe, thank you for reading and have a good day~

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