
Marvels SuperMutant

What happens when a mutants power correlates to Superman? Andy was just a normal guy. Until one day after studying for his final exams he was hit by a severe case of Burnout. That one moment cost him his life as he was then met with a very familiar God. Journey forth with Andy as his normal life gets wrecked and he is sent in the Marvel world with a single Mutant ability by a 'God'. 'Warning' this is my first time actually trying to write a Fan-Fic. Please help me out. I'll be trying to do my due research as well. I don't own marvel, or Superman, hell I don't even own the cover. Please message me if you own the picture and want it take down.

shawn_anderson · 电影同人
29 Chs

Kamar-Taj pt 2

Currently, I am sitting in the same room as the most powerful person on earth right now. She was about average height for a female, she was bald, and she seemed to bleed off strength. Here I was sitting in front of this woman, and where others, who could feel my power, want to back away, she is looking at me like I am an ant. I did not feel excellent about being here. So, I will go with the flow and hope that she helps me out.

"You still carry the same fog around you as you did 11 years ago." She said to me and gestured to take a seat across from her.

"You must be talking about when I made that mess you cleaned up for me. I appreciate that, by the way. I wish you would have just taken me with you, but beggars cannot be choosers. I came to ask for a small favor I was hoping you could help me with." I asked after sitting down and taking a small sip of tea. "Good tea, by the way. Thank you"

"You are welcome. I am not in the profession of kidnapping little boys, so I do apologize for not taking you back then. Besides, I think you grew up quite well despite the circumstances. Now, what is it you wish to speak to me about?" She asks

"Firstly, have you not seen any of this happening? I mean, I know a lot about this world, including the time stone you currently possess in the Eye of Agamotto." I ask her, and she raises one eyebrow a bit. "You are not the only one capable of seeing into the future. I have seen things that are to come that you would not be alive to see. I am sure you saw your death as well."

"I see. You are correct I have seen my death, but it is necessary for the betterment of the future; I have been alive far too long looking for a successor." She sighs out

"There has to be another way. It would be best if you did not have to die to help the future. Perhaps, I could be of assistance in this matter?" I said, a bit confused by her answer. 'I mean, who would voluntarily die when you can find a solution to fix it?' I thought

"Ever since you were born, the future has looked a lot brighter. The fog surrounding you does not show me your actions, but I was able to pinpoint the change in the timeline to your birth. My death is necessary to allow the will in Strange to strengthen and solidify. He shall be the best and brightest of us." She said, looking melancholic and sipping her tea. Time passed a bit with us being silent and just drinking from our cups from time to time.

"So, what is it you wish for me to do for you? Ah, I never got your name, by the way." She asks

"Yeah, sorry. My name is Andy. I was an orphan, so I never got a last name. As for what I would like to ask for, it is a ring that can harness the power of a solar dimension and transfer said energy to me." I say

"Ah, I see. That is why I can feel 'his' energy on you. You can absorb it. I had seen myself making the said ring. I never understood why I did it till now. So, you can harness the power of a sun?" She asks.

'Oh, shit. How easy that was to get my secret out.' I thought, sweating a bit.

"Oh, you do not need to worry. With the way the future is looking with you here, I have no plans on spilling your secrets. Although, if you were to turn rogue, I would not hesitate to use said knowledge against you." She said, and I could feel the intimidating aura rolling off her. I do not doubt that she would back up what she said either. I kept wondering whether she could pull the energy out of me and then beat my ass afterward. How scary that would be.

"I have no intentions of harming those that do no harm others or plan on harming those I care for. I will help the Earth out in its time of need. It may not be pretty the way I do things, but it will get the job done, and most likely, it will be permanent. I hope you do not mind my mindset." I said with as much confidence I could muster under her intimidation. You can call me a pussy if you want, but you try doing the same as me and see if you can do better. She then gestured towards a bookcase, and out came a small box.

"If you accept this gift, when I call you unless you are in some dire emergency, you are to come and assist in matters I need to be done. I will not call upon you except in the direst of moments, but I will expect you to come. Remember, I can find you; this fog you have surrounding you only helps in my search. There are not many places I cannot see." She said as the box landed in her hand. She then held the box across towards me, and I took it.

"If ever you need a helping hand, I am sure the world would be in dire straits, and I would probably be around the vicinity anyway. I have no issues with your proposal, but I will tell you now. In the future, I do plan on leaving this planet. I do not know how yet, or know where I will go yet, but I will eventually go. That does not mean I will not come back, though. You are welcome to tell Strange about me if you like. I have no problem helping Earth when needed to."

I said as I opened the plain-looking box. Inside said box was a ring that looked a little bit. It seemed to be glowing red, and I could not tell what it was made of because of that. I looked up at the Ancient One, and she immediately knew what I was thinking. "It will adjust upon placing it on your finger. Pick which finger you want it on wisely as it will not come off once on. You will need a Sorcerer's help to do that." She said, and I just nodded and reached for the ring. I could not feel anything when picking up the ring besides a metallic feeling. I decided to go with my right hand's middle finger, and once placed on the said finger, my entire body little up like a Christmas tree. I could feel the raw energy being pulled into my being, and looking around, I was able to catch my eyes in a nearby mirror. They were fluctuating from oranges to reds and golden.

"This is too much. Are you able to dial it down a bit? I feel as though I am inside a sun, and I could lift a mountain." I said, still admiring my eyes.

"Yes, there is a way for me to adjust it a bit. Think of it as a tap; one way will make the energy that flows into you grow while the other will make it slow down till it stops entirely. As you grow in strength and your body matures, you will take in more energy. I do not know how much that would be in the future, but you will either need to learn the mystic arts yourself to adjust the ring, or you can come to any Sanctum, and any master should be able to adjust it as well. Another thing I understand is that you are a melee fighter; as such, I have added a way for you to hide the ring. It will, in essence, sink into your skin, and that process may hurt a bit. If that is what you want, all you have to do is will it so." She said with a small smile as she adjusts the ring down to tolerable levels for me. I no longer felt the roiling waves of energy as I did just a second before. Now it felt like I was meditating near the sun like I was doing just this morning. When she was done, I did as she said and tried to make the ring go into my finger. What a bad move that was.

"AAAHHHHH" I screamed as the ring seemed to melt into my skin. It felt as though my finger was going to come off as I saw the metal boiling and sinking into it to form a sort of tattoo. The tattoo around my finger looked kind of like a pot plant. It looked like a V with a three-pointed crown on top of it, and it was all filled in with golden coloring.

"What is with this symbol on my finger? I do not think I have even seen this before." I asked

"Well, that is the Master of the Sun's sigil. He is the master of that dimension—nice fellow, by the way. I told him I made the ring because I had a vision and that I was sure that it was made for someone who could either control the sun's energies or at least absorb them based on how I made the ring. He seemed to have liked hearing what I had said, as he allowed me to draw a bit from his dimension." She said, taking a sip of her tea.

"Wait, about how much energy was I drawing from the dimension?" I asked

"Not even a fraction of a fraction." She said with a smile

"Well damn," I said. I hope this Master of the Sun is an all-right dude.
