
Marvels SuperMutant

What happens when a mutants power correlates to Superman? Andy was just a normal guy. Until one day after studying for his final exams he was hit by a severe case of Burnout. That one moment cost him his life as he was then met with a very familiar God. Journey forth with Andy as his normal life gets wrecked and he is sent in the Marvel world with a single Mutant ability by a 'God'. 'Warning' this is my first time actually trying to write a Fan-Fic. Please help me out. I'll be trying to do my due research as well. I don't own marvel, or Superman, hell I don't even own the cover. Please message me if you own the picture and want it take down.

shawn_anderson · 电影同人
29 Chs

Ironman 2 pt 1

May 30, 2010

Natasha's POV

Yesterday, Fury gave me the assignment to try and get in contact with Andy Anderson. I was going to try and use Tony to get close. He had a breakdown a few days ago, and Andy was the one that fixed his issue. Well, 'fix' is a bit vague; to fix the problem would require the palladium to come out of his chest, and Tony can't live without it. We have been with Tony for the past couple of days since his meltdown. Coulson brought his Father's research and told him that he might find something that could help him in it. To me, it just looked like a pile of junk, and the way Tony treated the stuff, perhaps to him as well.

"I am heading out. Jarvis, make sure they don't touch anything, ok buddy?" Tony said

"Of course, Sir," Jarvis responded.

"See that, guys. Now you won't be able to steal anything. Jarvis is watching you." Tony said as he headed for the door.

"Where do you think you are going? We are here to keep you in your home and away from anything detrimental to your health. It is for your own safety, Mr. Stark." Coulson said as he tried to head Tony off.

"Yeah. Yeah. I am heading to, quite possibly, the safest man out there. I mean, the dude practically cured cancer. I need my injection, and he is the only one that has it." Tony said.

"We have lithium dioxide as well..." Coulson started to say before Natasha spoke up.

"It is ok. I will go with Tony and make sure he is ok. Would that be alright, Mr. Coulson?" I quickly say while giving Coulson a look which made him finally nod.

"Yeah, Natalie will be with me. What could go wrong? Besides, I don't trust you guys. Andy is someone I do trust, and I am sure he won't poison me further. Let's go." He said, completely oblivious to the mental conversation Coulson and I had.


Arriving at an upscale apartment complex, we head to what seems like the top-floor penthouse. The top floor button on the elevator looks like it was taken out. As the elevator dinged, we came to a door—the only one on this floor.

"I thought penhouses usually open up to the home upon the arrival of the elevator," I said and then asked Tony as he walked up to the door. "Why does he have a door?"

"He is a bit anti-social. I wouldn't call him eccentric or anything. He just likes his privacy. I have tried to get him out of the house multiple times but to no avail. I mean, the guy is actually good-looking for a scientist. Kind of like me. Not quite as handsome, though." He said as I rolled my eyes at his narcissism.

The door seems to open up seamlessly once Tony reaches it, and he walks right in. 'Does he have some kind of facial recognition or something?' I thought to myself as I followed Tony inside. The inside was immaculate but very simplistic. Everything was open like someone knocked down all the walls. What looked like the master bedroom and bathroom seemed to be the only walled-off rooms on the back wall. A massive kitchen was off the enormous master, and the living area held a couch staring out into the city. It baffled me that there were different news channels on windows like they were some sort of television. I have only seen something like this at Tony's place.

"Are his windows TV's?" I asked Tony

"Yeah. Pretty much everything in his place is a TV. The dude has so much tech in this place it almost matches my home. I don't even think a missile could get through that glass. He made it himself. He is going to make me some as well as market it to the government. Honestly, the pure genius of this kid is astounding. He will be turning 18 in a few months, and he is coming up with stuff like this. The bastard can't even drink yet." Tony said while mumbling the last part.

"Ahh. Is that a jealous Tony I hear?" Came a voice from the top of the stairs. As soon as I saw the man, my instincts flared, and I had to prevent myself from going into a defensive stance. 'What the fuck was that? My body just naturally told me this guy was dangerous, and he looks like some nerdy scientist.' I thought to myself, a bit hesitant to speak up and introduce myself. The man coming down the stairs was about a foot taller than me, and Tony was right; he was handsome. His physique was not something I would associate with a scientist, though the glasses were. 'A bit bigger than Steve Rogers,' I thought.

"No one would be jealous of you, kid. I mean, you work for me. Why would I be jealous? Anyway, I came for my injection. My toxicity is getting a bit higher than I would like." Tony said. "Oh, and this is Natalie Rushman. She was asking about a secretary job from Potts. You don't need any help, do you? I know how much you like to be alone. I mean, honestly man, you need to get out more. What's the point of the wealth you are getting if you don't spend it?"

"I work better alone, Tony, you know that, and I don't work for you. I happen to work with you. It is a lot easier for me. You take care of the shitty stuff. Besides, this place only has one bed and no walls, and if I had a secretary or lab assistant, they would have to live in..." Andy started saying, but before he finished speaking

"I honestly don't mind. The couch looks comfortable to me." I spoke up quickly, and I saw Tony raise his eyebrow at Andy. 'Oh my god, what was that. The words just came out before I even thought about them.' I thought while trying to maintain a stoic face. "Can I use your bathroom?" I asked quickly, and after he pointed out a door, I left them.


Andy POV

"That is why I never take you out. I forgot. I mean, Natalie was in here for like five minutes, and you almost got her to drop her panties. You got some sort of aura that just hits the female senses just right." Tony said while shaking his head.

"I don't mean to; it just sort of happens. Anyway, let's get you looked at. Your blood toxicity is going up faster after each injection. We have to find an alternative to this. Are you sure you don't want me to take it out?" I ask him as I put his blood into a forge to destroy everything.

"Honestly, why do you even do that. Just throw it away like everyone else. Anyway, no, I don't want you to take it out. I will only do that as a last resort. I think I found something that could help. I just got my Father's old stuff. Do you want to come over and help me out? I could honestly use your help. Not many can keep up with me, and I am running out of options." Tony said, looking a bit down.

"Tony, I told you, I could take it out. That is the best chance you have right now. The incubator is upstairs. You will be out of it in 24 hours, and you can still use the reactor by just integrating it into the suit itself. You won't stop being Ironman just because you took the Arc Reactor out. It is the man that makes the Hero, not the Hero that makes the man." I told Tony as I put my arm around his shoulders to cheer him up. "Look, man, let's go over to your house and see if we can't figure something out. If we do great, but if we don't, I do the surgery on you, and you come out healthier than ever. Honestly, Tony, I want to do the surgery anyway. It makes it a lot harder to kill you. An EMP blast will knock your ass out right now."

"Ha. Jokes on you. I encased the Arc Reactor in a material that would negate an EMP. Aluminum for the win, kid. Sometimes simplicity works wonders." Tony said as he starts heading downstairs from my lab.

As the door opens, we see Natalie or Natasha. Honestly, I don't care. She is super sexy, even wearing the secretary blouse and business top. Her eyes snap to mine once the door is fully open and then seem to roam over my body as I get out of my lab coat and return to my t-shirt and blue jeans. She then takes a quick look around my lab as I head out the door, and it silently closes behind me.

"After you, Mrs. Rushman," I say hold my hand out pointedly down the stairs.

"It's Ms., and I can't seem to make a phone call. Is there anywhere I can make a quick call?" She asks me.

"Oh yeah. Electronics don't work. Alice doesn't allow them to work in his home. I had to beg him to get her to let me use my phone. Jarvis wasn't even allowed until they made a little love thing they seem to have going on." Tony said exasperatedly, and I snap my head towards him, a little irked by what he just let slip.

"I am sorry, Alice? Who is she." She asked.

"She is no one, but Tony is right electronics do not work in my house." I almost smirk when I see the almost imperceptible change in her facial features. I am sure she laid out a plethora of cameras and audio recorders. "Let's go, why don't we?" I said as I make my way to the door, and Tony and Natalie follow.


Natasha POV

We got back to Tony's house with Andy, and they immediately head downstairs into what I could only assume was Tony's workspace.

"How did everything go? Were you able to at least place some surveillance?" Coulson asked me when the two other men were gone.

"Electronics do not work in his house. Tony mentioned someone named Alice and how she stops all electronic devices from working. I find it hard to believe that it would be someone and not something. Is Tony the only person you know with an AI?" Natasha asked Coulson

"Well, we believe he is the only one smart enough to make... No way. You are saying Mr. Anderson has an AI?" Coulson said with the smile gone

"Yes. I believe so, and apparently, it is strong enough to keep Jarvis out if it wanted to. I might have secured a secretary position, though it is a live-in position." Natasha said, not at all bothered by the idea.

"Go report to Fury. I am not sure he would like it if you were not reachable." Coulson said as he walked off, and Natasha called Fury.


Hey guys. A lot of questions about Rogue. Patience people. A few of you caught on to what is going to happen, but seriously guys, my MC is like a representation of what I would do in this world. Besides all the mind-altering stuff his power put him through, hopefully, at least. Anyways, there might be a few shags here and there, as you may have guessed during this chapter, but nothing that will make him settle down, for a little while, at least. I am not sure if I will incorporate R-18 scenes as I am not good at writing them. If anyone wants to write one up, feel free to message me, and I will see if I can incorporate it. Anyways, three chapters this weekend and maybe more. Don't hold your breath though.