
Marvels SuperMutant

What happens when a mutants power correlates to Superman? Andy was just a normal guy. Until one day after studying for his final exams he was hit by a severe case of Burnout. That one moment cost him his life as he was then met with a very familiar God. Journey forth with Andy as his normal life gets wrecked and he is sent in the Marvel world with a single Mutant ability by a 'God'. 'Warning' this is my first time actually trying to write a Fan-Fic. Please help me out. I'll be trying to do my due research as well. I don't own marvel, or Superman, hell I don't even own the cover. Please message me if you own the picture and want it take down.

shawn_anderson · 电影同人
29 Chs

Intro pt. 2

"What the fuck!" I said, as I suddenly appeared in a room that was not mine or any room I have ever seen before.

"Ah yes, sorry about that, but you were really not supposed to have died. A little misstep happened, and here you are." The person in front of me said. As I took a good long look at him, I scrunched up my face.

'I think I know this guy from somewhere, but I cannot put my finger on it.' as I was thinking of this, a certain tune came to mind, but I was able to push it down.

"Um, hello, sir," I said as I could not place the guy in front of me. It was on the tip of my tongue, but it is like I was not able to quite get it out.

"You seemed to have trouble almost all your life. That wasn't supposed to happen. You were supposed to finish up college and get your Ph.D. I wasn't able I read everything, but the burnout wasn't supposed to put you into a coma, let alone kill you." The last part this man said was almost a near imperceptible whisper.

'Yoho Yoho ah I got it. I thought

"Listen here, you little shit. Do not be making fun of me. I happen to like those movies quite a bit, and if you think I won't crush you, you have another thing coming!" This man told me with quite a stern face.

"Ah yeah, my bad. I kept thinking I knew you from somewhere, and it suddenly snapped into place. Wait, how the hell did you know what I was thinking?" I said, marveling at how I just cursed at someone I realized was strong enough to read my thoughts.

"Yeah, let me stop you right there. I am not one of your meat bags. Although a few millennia ago I was. It takes a while to become this powerful, you know. I am the God of the Void," the man in front of me said. He was bald, black, and had an eye patch covering his left eye. (If you have not gotten the character so far, your parents would be proud.) He has dressed in all black, including his steel-toed boots, along with his long trench coat.

'Yes, sitting in front of me was the badass mutha fucka....'

"Nick mutha fuckin Fury. Yeah, I have been using this body for about six centuries. I loved the movies, but what kind of a bitch gets scratched by a cat?" The God said.

"I don't think that actually was a cat. It was a..." I started to say but was cut off.

"Looks like a cat, acts like a cat, must be a cat. Now on to bigger, badder things. Listen, you are dead. Before you start rambling, know that your death was an easy one for you humans down there. I mean, you fell asleep then died; not much really went into it. Congratulations, you lucked out big time. Us gods up here love seeing some gory deaths." The God said.

"I am sorry, but I don't seem to remember anything," I said, currently trying to hide my disbelief.

"Listen, do you want a quick summary?" God asked me.

"Yes, please." I was quick to answer.

"Alright. Well, first you studied too much. Then you fell asleep due to exhaustion, hit your head on your desk, and died shortly after due to a clot in your brain." God said as he waved his hand.

"You are actually an ass. To be able, to sum up, a person's death so nonchalantly. So, what is next? Heaven or Hell? Reincarnation?" I asked

"First, let us go over why you are actually here and what was supposed to happen in that world. Firstly, you were not supposed to die until you were 86 due to a mutated type of cancer that just popped up. I say mutation because you were supposed to cure 'regular' cancer at 32 after getting your Ph.D. You were never supposed to go into a coma, and the university would have extended your scholarship as a loan for you to complete everything. The God watching over your world really fucked that one up big time. I had to use most of her power to reset your world to a younger date so that it could be fixed. Unfortunately, you cannot go back to that world as it has been reset, so a colleague you would have worked with created the cure instead. Once a soul is out of the world, they cannot go back, but that doesn't mean you cannot go to another world to reincarnate." God said while taking a sip of the whiskey he just poured us after saying that I downed mine.

"Well fuck. At least my dream got fulfilled." I said, looking melancholic

"Yes, indeed it has. I actually have a bit of power left from the God that was watching over your world, so you will be able to ask for one thing, but it's really already chosen, as is the world if you want to reincarnate, that is." God told me

"Which world and what will I be able to choose?" I asked

"Firstly, you will be going to the Marvel universe. At least an AU type of universe, as you may create and delete things in a said timeline, could alter that current reality just by being there. It will, however, attempt to correct itself and stay as stable as it can. So, you may get strong enemies thrown at you to correct the 'change,' which in essence would be you. Now, as for the 'Wish' so to speak, you will be able to choose which X-Gene you will have. It obviously can't be absolutely anything like true Godhood, but with the right wording, you could get damn close." God said while refilling our glasses. The whiskey was damn good too.

After thinking for quite some time, I finally asked a question.

"Would you be able to turn me into a Kryptonian from DC?" I asked, looking hopeful

"Now we are talking. That would be super fun to watch, but I cannot do that. It would help if you came up with a way to make sense. No Kryptonians live in the Marvel world. Yeah, there are wannabes like Hyperion and shit, but he is way weaker than the actual Man of Steel. No X-Gene is just going to give you the Kryptonian physique." God said, a little interested in what I had to say next.

"What if you gave me the power to nourish myself with radiation from any sun?" I asked, feeling as if I am on to something. God looked at me a little bewildered.

"That is something I could do. I kind of like where this is going, so here is what I will do. I will give you Superman's basic abilities based on the nourishment of the sun. You will get stronger based on the amount you absorb. There will be a cap based on the maturity of your body, which will be fully matured at the age of 18. However, it will be up to you to train yourself to use these abilities, and as a bonus, I will throw in a bit of the codex, so you have Clark's potential as well. You will not be able to make new Kryptonians from your DNA, though. Clark only started training when he was older, so he never really reached his full potential, which was near infinite. With you, I am hoping there will be a different outcome. If you do not know, his abilities are as follows: flight, superhuman strength, x-ray vision, heat vision, telescopic and microscopic vision, super-intelligence, eidetic memory, cold breath, super-speed, enhanced hearing, invulnerability, and the bio-electric aura so that you can lift building and planes without shit breaking. You will also receive immortality as you will only be alive as long as this Fic anyway.

"Wait, what???" was my last thought as God snapped his fingers, and I disappeared.