
Marvels SuperMutant

What happens when a mutants power correlates to Superman? Andy was just a normal guy. Until one day after studying for his final exams he was hit by a severe case of Burnout. That one moment cost him his life as he was then met with a very familiar God. Journey forth with Andy as his normal life gets wrecked and he is sent in the Marvel world with a single Mutant ability by a 'God'. 'Warning' this is my first time actually trying to write a Fan-Fic. Please help me out. I'll be trying to do my due research as well. I don't own marvel, or Superman, hell I don't even own the cover. Please message me if you own the picture and want it take down.

shawn_anderson · 电影同人
29 Chs

Almost Found Out

A boy was lying on the bed. He slept soundly as his body and mind changed to assimilate his x-gene awakening. He had long black hair, his closed eyes looked a little slanted, and his height grew to about 4'2". As the sun was about to disappear, a bit of sunlight hit his face, and he opened his blue eyes. As this happened, he shot out of bed, and his head smashed into the roof, creating a little hole. As the drywall came down and he stood up from landing on his butt, the world froze around him.

'Woah. This is intense, and it is starting to strain my brain a bit. How do I turn it off.' as soon as he thought that, the world seemed to unfreeze as a fly across the room started flapping its wings faster. Andy noticed all of this with his heightened perception and senses, but it was all starting to take its toll as he could not stop hearing everything. From car noises and honk to ringing cellphones and conversations. Everything seemed to flow into him, and he fell to his knees as his head started hurting.

'God, what is this. How did Clark manage this? What was it again just 'Focus' right.' he thought as he started to piece out his own heartbeat. He placed his hand over his chest so he could get the rhythm.

Ba-Dum Ba-Dum

His heart was racing quickly, and he focused on the pattern to find his heartbeat out of thousands. He closed his eyes, and slowly he found it.

Ba-Dum Ba-Dum

Slowly the sounds started to disperse. It took a while, but his hearing came back to him, and he was able to focus on just his immediate surroundings. He tried testing his hearing again by trying to 'open' it up, but it did not seem to work.

'I will have to train quite a bit to be able to control this. I have to see the damage that I caused. I might have to leave this place. It should not be too hard to make money now. The hard part comes from legal activities that would require an adult.' Andy thought as he slowly stood up. He did not trust his body himself too much, so he slowly tried to make his way to the door. As he turned around, he noticed a paper on the floor, and as he looked at it, it seemed to come into focus, and he could clearly see what was written on it. As the letter was turned upside down, his brain seemed to correct everything in a split second, and it felt like he read it normally.

'I will only help out this once. It would be best if you forged your own path from here on. Others felt your awakening, and they are coming.' Ancient One

'P.S. Try to come to see me when you can. I am sure there is something that I would be able to help you out with. 177A Bleecker Street New York.'

'I will have to meet her at a way later date. She is always fighting extremely dangerous shit, and I do not want to be involved with that too early. I think her student turns on her as well.' I thought as I approached the door, grabbed the handle, and ripped it off the door. 'Well, at least the door opened.' I thought as I steadily make my way towards the stairs to head out the front door. There was a helicopter sound that flew overhead.

'Well, that was kind of low. At least it went away.' I thought as I reached the stairs. As I was walking down the stairs, I can get a clear view of the front gate. The first thing I saw was the three SUVs parked out by it. A few people wore suits, and a couple in scientist garbs walking around with what looked like radar devices.

Andy immediately thought he was found out. He remembers the massive boom and destruction caused when his x-gene awoke, but he did not know how long he was out. He thought back to what the Ancient One wrote and thought that she could have fixed the damage to help him out. He was second-guessing himself now as he did not know what happened to the Lady he killed, which could still be on the fence impaled, and did not know whether the damaged outside was actually fixed.

He failed to notice the two people walking through the gate towards the house as he thought this. As he looked back towards the gate, he saw them, and his vision zoomed in on the woman, and time stopped. She was in a tight leather outfit that fit her quite well. She has dark red hair that went down to her shoulders, steely blue eyes, and seemed to project confidence.

'Shit, that's Black Widow. I didn't know when she joined shield, but I thought it was later. What to do? I will not be a part of Shield. They will lock me away, or Hydra will pick me up from them. I want to be free. I will not let any of these people touch me. I will not be experimented on. I will not be told what to do.' Andy started to get a little angry as he thought about what could happen to him in this new world. As he was getting angry, the heat in his body started to rush towards his head, and he felt his eyes growing hot.

'Shit shit shit stop don't. Calm down. Deep breathes.' too little too late as his eyes let go of a massive energy beam that followed his vision as he swung his head around to try and stop energy. He finally closed his eyes, felt the heat dissipate, and looked up to see the damage. One of the SUVs was torn in half. At the same time, another seemed to have exploded, the gate was melted in places, and both Natasha and the other man, which he found out was Barton, were lying on the ground as they seemingly dodged to the side as the ground was sizzling in the middle in a line where they were standing. Both of them pushed themselves up quickly and started making their way towards the house. Before they took their second step, Andy was amidst his thoughts.

'I need to get out of here. I can get clothes and shoes along the way. Money should be easy to come by. How long would it take me to get to New York? The number of gangs and crimes there should help me out quite a bit. It will also allow me to train by beating the shit out of bad people. It will also allow me to have an easy alibi as far as parents go. I could pay a bum. I do not know if I want to go through school again as not everything about this world and our world are the same. I should be able to breeze through a library and hop on a computer.' they finished taking their second step, now working towards their 3rd. 'OK, so goals are as follows. Get the fuck out of here. Next would be to find new clothes. After that, I must figure out how to make money steadily, preferred. Then I will find a place to stay and start my education journey. I will need tech along the line. I should be able to complete everything within a couple of years if I do not rush everything.' they finished taking their 3rd step and continue onwards. Andy thought everything out in a split second but still needed to find a way out of his current predicament. Right at that time, the roof on the front of the house started collapsing, and he came up with an idea.

As the roof fell, this caused a big cloud of dust to shoot up into the sky. As this happened, Andy turned towards the back of the house and ran towards a window. Again, he did not realize how much strength he added into this act and found himself diving face-first through the house wall and into the ground creating a big trench. Luckily, there was no agents outback yet as they seemed to get here. He quickly got up, found where the sun just went down, and orientated himself eastward. He bent down, getting ready to jump, and leaped as hard as he could in that direction.


POV change...Barton

Barton was a tall man about 6'3", had blue eyes, and had brownish blond hair spiked up. He currently wore a bow slung across his back, wore a black top, and combat pants with similar colored boots.

Natasha and I just arrived at what looked to be an orphanage with a huge gate surrounding it. As we pulled up, we noticed both Shield teams sweeping the front of this place with tech. I could merely guess their function. Coulson sees me and comes to greet me.

"Agent Barton, how are you? I see you brought someone with you. Hope the last mission doesn't bite you in the ass." Coulson said

"Agent Coulson, what's going on? How can we help?" I said, ignoring his jab

"Yes, well, our teams were able to trace the energy to here somewhere close. We have not found any damage done to the environment anywhere and have even sent a helicopter to image the surrounding area. Unfortunately, everything but the energy sweepers has been unsuccessful. Luckily, the energy seemed to have the same characteristics of the weapons Hydra used to use, or we wouldn't have been able to pinpoint it so accurately." He said as we started walking towards the gate.

"Why are there only two teams on this assignment then? What was Fury thinking? What is this place? Have you guys gone in yet?" I asked the man

"Not yet, and this is an orphanage, I believe. We have yet to pull anything. It kind of looks abandoned. If this is an orphanage, perhaps one of the kids awakened some ability?" he said.

"Natasha and I will go and look around. See if anyone is home and dig up what we can." I said to him as I opened the front gate to a grating noise.

We started walking up towards the door as I see movement in the windows. Then I see what could only be described as red, and an energy beam ripped through the house into one of the cars before making its way towards another and down towards Natasha and me. As it gets close, Natasha and I dive to the side of the path, and the energy beam seems to disappear between us. We stand as quickly as we can and start running towards the house. Only a few steps in does the front of the housing collapse, and then a boom and crash come from the backyard. We continue to run towards the house as another boom resounds, and Natasha and I look up to see a speck in the sky going at surprising speeds away from us.

"What the fuck was that?" Natasha says, clearly a little on edge

"I am not sure, but whatever it was, it seems to be running from us. It did not seem to want a fight and left extremely fast." I say back to her, still staring at the sky. I then say, "Coulson get your team to search the premises. Whatever that was living here perhaps left something behind for us to track." Right as I finish, what seemed like a school bus arrived, and a lady came out asking us who we were. "Perhaps we can ask around to see if anyone knows anything as well."

'Damn, this day is just getting better and better.' I thought.


Hey, guys. The MC does not know much about the Marvel world. He has watched the movies a few times, and that is it. He is not a diehard fan, know it all. Just a heads up there.