
Before her

Life is hard.

For everyone.

That´s just the way life is, be it the one of a famous actor who has to struggle to stay relevant, the one of a spoiled brat whose parents may have overlooked or the one of a minimum wage student who has to live of food stamps.

Of course not everyone´s life is the same level of hard, yet they all have the same biggest problem,, staying alive.

To most it´s not a question whether they want to or not, yet it´s still a problem.

To some thou, it´s a nagging question, appearing every time something bad happens, just like a fly, but this one is way harder to kill.

FREAK was just experiencing this.

Not every six year old faces this dilemma, the ultimate question, to be or not to be. He was trying to kill this fly, his thought, he wanted it gone, forever, but no matter how much he tried, his circumstances lead to this happening, again and again

He sometimes got rid of it, when he was busy, be it when he was cooking way too determined not to burn the food, he didn´t want Aunt Petunia to hit him with the pan again

Or when he was dusting the furniture, concentrated on not leaving even a speck of dust, he knew he would have a broken arm otherwise.

But the question, the, ´Do I want to live´ wasn´t the only thing that happened when something bad happened.

There was a reason his name was Freak, there was a reason Aunt Petunia would hit him.

There was a reason for his cousin, Dudley, to show him how wrong he was for being alive, by throwing rocks at him and pushing him to the ground

And there was a reason for Uncle Vernon, stabbing him and burning him.

His freakness.

Oh how he hated it, he just wanted to be normal.

But it´s ok, or so he thought.

It made sense that someone has to be inferior, and thus, deserves to be targeted until he became better, but alas his path was set different, he was destined to always be a freak, some part of him always asks himself, how?

How was he supposed to become better, how was he supposed to stop being a freak.




"Freak, come clean up Dudley accidentally drop a vase!"

The voice of his uncle echoed through the small house, and into the smallest room of the house, if you considered his bedroom, a broom closet, to be a room. Freak quickly got up and went to the living room to clean whatever Dudley had done.

Opening the door of his bedroom, he saw his uncle and cousin, both which were looking at his bedroom, Freak immediately knelt to the ground and started collecting the broken pieces of the vase.

´One, three, four, si-´

He stopped counting in his head (something he still was trying to learn, having almost no one teaching him) to look at his finger, which was bleeding, Freak, quickly covered it with his hand, and tried to stop any blood leaking from his hand and into the floor, something he, unfortunately, was unbaled to achieve.

Drip, drip, drip, the sound of some of the blood from Freak falling into the floor startled Uncle Vernon, who quickly looked at Freak with a lot of anger.


Freak took the backhanded slap without reacting, besides falling on the ground.

"I feed you, I house you, I try to stop you from becoming more of a freak, and is this the way you repay me, by bleeding on MY floor, tainting it forever with your FREAKNESS, you don´t deserve to be in this house, So leave, and be thankful if I ever let you in again."

Freak tried to collect himself, he wanted to feel bad, but it was like he was clouded, like there was a fog, which got in the way of him feeling emotions, something which also happens every time he tries hard to understand something.

Freak stood up and looked at his uncle, and some part of him whispered, his uncle was doing everything right, yes he was sure of that.

I´m so thankful if you are reading this story.

This chapter is short, most will be longer

English is NOT my first language and this is my first fanfiction.

Every review is more than welcomed, I´m trying to become better so please say if you liked it and what yoou would like to see

joq_tddcreators' thoughts