[Hogwarts, Hospital Wing, June 17th, 1992]
Inside the Hospital Wing, a boy with golden-blonde hair was nervously being checked up by a middle-aged woman dressed in magical healer clothing. The said woman was waving her wand around the boy, checking for any abnormality, and on her right were five students, three girls, and two boys, watching the process being done to the boy intently with their expectant gaze.
On the healer's left was a man dressed entirely in black, with shoulder-length, greasy black hair framing his face and cold, black eyes. The man was holding a tray of different colored potions while watching the boy lying on the hospital bed with a blank gaze.
"... You are discharged... not." Madam Pomfrey announced as she pocketed his wand,
Moses' face fell in defeat, after all, he had been cooped up in his hospital bed for too long, and his extrovert self couldn't help it. He needs to have fun and manip— interact with someone other than his friends of his age.
"Just kidding, dear, you will be discharged tomorrow, so better tuck yourself in your bed for now,"
The Gryffindor trio smiled, overjoyed at the news; the same could be said for one Slytherin fella who was currently adorned with a bright smile and a Ravenclaw goth-girl who had an impassive look on her face; contrary to her appearance, her emotion, if there is one, could be said to be the polar opposite of her careless, blank face.
Moses smiled somberly at the news that was announced before him. From a distance, he observed his old and new friends and gave them a thumbs up.
"Even though...you will be discharged tomorrow...boy, you'll still need to drink your potions, no skip, and be sure to it that I'll know." Professor Snape quipped while staring at Moses spookily,
"Hehe...of course, Professor," Moses replied with an awkward smile.
With those words, Professor Snape left, his robe flowing dramatically behind him.
"Professor Snape is right. Your mana deficiency was the first case that I've seen, if your condition was a lot worse, then there was a possibility of you being crippled for life, disabling you from doing magic." Madam Pomfrey spoke with a tone of seriousness in her voice.
With her words, an uncomfortable silence surrounded the Hospital Wing. Moses noticing the awkwardness, immediately exclaimed in glee.
"As if being crippled can stop me! HAHAHA, I'm the man who will become the Wizard King, y'know!"
"Wizard King...?" All of them questioned while tilting their heads, confused at Moses' claim.
"Yeah... I can order people to do anything in a 'legal' way and then I can have my secretary who will do all my paperwork!... and speaking of work..." Moses explained while nodding excitedly, however, his excitement immediately came to a halt when he noticed a stack of paper on his desk...
"I don't think I can finish my assignments within a month..." He uttered while staring dazedly at the tower of papers that seemed to fall on him. The others giggled at his suffering, they were a little relieved that their jolly friend still hadn't changed despite what happened.
Although the professors and the headmaster tried to keep what happened inside the Forbidden forest under wraps, the negative rumor still started to spread around the school because of one trickster poltergeist.
And the news of a certain goth girl and a golden-haired boy covered in blood at one of the entrances to Hogwarts can keep all students' ears ringing for quite some time.
"Is there a summer school in Hogwarts?"
"Hey, I'm serious!~"
Inside the Hospital Wing, the only people left were Moses and Wednesday. After saying what they wanted to say to Moses, the Gryffindor trio left with sadness on their faces due to Madam Pomfrey's strict insistence. However, before Madam Pomfrey could reprimand Wednesday, Moses stopped her and told her with a serious look that he wanted to talk with her privately, which led us to this situation.
"If you're afraid of me telling your secrets, then you're right to do so." Wednesday preceded, already knowing what Moses was going to say.
"It's... not that. Though, it will do very much to me if you keep my secret as what it is... a 'secret'." Moses said, while looking at Wednesday with a somber look,
"Fine... I was not going to anyway." Wednesday answered while staring back at Moses' gaze with a blank look.
"Oh~ you're getting soft on me, Wednesday. That's not like yo —" Moses said in a joking manner, but before he could finish his sentence, Wednesday cut her off,
"Telling others your secrets will rob me of my newfound interest and fun in finding out who and what you really are... We can't have that, can we?" Wednesday inquired with an interesting glint deep within her eyes. Moses, who saw this, was flabbergasted, a defeated smile adorned on his face as he muttered,
"...And that's the Wednesday I know." Moses said as he continued,
"So... you don't want me to tell you anymore of my secrets because you want to know them yourself?" He clarified,
"Are you mocking me...?" Wednesday asked while tilting her head, her eyes had a spookiness to them while staring at Moses, causing Moses' spine to tingle.
"Nah, just making sure. Anyways, the reason I called you out is because I need to ask you a question about something..." said Moses with a more serious tone of voice. Wednesday, noticing Moses' change of atmosphere, scowled a little.
"What is it?" She questioned with curiosity,
"Tell me... are there other realms besides the Quantum Realm...?"
Inside a damp-green pocket dimension, a being of unfathomable power was slithering over the confines of the despicable realm, a realm that the being had created before humanity's dawn. The aforementioned being had deep green scales that glowed with every collision.
The being has seven serpent-like, scaly heads, each with a pair of glowing red eyes. His humongous size almost covers the entirety of the realm's biosphere, making any being with life avoid him at all costs.
"....$ssssss$~" The being hissed absorbingly while watching the flickering dark soul floating in front of him.
"~~I didn't know my brother had a little side project~~" He spoke with venom in his tone, and his slit-like eyes glowed with intrigue.
"~~Looks like I'm not the only one being busy. I have to up my game, fortunately, it looks like my pawn had a useful small pawn of his own~~..." He said it with satisfaction while watching the orb of shadow floating in front of him.
"~~In time, the world will once again witness the true might and power of an Elder God. Something that bitch Gaia doesn't have!~~" He hissed furiously,
"~~And who's better to show it to them than me, the first demon, and the first murderer HAHAHAHA!~~" He said as he burst out laughing, filling the realm with malice.
The Elder God, Set, the first demon, and the first murderer had set its eyes on the wizarding world. A plan that has been prepared for millennia has taken its steps now. A plan full of deception, illusion, destruction, and death.
Set then looked expectantly at the shadowy orb; in his eyes was a reflection of a beast, a beast that would help him materialize in the mortal world for the time being, a beast that was being surrounded by death miasma, and a being that could kill with a stare from its serpent eyes. Then the image changed into a boy with golden blonde hair, black scleral eyes, and a pure white iris.
"~~In time...~~" And with those words, the being swung away the remnants of the unfortunate soul that he enslaved, a soul that was one of the seven, similar to the number of his serpentine heads.
"~~Entertain me more... boy~~" And just like that, one of the strongest beings that existed before humanity—the first murderer, a demon, and an Elder God—had set its sights on Moses.
The world is spinning, the time is changing, and Moses' life is slowly and surely turning into an unexpected twist of turns. How will he survive it? No one knows. But Moses is sure of three things. First is that his world has more to offer than meets the eye. Second is that his true origin is more than what he thinks it was, and the last is that he needs to be strong... because, right now, he is too weak. Too weak for what's coming.
Moses will have one hell of a rollercoaster ride; the only difference is that he will not have any seat belts on.
[]Sorry for the late upload, got hospitalized for a dumb sickness for a week. My life's dumb, and I'm dumb, noice.[]
[]Next Chapter: End of Volume #1: Way Back Home.[]
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