
Marvel: The Silent Mad Dog

English is not my first language, so expect some bad grammar. I own nothing. But let me warn you, there will only be one chapter ahead. ________________________________________________________________ Rain can cause floods which can wash away the entire village. A single bolt of lightning can cause a large forest fire. A slight tremor of the earth can cause a tsunami that can reshape the whole coastline. Cruelty is just another aspect of human beings; using it to cause harm will lead to further cruelty. Human understands what cruelty means, but they also don't. They don't understand it. If they don't understand it, then they will act on it. Born in a world as a mutant, the mad dog will show its teeth and bite down at the cruel world.

Galatea1o1 · 漫画同人
53 Chs

Annihilation: The Prologue (18)




~3rd POV~

Ryu turns his face toward Charles and immediately turns his cloth into Rashomon before commanding it to attack Charles.

However, before it could reach Charles, Ryu was blasted by an invisible force sending him inside the castle wall. Of course, the one that sent Ryu flying back was none other than Jean herself.

"No, Jean, please! Calm down!!" the professor said, trying to stop Jean from doing whatever she was doing while extending his hand and possibly using his power on Jean.

"NO!! No more!! Every time I listen to you, someone dies!! First, it was Kurt and Alex! And now it was Scott, who didn't even have a chance to land a single attack on his brother's killer!! Every decision that you have made has led us from bad to worse!! Your stubbornness and the idea of peace led two students to your death! Maybe your friend Erik was right all along!!" Jean shout before clutching her head.

"Also, you know what else I learn!? You had been using your power on me all this time!! So, stay out of my head!!" Jean shouted while looking around frantically, and her power blasted everything in the area away; however, before the blast could hit Charles, someone grabbed him by the wheelchair.

To Charles's surprise, it was one of the people he did not expect; the vampire himself, Bram Stoker, grabbed him and put him right next to Mary.

"Thank you." Charles instinctively said toward Bram and Mary.

"Don't mistake Bram's kindness, baldy. While I would not hesitate to kill you, the current situation shows that the woman is more dangerous than you, and you seem to be the only one who knows what is going on and how to stop her." Mary said while looking at Charles before looking at Jean, who is looking at them now.

"Yes, I know how to stop her. So please, you can do whatever you want with me, but let me stop her first." Charles said before moving forward.

Jean immediately clutch her head before looking at Charles.

"Get out of my head Charles!!"

"No, Jean, look at me; I know I can help you!" Charles shouted back at her

"Get out of my head!!" Jean said that with her power, she pushed Charles a bit.

"Listen, Jean, you will danger everyone, including yourself!! If you let it loose, more people will die!!"

"NO, STOP IT!!" The moment Jean says this, the whole area seems to shake, trees and rocks start to float, and the castle itself starts to be slowly lifted off the ground.

Not only that, the wind started to pick up and push everyone away, while Mary nearly lost her footing but was stopped from getting blown away by Bram.

"Jean, please, let me in," Charles said in one last attempt

Everything in the area started floating higher and higher up in the air, including Charles, who was raised from his wheelchair. Mary and Bram, who are nearby, also start to float up in the air with no footing; even more surprising, the massive castle also starts to float up high in the air.

It was chaos around, and nobody seemingly could stop Jean, whose eyes had somehow turned pitch and now looking straight at Charles's face.

Two people come out of the floating castle, and that is none other than Ryu and Mystique, who were inside the castle, who come out and see the situation.

"CHARLES!!" Mystique yelled after seeing the current situation.

At that moment, the whole world, no time, seemingly stopped, and the only thing that did not contain was Charles and Jean.

Both of them stare at each other, and even despite the situation, Charles seems to have a slight smile while looking at Jean. Charles's body is floating in the air and seemingly starts to degenerate slowly, yet he still has a smile.

"Don't let it control you," Charles said, his voice slightly louder than a whisper, still smiling.

However, when he said this, his whole body disintegrated into dust until nothing was left of him.

Like that, Charles Xavier, aka Professor X, had been killed by Jean Grey.

The moment Charles disappears, the whole area stops shaking. Everything floating before now had stopped, including the castle that immediately got destroyed when it hit the ground.

"NO!!" Mystique can only shout after seeing what happened.

Now calmer, Jean quickly turns her head toward Mystique's direction before her eyes land on Ryu, standing up near Mystique.

The moment she sees Ryu, her power seemingly flair up again and again, and the whole area start to shake.

Bram and Mary, who had regained their footing, immediately saw the situation, and Bram was the one who acted first.

He rushed forward and tried to attack Jean, but an invisible force stopped him in the middle of the air, and his body seemingly was crushed by the invisible force. However, before that can happen, Ryu quickly acts and uses Rashomon to attack Jean immediately, who stops it by using her power, creating an invisible shield.

But Ryu's aim was not to kill her; he used another part of Rashomon to grab hold of Bram with its Jaw and drag him away from being crushed before he was pulled right next to Ryu.

"So, what happened?" Ryu asks Bram, who immediately heals from his wounds while Mary makes her way next to him.

"The woman, Jean, seemed to go berserk and killed the guy in the wheelchair. Anything I should know about her?" Mary quickly answer Ryu's answer

"Nothing else I can say that you already know," Ryu said. "I guess it's time for us to try to take her down?"

"What do you have planned on how to beat her?" Mary asked before the objects started to b thrown at them; however, it was stopped by Rashomon.

"No, I don't. But I'm sure you might have a plan?" Ryu answered, "You are the smartest one out of all of us."

"Me? Having a plan?" Mary said before staying silent for a few seconds, "Yes, I do. But will this work? I don't know."

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's do this." Ryu said